633 research outputs found

    A new crack tip element for the phantom-node method with arbitrary cohesive cracks

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    We have developed a new crack tip element for the phantom-node method. In this method, a crack tip can be placed inside an element. Therefore, cracks can propagate almost independent of the finite element mesh. We developed two different formulations for the three-node triangular element and fournode quadrilateral element, respectively. Although this method is well suited for the one-point quadrature scheme, it can be used with other general quadrature schemes. We provide some numerical examples for some static and dynamic problems

    Self-Trapped Exciton Defects in a Charge Density Wave: Electronic Excitations of BaBiO3

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    In the previous paper, it was shown that holes doped into BaBiO3 self-trap as small polarons and bipolarons. These point defects are energetically favorable partly because they undo locally the strain in the charge-density-wave (Peierls insulator) ground state. In this paper the neutral excitations of the same model are discussed. The lowest electronic excitation is predicted to be a self-trapped exciton, consisting of an electron and a hole located on adjacent Bi atoms. This excitation has been seen experimentally (but not identified as such) via the Urbach tail in optical absorption, and the multi-phonon spectrum of the ``breathing mode'' seen in Raman scattering. These two phenomena occur because of the Franck-Condon effect associated with oxygen displacement in the excited state.Comment: 5 pages with 7 embedded figures. See also cond-mat/0108089 on polarons and bipolarons in BaBiO3 contains background informatio

    How to best sample a periodic probability distribution, or on the accuracy of Hamiltonian finding strategies

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    Projective measurements of a single two-level quantum mechanical system (a qubit) evolving under a time-independent Hamiltonian produce a probability distribution that is periodic in the evolution time. The period of this distribution is an important parameter in the Hamiltonian. Here, we explore how to design experiments so as to minimize error in the estimation of this parameter. While it has been shown that useful results may be obtained by minimizing the risk incurred by each experiment, such an approach is computationally intractable in general. Here, we motivate and derive heuristic strategies for experiment design that enjoy the same exponential scaling as fully optimized strategies. We then discuss generalizations to the case of finite relaxation times, T_2 < \infty.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 3 appendices; Quantum Information Processing, Online First, 20 April 201


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    Magnetotransport near a quantum critical point in a simple metal

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    We use geometric considerations to study transport properties, such as the conductivity and Hall coefficient, near the onset of a nesting-driven spin density wave in a simple metal. In particular, motivated by recent experiments on vanadium-doped chromium, we study the variation of transport coefficients with the onset of magnetism within a mean-field treatment of a model that contains nearly nested electron and hole Fermi surfaces. We show that most transport coefficients display a leading dependence that is linear in the energy gap. The coefficient of the linear term, though, can be small. In particular, we find that the Hall conductivity σxy\sigma_{xy} is essentially unchanged, due to electron-hole compensation, as the system goes through the quantum critical point. This conclusion extends a similar observation we made earlier for the case of completely flat Fermi surfaces to the immediate vicinity of the quantum critical point where nesting is present but not perfect.Comment: 11 pages revtex, 4 figure

    Asteroseismology of Eclipsing Binary Stars in the Kepler Era

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    Eclipsing binary stars have long served as benchmark systems to measure fundamental stellar properties. In the past few decades, asteroseismology - the study of stellar pulsations - has emerged as a new powerful tool to study the structure and evolution of stars across the HR diagram. Pulsating stars in eclipsing binary systems are particularly valuable since fundamental properties (such as radii and masses) can determined using two independent techniques. Furthermore, independently measured properties from binary orbits can be used to improve asteroseismic modeling for pulsating stars in which mode identifications are not straightforward. This contribution provides a review of asteroseismic detections in eclipsing binary stars, with a focus on space-based missions such as CoRoT and Kepler, and empirical tests of asteroseismic scaling relations for stochastic ("solar-like") oscillations.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables; Proceedings of the AAS topical conference "Giants of Eclipse" (AASTCS-3), July 28 - August 2 2013, Monterey, C

    Identification of disease-relevant modulators of the SHH pathway in the developing brain

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    Pathogenic gene variants in humans that affect the sonic hedgehog (SHH) pathway lead to severe brain malformations with variable penetrance due to unknown modifier genes. To identify such modifiers, we established novel congenic mouse models. LRP2-deficient C57BL/6N mice suffer from heart outflow tract defects and holoprosencephaly caused by impaired SHH activity. These defects are fully rescued on a FVB/N background, indicating a strong influence of modifier genes. Applying comparative transcriptomics, we identified Pttg1 and Ulk4 as candidate modifiers upregulated in the rescue strain. Functional analyses showed that ULK4 and PTTG1, both microtubule-associated proteins, are positive regulators of SHH signaling, rendering the pathway more resilient to disturbances. In addition, we characterized ULK4 and PTTG1 as previously unidentified components of primary cilia in the neuroepithelium. The identification of genes that powerfully modulate the penetrance of genetic disturbances affecting the brain and heart is likely relevant to understanding the variability in human congenital disorders

    Production of Lambda and Sigma^0 hyperons in proton-proton collisions

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    This paper reports results on simultaneous measurements of the reaction channels pp -> pK+\Lambda and pp -> pK+\Sigma^0 at excess energies of 204, 239, and 284 MeV (\Lambda) and 127, 162, and 207 MeV (\Sigma^0). Total and differential cross sections are given for both reactions. It is concluded from the measured total cross sections that the high energy limit of the cross section ratio is almost reached at an excess energy of only about 200 MeV. From the differential distributions observed in the overall CMS as well as in the Jackson and helicity frames, a significant contribution of interfering nucleon resonances to the \Lambda production mechanism is concluded while resonant \Sigma^0-production seems to be of lesser importance and takes place only through specific partial waves of the entrance channel. The data also indicate that kaon exchange plays a minor role in the case of \Lambda- but an important role for \Sigma^0-production. Thus the peculiar energy dependence of the \Lambda-to-\Sigma^0 cross section ratio appears in a new light as its explanation requires more than mere differences between the p\Lambda and the p\Sigma^0 final state interaction. The data provide a benchmark for theoretical models already available or yet to come.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures; accepted by The European Physical Journal A (EPJ A