19 research outputs found

    Relative roles of cortical and trabecular thinning in reducing osteoporotic vertebral body stiffness: a modelling study

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    While the effects of reduced bone density on osteoporotic vertebral strength are well known, the relative roles of cortical shell and trabecular architecture thinning in determining vertebral stiffness and strength are less clear. These are important parameters in investigating the changing biome-chanics of the ageing spine, and in assessing the effect of stiff-ening procedures such as vertebroplasty on neighbouring spinal segments. This work presents the development of a microstructural computer model of the osteoporotic lumbar vertebral body, allowing detailed prediction of the effects of bone micro-architecture on vertebral stiffness and strength. Microstructural finite element models of an L3 human ver-tebral body were created. The cortex geometry was repre-sented with shell elements and the trabecular network with a lattice of beam elements. Trabecular architecture was varied according to age. Each beam network model was validated against experimental data. Models were generated to represent vertebral bodies of age 75y respectively. For all models, an initial cortical shell thickness of 0.5mm was used, followed by reductions in the age >75y models to 0.35mm and 0.2mm to represent cortical thinning in late stage osteoporosis. Loads were applied to simulate in vitro biomechanical testing, compressing the vertebra by 20% of its height. Predicted vertebral stiffness and strength reduced with pro-gressive age changes in microarchitecture, demonstrating a 44% reduction in stiffness and a 43% reduction in strength, between the age 75 models. Reducing cortical thickness in the age >75 models demonstrated a substantial reduction in stiffness and strength, resulting in a 48% reduc-tion in stiffness and a 62% reduction in strength between the 0.5mm and 0.2mm cortical thickness models. Cortical thinning in late stage osteoporosis may therefore play an even greater role in reducing vertebral stiffness and strength than earlier reductions due to trabecular thinning

    Three dimensional stereolithography models of cancellous bone structures from UCT data: testing and validation of finite element results

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    Stereolithography (STL) models of complex cancellous bone structures have been produced from three-dimensional micro-computed tomography data sets of human cancellous bone histological samples from four skeletal sites. The STL models have been mechanically tested and the derived stiffness compared with that predicted by finite element analysis. The results show a strong correlation (R 2 = 0.941) between the predicted and calculated stiffnesses of the structures and show promise for the use of STL as an additional technique to complement the use of finite element models, for the assessment of the mechanical properties of complex cancellous bone structures. © IMechE 2006