3,809 research outputs found

    Resolving the Azimuthal Ambiguity in Vector Magnetogram Data with the Divergence-Free Condition: Application to Discrete Data

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    We investigate how the divergence-free property of magnetic fields can be exploited to resolve the azimuthal ambiguity present in solar vector magnetogram data, by using line-of-sight and horizontal heliographic derivative information as approximated from discrete measurements. Using synthetic data we test several methods that each make different assumptions about how the divergence-free property can be used to resolve the ambiguity. We find that the most robust algorithm involves the minimisation of the absolute value of the divergence summed over the entire field of view. Away from disk centre this method requires the sign and magnitude of the line-of-sight derivatives of all three components of the magnetic field vector.Comment: Solar Physics, in press, 20 pages, 11 figure

    Zn-doping effect on the magnetotransport properties of Bi_{2}Sr_{2-x}La_{x}CuO_{6+\delta} single crystals

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    We report the magnetotransport properties of Bi_{2}Sr_{2-x}La_{x}Cu_{1-z}Zn_{z}O_{6+\delta} (Zn-doped BSLCO) single crystals with z of up to 2.2%. Besides the typical Zn-doping effects on the in-plane resistivity and the Hall angle, we demonstrate that the nature of the low-temperature normal state in the Zn-doped samples is significantly altered from that in the pristine samples under high magnetic fields. In particular, we observe nearly-isotropic negative magnetoresistance as well as an increase in the Hall coefficient at very low temperatures in non-superconducting Zn-doped samples, which we propose to be caused by the Kondo scattering from the local moments induced by Zn impurities.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, final version (one reference added), published in Phys. Rev.

    Combination Rules, Charge Symmetry, and Hall Effect in Cuprates

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    The rule relating the observed Hall coefficient to the spin and charge responses of the uniform doped Mott insulator is derived. It is essential to include the contribution of holon and spinon three-current correlations to the effective action of the gauge field. In the vicinity of the Mott insulating point the Hall coefficient is holon dominated and weakly temperature dependent. In the vicinity of a point of charge conjugation symmetry the holon contribution to the observed Hall coefficient is small: the Hall coefficient follows the temperature dependence of the diamagnetic susceptibility with a sign determined by the Fermi surface shape. NOTE: document prepared using REVTEX. (3 Figs, not included, available on request from: [email protected])Comment: 8 page

    Self- generated disorder and structural glass formation in homopolymer globules

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    We have investigated the interrelation between the spin glasses and the structural glasses. Spin glasses in this case are random magnets without reflection symmetry (e.g. pp - spin interaction spin glasses and Potts glasses) which contain quenched disorder, whereas the structural glasses are here exemplified by the homopolymeric globule, which can be viewed as a liquid of connected molecules on nano scales. It is argued that the homopolymeric globule problem can be mapped onto a disorder field theoretical model whose effective Hamiltonian resembles the corresponding one for the spin glass model. In this sense the disorder in the globule is self - generated (in contrast to spin glasses) and can be related with competitive interactions (virial coefficients of different signs) and the chain connectivity. The work is aimed at giving a quantitative description of this analogy. We have investigated the phase diagram of the homopolymeric globule where the transition line from the liquid to glassy globule is treated in terms of the replica symmetry breaking paradigm. The configurational entropy temperature dependence is also discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The Evolution of Sunspot Magnetic Fields Associated with a Solar Flare

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    Solar flares occur due to the sudden release of energy stored in active-region magnetic fields. To date, the pre-cursors to flaring are still not fully understood, although there is evidence that flaring is related to changes in the topology or complexity of an active region's magnetic field. Here, the evolution of the magnetic field in active region NOAA 10953 was examined using Hinode/SOT-SP data, over a period of 12 hours leading up to and after a GOES B1.0 flare. A number of magnetic-field properties and low-order aspects of magnetic-field topology were extracted from two flux regions that exhibited increased Ca II H emission during the flare. Pre-flare increases in vertical field strength, vertical current density, and inclination angle of ~ 8degrees towards the vertical were observed in flux elements surrounding the primary sunspot. The vertical field strength and current density subsequently decreased in the post-flare state, with the inclination becoming more horizontal by ~7degrees. This behaviour of the field vector may provide a physical basis for future flare forecasting efforts.Comment: Accepted for Publication in Solar Physics. 16 pages, 4 figure

    Non-Universal Power Law of the "Hall Scattering Rate" in a Single-Layer Cuprate Bi_{2}Sr_{2-x}La_{x}CuO_{6}

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    In-plane resistivity \rho_{ab}, Hall coefficient, and magnetoresistance (MR) are measured in a series of high-quality Bi_{2}Sr_{2-x}La_{x}CuO_{6} crystals with various carrier concentrations, from underdope to overdope. Our crystals show the highest T_c (33 K) and the smallest residual resistivity ever reported for Bi-2201 at optimum doping. It is found that the temperature dependence of the Hall angle obeys a power law T^n with n systematically decreasing with increasing doping, which questions the universality of the Fermi-liquid-like T^2 dependence of the "Hall scattering rate". In particular, the Hall angle of the optimally-doped sample changes as T^{1.7}, not as T^2, while \rho_{ab} shows a good T-linear behavior. The systematics of the MR indicates an increasing role of spin scattering in underdoped samples.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    On the Thermodynamic Geometry of BTZ Black Holes

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    We investigate the Ruppeiner geometry of the thermodynamic state space of a general class of BTZ black holes. It is shown that the thermodynamic geometry is flat for both the rotating BTZ and the BTZ Chern Simons black holes in the canonical ensemble. We further investigate the inclusion of thermal fluctuations to the canonical entropy of the BTZ Chern Simons black holes and show that the leading logartithmic correction due to Carlip is reproduced. We establish that the inclusion of thermal fluctuations induces a non zero scalar curvature to the thermodynamic geometry.Comment: 1+17 pages, LaTeX, 4 eps figure

    Universal Scaling of Strong-Field Localization in an Integer Quantum Hall Liquid

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    We study the Landau level localization and scaling properties of a disordered two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of a strong external magnetic field. The impurities are treated as random distributed scattering centers with parameterized potentials. Using a transfer matrix for a finite-width strip geometry, we calculate the localization length as a function of system size and electron energy. The finite-size localization length is determined by calculating the Lyapunov exponents of the transfer matrix. A detailed finite-size scaling analysis is used to study the critical behavior near the center of the Landau bands. The influence of varying the impurity concentration, the scattering potential range and its nature, and the Landau level index on the scaling behavior and on the critical exponent is systematically investigated. Particular emphasis is put on studying the effects of finite range of the disorder potential and Landau level coupling on the quantum localization behavior. Our numerical results, which are carried out on systems much larger than those studied before, indicate that pure δ\delta-function disorder in the absence of any Landau level coupling gives rise to non-universal localization properties with the critical exponents in the lowest two Landau levels being substantially different. Inclusion of a finite potential range and/or Landau level mixing may be essential in producing universality in the localization.Comment: 28 pages, Latex, 17 figures (available upon request), #phd0

    Effect of a magnetic field on the spin- and charge-density wave order in La1.45Nd0.4Sr0.15CuO4

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    The spin-density wave (SDW) and charge-density wave (CDW) order in superconducting La1.45Nd0.4Sr0.15CuO4 were studied under an applied magnetic field using neutron and X-ray diffraction techniques. In zero field, incommensurate (IC) SDW order appears below ~ 40 K, which is characterized by neutron diffraction peaks at (1/2 +/- 0.134, 1/2 +/- 0.134, 0). The intensity of these IC peaks increases rapidly below T_Nd ~ 8 K due to an ordering of the Nd^3+ spins. The application of a 1 T magnetic field parallel to the c-axis markedly diminishes the intensity below T_Nd, while only a slight decrease in intensity is observed at higher temperatures for fields up to 7 T. Our interpretation is that the c-axis field suppresses the parasitic Nd^3+ spin order at the incommensurate wave vector without disturbing the stripe order of Cu^2+ spins. Consistent with this picture, the CDW order, which appears below 60 K, shows no change for magnetic fields up to 4 T. These results stand in contrast to the significant field-induced enhancement of the SDW order observed in superconducting La2-xSrxCuO4 with x ~ 0.12 and stage-4 La2CuO4+y. The differences can be understood in terms of the relative volume fraction exhibiting stripe order in zero field, and the collective results are consistent with the idea that suppression of superconductivity by vortices nucleates local patches of stripe order.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Scalar Field Theory on Fuzzy S^4

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    Scalar fields are studied on fuzzy S4S^4 and a solution is found for the elimination of the unwanted degrees of freedom that occur in the model. The resulting theory can be interpreted as a Kaluza-Klein reduction of CP^3 to S^4 in the fuzzy context.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe