16 research outputs found

    Strong duality in conic linear programming: facial reduction and extended duals

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    The facial reduction algorithm of Borwein and Wolkowicz and the extended dual of Ramana provide a strong dual for the conic linear program (P)sup<c,x>AxKb (P) \sup {<c, x> | Ax \leq_K b} in the absence of any constraint qualification. The facial reduction algorithm solves a sequence of auxiliary optimization problems to obtain such a dual. Ramana's dual is applicable when (P) is a semidefinite program (SDP) and is an explicit SDP itself. Ramana, Tuncel, and Wolkowicz showed that these approaches are closely related; in particular, they proved the correctness of Ramana's dual using certificates from a facial reduction algorithm. Here we give a clear and self-contained exposition of facial reduction, of extended duals, and generalize Ramana's dual: -- we state a simple facial reduction algorithm and prove its correctness; and -- building on this algorithm we construct a family of extended duals when KK is a {\em nice} cone. This class of cones includes the semidefinite cone and other important cones.Comment: A previous version of this paper appeared as "A simple derivation of a facial reduction algorithm and extended dual systems", technical report, Columbia University, 2000, available from http://www.unc.edu/~pataki/papers/fr.pdf Jonfest, a conference in honor of Jonathan Borwein's 60th birthday, 201

    Pricing multiple exercise American options by linear programming

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    We consider the problem of computing the lower hedging price of American options of the call and put type written on a non-dividend paying stock in a non-recombinant tree model with multiple exercise rights. We prove using a simple argument that an optimal exercise policy for an option with h exercise rights is to delay exercise until the last h periods. The result implies that the mixedinteger programming model for computing the lower hedging price and the optimal exercise and hedging policy has a linear programming relaxation that is exact, i.e., the relaxation admits an optimal solution where all variables required to be integral have integer values. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017

    Fast design of transonic airfoils using the euler equations

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    Measures of controllability

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    Multiperiod Mean-CVaR Portfolio Selection

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