26 research outputs found

    Anxiety and self-esteem as mediators of the relation between family communication and indecisiveness in adolescence

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    Abstract In this study, we explored the unique and common contributions of anxiety, self-esteem, and family communication on indecisiveness among adolescents. Three hundred and fifty pupils from 13 to 16 years of age completed selfreport measures on indecisiveness, quality of family communication, trait anxiety, and self-esteem. The findings in this study showed that students\u2019 indecisiveness is predicted by family communication mediated by anxiety and self-esteem. These results have important implications for practice as it stresses the importance of anxiety and self-esteem. Nevertheless, the counselors could also focus on enhancing relationship-building skills by introducing the adolescents\u2019 career formation as an adolescent\u2013parent joint project.L\u2019anxie\ub4te\ub4 et l\u2019estime de soi comme me\ub4diateurs de la relation entre communication au sein de la famille et indecision chronique a` l\u2019adolescence. Dans cette e\ub4tude, nous avons explore\ub4 les contributions uniques et communes de l\u2019anxiete\ub4, de l\u2019estime de soi et de la communication au sein de la famille sur l\u2019indecision chronique aupres d\u2019adolescents. Trois cent cinquante e\ub4le`ves a\u2c6ge\ub4s de 13 a` 16 ans ont rempli des mesures d\u2019auto-e\ub4valuation de l\u2019inde\ub4cision chronique, de la qualite\ub4 de la communication familiale, de l\u2019anxie\ub4te\ub4-trait et de l\u2019estime de soi. Les re\ub4sultats de cette e\ub4tude ont montre\ub4 que l\u2019inde\ub4cision des e\ub4tudiants est explique\ub4e par la communication au sein de la famille et que ce lien est me\ub4diatise\ub4 par l\u2019anxie\ub4te\ub4 et l\u2019estime de soi. Ces re\ub4sultats ont des implications importantes pour la pratique car ils soulignent l\u2019importance de l\u2019anxie\ub4te\ub4 et l\u2019estime de soi. Ne\ub4anmoins, les conseillers pourraient e\ub4galement se concentrer sur l\u2019ame\ub4lioration des compe\ub4tences de construction relationnelle en introduisant la formation professionnelle des adolescents comme un projet conjoint adolescent-parent.Resumen. Ansiedad y Autoestima como Mediadores de la Relacio\ub4n entre Comunicacio\ub4n Familiar e Indecisio\ub4n en la Adolescencia. En este estudio, exploramos las contribuciones u\ub4nicas y comunes de la ansiedad, la autoestima y la comunicacio\ub4n de familia en la indecisio\ub4n de los adolescentes. Tres y cientos cincuenta alumnos entre los 13 y 16 an\u2dcos completaron auto-evaluaciones sobre la indecisio\ub4n, la calidad de comunicacio\ub4n familiar, los rasgos de ansiedad y la autoestima. Los resultados en este estudio muestran que la indecisio\ub4n en los estudiantes es prevista por la comunicacio\ub4n familiar mediada por la ansiedad y la autoestima. Estos resultados tiene importantes implicaciones para la practica ya que destacan la importancia de la ansiedad y la autoestima. Sin embargo, los consejeros podr\u131\ub4an tambie\ub4n focalizarse en el aumento de sus habilidades para construir relaciones mediante la introduccio\ub4n de la formacio\ub4n profesional para adolescentes como un proyecto conjunto del adolescente-padre.Angst und Selbstwertgefu\ua8 hl als Mediatoren der Beziehung zwischen Kommunikation in der Familie und Unentschlossenheit in der Adoleszenz. In dieser Studie untersuchten wir die spezifischen und gemeinsamen Beitra\ua8ge von Angst, Selbstwertgefu\ua8hl und Kommunikation in der Familie auf Unentschlossenheit unter Jugendlichen. Dreihundertfu\ua8nfzig Schu\ua8ler, zwischen 13 bis 16 Jahre alt, fu\ua8llten Skalen zur Unentschlossenheit, Qualita\ua8t der Kommunikation in der Familie, A\ua8 ngstlichkeit und Selbstwertgefu\ua8hl aus. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigten, dass Unentschlossenheit der Schu\ua8ler von Kommunikation in der Familie vorhergesagt wird, vermittelt durch Angst und Selbstwertgefu\ua8 hl. Diese Ergebnisse haben wichtige Implikationen fu\ua8r die Praxis, da sie die Bedeutung von Angst und Selbstwertgefu\ua8hl hervorheben. Dennoch ko\ua8nnten sich die Beratungspersonen durch die Einfu\ua8hrung der beruflichen Bildung der Jugendlichen als ein gemeinsames Projekt von Jugendliche-Elternteil auch auf die Verbesserung der Fa\ua8higkeiten zum Aufbau von Beziehungen konzentrieren

    Is procrastination a vulnerability factor for hypertension and cardiovascular disease? Testing an extension of the procrastination–health model

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    Personality is an important epidemiological factor for understanding health outcomes. This study investigated the associations of trait procrastination with hypertension and cardiovascular disease (HT/CVD) and maladaptive coping by testing an extension of the procrastination–health model among individuals with and without HT/CVD. Individuals with self-reported HT/CVD (N = 182) and healthy controls (N = 564), from a community sample, completed an online survey including measures of personality, coping, and health outcomes. Logistic regression analysis controlling for demographic and higher order personality factors found that older age, lower education level and higher procrastination scores were associated with HT/CVD. Moderated mediation analyses with bootstrapping revealed that procrastination was more strongly associated with maladaptive coping behaviours in participants with HT/CVD than the healthy controls, and the indirect effects on stress through maladaptive coping were larger for the HT/CVD sample. Results suggest procrastination is a vulnerability factor for poor adjustment to and management of HT/CVD

    Exploring reasons and consequences of academic procrastination: an interview study

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    Grunschel C, Patrzek J, Fries S. Exploring reasons and consequences of academic procrastination: an interview study. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 2013;28(3):841-861.In the present study, we broadly investigated reasons and consequences of academic procrastination. Additionally, we explored whether students seeking help from student counselling services to overcome academic procrastination (counselling group) report more serious reasons and consequences of academic procrastination than students who procrastinate but seek no counselling support (non-counselling group). We conducted standardized interviews with university students (N = 36, of which 16 belonged to the counselling group) and analysed these using qualitative content analysis and frequency analysis. The reasons and consequences of academic procrastination, each summarized in a separate category system, were manifold. The category systems consisted of 20 main categories in total, subsuming 81 subcategories, of which 32 were inductively developed. The counselling group reported more serious reasons and consequences of academic procrastination than the non-counselling group. Our results suggest considering academic procrastination as a self-regulation failure and contribute to constructing interventions tailored to students' specific needs

    Retention of knowledge and perceived relevance of basic sciences in an integrated case-based learning (CBL) curriculum

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    Background: Knowledge and understanding of basic biomedical sciences remain essential to medical practice, particularly when faced with the continual advancement of diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. Evidence suggests, however, that retention tends to atrophy across the span of an average medical course and into the early postgraduate years, as preoccupation with clinical medicine predominates. We postulated that perceived relevance demonstrated through applicability to clinical situations may assist in retention of basic science knowledge.\ud \ud Methods: To test this hypothesis in our own medical student cohort, we administered a paper-based 50 MCQ assessment to a sample of students from Years 2 through 5. Covariates pertaining to demographics, prior educational experience, and the perceived clinical relevance of each question were also collected.\ud \ud Results: A total of 232 students (Years 2–5, response rate 50%) undertook the assessment task. This sample had comparable demographic and performance characteristics to the whole medical school cohort. In general, discipline-specific and overall scores were better for students in the latter years of the course compared to those in Year 2; male students and domestic students tended to perform better than their respective counterparts in certain disciplines. In the clinical years, perceived clinical relevance was significantly and positively correlated with item performance.\ud \ud Conclusions: This study suggests that perceived clinical relevance is a contributing factor to the retention of basic science knowledge and behoves curriculum planners to make clinical relevance a more explicit component of applied science teaching throughout the medical course