13 research outputs found

    Activin beta A subunit is expressed in bovine oviduct.

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    It is evident that members of several growth factor families are actively involved in embryogenesis from its earliest phases. Several reports also indicate the oviduct as a possible source of growth factors, suggesting an active role of this organ in mammalian embryonic development. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of activin/inhibin subunits in bovine oviduct since activin is a well-characterised morphogen in amphibian development. The presence of transcripts for alpha, beta A, and beta B subunits was investigated by analysing oviduct epithelial cells mRNA with reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Moreover, antisera specific for the three subunits were used for the Western blot analysis of the proteins secreted by oviduct epithelial cells in vitro and for their immunohistochemical localisation in different oviductal regions. Oviduct epithelial cells expressed only the beta A-subunit gene. Immunoreactive material was present among in vitro secreted proteins, indicating that the transcript is translated into a polypeptide that has been localised in the epithelium of both the ampullary and isthmic tract of the organ. Consistent with these results, the antisera for the alpha and beta B subunits did not recognise any specific antigen either among secreted proteins or in the sections. These results indicate that beta A subunit gene is expressed in bovine oviduct epithelial cells, and the protein is secreted in vitro and can be found along the whole extension of the organ. In the absence of alpha or beta B subunits, this suggests that activin A is present in bovine oviduct.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    Development, embryonic genome activity and mitochondrial characteristics of bovine-pig inter-family nuclear transfer embryos

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    The best results of inter-species somatic cell nuclear transfer (iSCNT) in mammals were obtained using closely related species that can hybridise naturally. However, in the last years, many reports describing blastocyst development following iSCNT between species with distant taxonomical relations (inter-classes, inter-order and inter-family) have been published. This indicates that embryonic genome activation (EGA) in xeno-cytoplasm is possible, albeit very rarely. Using a bovine-pig (inter-family) iSCNT model, we studied the basic characteristics of EGA: expression and activity of RNA polymerase II (RNA Pol II), formation of nucleoli (as an indicator of RNA polymerase I (RNA Pol I) activity), expression of the key pluripotency gene NANOG and alteration of mitochondrial mass. In control embryos (obtained by IVF or iSCNT), EGA was characterised by RNA Pol II accumulation and massive production of poly-adenylated transcripts (detected with oligo dT probes) in blastomere nuclei, and formation of nucleoli as a result of RNA Pol I activity. Conversely, iSCNT embryos were characterised by the absence of accumulation and low activity of RNA Pol II and inability to form active mature nucleoli. Moreover, in iSCNT embryos, NANOG was not expressed, and mitochondria mass was significantly lower than in intra-species embryos. Finally, the complete developmental block at the 16-25-cell stage for pig-bovine iSCNT embryos and at the four-cell stage for bovine-pig iSCNT embryos strongly suggests that EGA is not taking place in iSCNT embryos. Thus, our experiments clearly demonstrate poor nucleus-cytoplasm compatibility between these animal specie