7 research outputs found

    Power abilities: the structure of development in girls of 12-14 years old

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    The aim of the study. To determine the structure of the development of power abilities in girls aged 12-14 years. Materials and methods. Girls aged 12 years (n = 20) participated in the study; 13 years (n = 27), 14 years old (n = 30). Factorial analysis performed. Results. It is determined that the most informative in girls of 12-14 years old are the following tests: which characterize the development of dynamic and static strength of muscles of the feet and hands (girls of 12 years old); which characterize the development of static, high-speed strength of leg muscles, static and dynamic strength of the muscles of the abdomen and hands (girls of 13 years old); which characterize the development of the static and dynamic strength of leg muscles, the dynamic strength of the muscle of the hands (girls of 14 years old). Conclusions. Factor analysis allowed to determine informative indicators for controlling the development of power abilities in girls of 12-14 years old. The greatest weight in power preparedness has the relative and static strength of the leg muscles. In the second place, girls of 12-13 years old have the development of muscle strength shoulder girdle. 14 years old girls in second place, have the development of dynamic and static strength of the abdominal muscles and the dynamic strength of muscles of the shoulder girdle. Girls of 12 years old in third place have the development of coordination of movements, the static strength of the shoulder girdle and the dynamic strength of the back muscles. Girls of 13 years in the third place have development of the development of muscle strength of the abdomen. Girls of 14 years in third place have development of high-speed force and coordination of movements

    Individualization of forming health culture in schoolchildren of Polish schools

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    The aim is to highlight the issues of gender education and individual characteristics of schoolchildren in the formation of their health culture due to school conditions. Material: content analysis of domestic and foreign authors. Results . Determined that the peculiarities of forming health culture of schoolchildren make for the specifics of school age (primary school age - 6/7 - 10/11 years; teen school age - 12/13 - 15/16 years). It is found that the level of formation of health culture in childhood will depend on the next person’s lifestyle, the level of his personal potential. Gender approach in pedagogy can overcome entrenched negative gender stereotypes, to develop a set of approaches aimed at helping children to easily go through the process of socialization and gender identity. Conclusions: information about formation schoolchildren health culture should be provided necessarily considering age and individual characteristics of schoolchildren, because otherwise it can be confusing for them and as a consequence is not only beneficial, but also harm

    Structural model of in-group dynamic of 6-10 years old boys’ motor fitness

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    Purpose: to determine structural model of in-group dynamic of 6-10 years old boys’ motor fitness. Material: in the research 6 years old boys (n=48), 7 years old (n=45), 8 years old (n=60), 9 years’ age (n=47) and10 years’ age (n=40) participated. We carried out analysis of factorial model of schoolchildren’s motor fitness. Results: we received information for taking decisions in monitoring of physical education. This information is also necessary for working out of effective programs of children’s and adolescents’ physical training. We determined model of motor fitness and specified informative tests for pedagogic control in every age group. In factorial model of boys’ motor fitness the following factor is the most significant: for 6 years - complex development of motor skills; for 7 years - also complex development of motor skills; for 8 years - strength and coordination; for 9 years - complex development of motor skills; for 10 years - complex development of motor skills. Conclusions: In factorial model of 6-10 years old boys’ motor fitness the most significant are backbone and shoulder joints’ mobility, complex manifestation of motor skills, motor coordination. The most informative tests for assessment of different age boys’ motor fitness have been determined

    Assessment of functional, coordination and power fitness of 7-8 form boys

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    Purpose: determination of informative indicators of 7-8 form boys’ motor and functional fitness. Material: in the research 24 pupils of 7 th form and 35 pupils of 8 th form participated. For assessment of functional and motor fitness test of Shtange, Genchi, Serkin and motor tests were conducted. Results: Analysis witnesses that be results of testing between boys of 7 th and 8 th dorm there are statistically confident differences by most of indicators (p<0.05:0.001). By functioning of respiratory and blood circulation systems 7-8 form boy pupils were assessed as healthy-not trained. Conclusions: structural coefficients of canonic discriminant function witness that the function is connected to the largest extent with variables. So, substantial difference between 7 th for pupils and 8 th form pupils was observed in condition of motor abilities: speed-power, coordination of movements and strength itself

    Особистісно орієнтована система зміцнення фізичного, психічного і соціально-морального здоров'я студентів

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    Purpose: to work out content of individualized trainings, permitting to correct deviations in different aspects of physical, psychic and social-moral health of higher educational establishments’ students. Material: in experiment 105 boy students of 20-24 years’ age participated. All students gave conscious consent to participate in experiment. The trainings were practiced 4 times a week, 45 minutes each. Results: it is interesting that change of different personality’s features is rather long process, which in some aspects resist to changes. We showed approaches to training vitally important skills and abilities, required for adaptation to modern social cultural medium; to the simplest techniques of organization of independent health related physical culture trainings; to means of health strengthening, formation of knowledge on health related physical culture. We developed personality-oriented system of formation of psychic and social-moral health. Conclusions: the worked out approach permits to achieve real positive psychic and socially important qualities of student’s personality during one academic year.Мета : Розробити зміст індивідуалізованих тренувальних занять, що дозволяють коригувати відхилення в різних аспектах фізичного, психічного і соціально-морального здоров'я студентів вищих навчальних закладів. Матеріал : В експерименті брали участь 105 студентів (юнаки, вік 20-24 роки). Всі студенти дали інформовану згоду на участь в експерименті. Заняття проводилися по 4 рази в тиждень по 45 хвилин кожне. Результати : Звертає на себе увагу той факт, що зміна різних якостей особистості - досить тривалий процес, що трудно піддається змінам. Показані підходи до навчання: життєво важливих навичок і вмінь, необхідних для адаптації в сучасному соціокультурному середовищі; найпростішим прийомам організації самостійних занять оздоровчою фізичною культурою; способам зміцнення здоров'я, формування знань з оздоровчої фізичної культури. Розроблена особистісно-орієнтована система формування фізичного, психічного і соціально-морального здоров'я. Висновки : розроблений підхід дозволяє протягом одного навчального року домагатися реальних позитивних змін психічних і соціально-значущих якостей особистості студентів.Цель : Разработать содержание индивидуализированных тренировочных занятий, позволяющих корректировать отклонения в различных аспектах физического, психического и социально-нравственного здоровья студентов высших учебных заведений. Материал : В эксперименте принимали участие 105 студентов (юноши, возраст 20-24 года). Все студенты дали информированное согласие на участие в эксперименте. Занятия проводились по 4 раза в неделю по 45 минут каждое. Результаты : Обращает на себя внимание тот факт, что изменение различных качеств личности - достаточно длительный и не во всем поддающийся изменениям процесс. Показаны подходы к обучению: жизненно важным навыкам и умениям, необходимым для адаптации в современной социокультурной среде; простейшим приемам организации самостоятельных занятий оздоровительной физической культурой; способам укрепления здоровья, формирования знаний по оздоровительной физической культуре. Разработана личностно-ориентированная система формирования физического, психического и социально-нравственного здоровья. Выводы : разработанный подход позволяет в течение одного учебного года добиваться реальных положительных изменений психических и социально-значимых качеств личности студентов

    Simulation of the regularities of physical exercises learning process of boys aged 8 years old

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    Purpose: to determine the peculiarities of the formation of motor skills in boys aged 8 years. Materials and methods: In study participated boys of eight years old (n=48). The study used factor experiment plans. The purpose of this experiment was to optimize the modes of education and to determine the peculiarities of the formation of motor skills in boys. Results: Discriminant analysis allowed: to determine the modes of exercise in the formation of motor skills; to answer the question as to how significantly different modes of work on the effectiveness of the formation of motor skills. Established: which of the variables most significantly affect the differentiation of classes; to which class the object belongs based on the values discriminant variables. The influence of the number of approaches, the number of repetitions in the approach and the interval of rest on the level of training for movements is revealed. Conclusions: To choose the most rational mode of exercising in the process of forming motor skills can be used the first discriminating function with an emphasis on the most informative variables

    Phylum XIV. Bacteroidetes phyl. nov.

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