1,818 research outputs found

    Generalized Mutual Subspace Based Methods for Image Set Classification

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    Abstract. The subspace-based methods are effectively applied to classify sets of feature vectors by modeling them as subspaces. It is, however, difficult to appropriately determine the subspace dimensionality in advance for better performance. For alleviating such issue, we present a generalized mutual subspace method by introducing soft weighting across the basis vectors of the subspace. The bases are effectively combined via the soft weights to measure the subspace similarities (angles) without definitely setting the subspace dimensionality. By using the soft weighting, we consequently propose a novel mutual subspace-based method to construct the discriminative space which renders more discriminative subspace similarities. In the experiments on 3D object recognition using image sets, the proposed methods exhibit stably favorable performances compared to the other subspace-based methods.

    Die interkulturelle Schwellenphase als wesentlicher Zeitraum für den Erfolg der interkulturellen Kommunikation:eine qualitativ-empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel des langjährigen Auslandsaufenthalts

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Konzipierung des Begriffs interkulturelle Schwellenphase. Auf den theoretischen Grundlagen der interkulturellen Kommunikation und Kompetenz und zudem den Übergangsritualtheorien aus der Ethnologie lässt sich der Begriff mit zwei Aspekten von der Struktur und dem Charakter überprüfen. Im Rahmen der thematischen Einschränkung des Konzepts auf internationale und langjährige Kommunikation stellen sich zwei Hypothesen: erstens ist der Erwerbsprozess der interkulturellen Kompetenz anhand der Übergangsritualtheorien erklärbar. Zweitens spielt die Schwellenphase dabei eine entscheidende Rolle, den Prozess zu fördern. Die empirische Untersuchung, die basierend auf dem doppelten Forschungsansatz der subjektiven Theorien, aus dem Fragebogen und dem Leitfadeninterview besteht, bestätigt die Hypothesen und zeigt, dass die Flexibilität und die Offenheit für die Intensivierung und die Ausdauer der Schwellenphase von großer Bedeutung sind

    Hawking Radiation as Quantum Tunneling in Rindler Coordinate

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    We substantiate the Hawking radiation as quantum tunneling of fields or particles crossing the horizon by using the Rindler coordinate. The thermal spectrum detected by an accelerated particle is interpreted as quantum tunneling in the Rindler spacetime. Representing the spacetime near the horizon locally as a Rindler spacetime, we find the emission rate by tunneling, which is expressed as a contour integral and gives the correct Boltzmann factor. We apply the method to non-extremal black holes such as a Schwarzschild black hole, a non-extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole, a charged Kerr black hole, de Sitter space, and a Schwarzschild-anti de Sitter black hole.Comment: LaTex 19 pages, no figure; references added and replaced by the version accepted in JHE

    Estimating the carbon dynamics of South Korean forests from 1954 to 2012

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    Forests play an important role in the global carbon (C) cycle, and the South Korean forests also contribute to this global C cycle. While the South Korean forest ecosystem was almost completely destroyed by exploitation and the Korean War, it has successfully recovered because of national-scale reforestation programs since 1973. There have been several studies on the estimation of C stocks and balances over the past decades in the South Korean forests. However, a retrospective long-term study that includes biomass and dead organic matter C and validates dead organic matter C is still lacking. Accordingly, we estimated the C stocks and their changes of both biomass and dead organic matter C during the 1954-2012 period using a process-based model, the Korean Forest Soil Carbon model, and the 5th South Korean national forest inventory (NFI) report. Validation processes were also conducted based on the 5th NFI and statistical data. Simulation results showed that the biomass C stocks increased from 36.4 to 440.4 Tg C at a rate of 7.0 Tg C yrg-1 during the period 1954-2012. The dead organic matter C stocks increased from 386.0 to 463.1 Tg C at a rate of 1.3 Tg C yrg-1 during the same period. The estimates of biomass and dead organic matter C stocks agreed well with observed C stock data. The annual net biome production (NBP) during the period 1954-2012 was 141.3 g C mg-2 yrg-1, which increased from ??'8.8 g C mg-2 yrg-1 in 1955 to 436.6 g C mg-2 yrg-1 in 2012. Because of the small forested area, the South Korean forests had a comparatively lower contribution to the annual C sequestration by global forests. In contrast, because of the extensive reforestation programs, the NBP of South Korean forests was much higher than those of other countries. Our results could provide the forest C dynamics in South Korean forests before and after the onset of reforestation programs.Korea Forest Service (S111314L100120, S111114L030100) and Korea Ministry of Environment (C314-00131-0408-0).Scopu

    Semi-supervised prediction of protein interaction sentences exploiting semantically encoded metrics

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    Protein-protein interaction (PPI) identification is an integral component of many biomedical research and database curation tools. Automation of this task through classification is one of the key goals of text mining (TM). However, labelled PPI corpora required to train classifiers are generally small. In order to overcome this sparsity in the training data, we propose a novel method of integrating corpora that do not contain relevance judgements. Our approach uses a semantic language model to gather word similarity from a large unlabelled corpus. This additional information is integrated into the sentence classification process using kernel transformations and has a re-weighting effect on the training features that leads to an 8% improvement in F-score over the baseline results. Furthermore, we discover that some words which are generally considered indicative of interactions are actually neutralised by this process

    Prediction of Ferromagnetic Ground State of NaCl-type FeN

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    Ab-initio results for structural and electronic properties of NaCl-type FeN are presented in a framework of plane-wave and ultrasoft pseudopotentials. Competition among different magnetic ordering is examined. We find the ferromagnetic phase stable overall. Stabilization over the unpolarized phase is obtained by splitting one flat t_2g-type band crossing the Fermi energy. A comparison with CrN is considered. We find large differences in the properties of the two systems that can be addressed to the smaller ionicity and magnetization of FeN.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, twocolumn latex style Sentence changed in Section III line 1

    Origin of the shadow Fermi surface in Bi-based cuprates

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    We used angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to study the shadow Fermi surface in one layer Bi2Sr1.6La0.4CuO6+delta and two layer (Bi,Pb)2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta. We find the shadow band to have the same peakwidth and dispersion as the main band. In addition, the shadow band/main band intensity ratio is found to be binding energy independent. Consequently, it is concluded that the shadow bands in Bi-based HTSC do not originate from antiferromagnetic interactions but have a structural origin.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Broilers fed a low protein diet supplemented with synthetic amino acids maintained growth performance and retained intestinal integrity while reducing nitrogen excretion when raised under poor sanitary conditions

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    The present study investigated the effects of supplementing a low protein (LP) diet supplemented with key essential amino acids (AA) to broilers on growth performance, intestinal tract function, blood metabolites, and nitrogen excretion when the animals were maintained under various sanitary conditions for 35 D after hatching. Three hundred eighty-four one-day-old male broilers (Ross 308) were randomly allotted to groups that received one of 6 dietary treatments in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement (i.e., 2 environmental conditions and 3 dietary treatments) to give 8 replicates per treatment. Broilers were challenged with 2 environmental conditions (sanitary vs. poor sanitary). The dietary treatments were (1) high protein (HP) diet, (2) LP diet, and (3) LP diet with synthetic key essential AA (LPA): the LP diet was supplemented with synthetic AA up to the required levels for broilers. On day 14, birds consumed the LP diet impaired growth performance compared with those fed the HP diet, while the average daily weight gain-to-feed conversion ratio of birds fed the LPA diet improved to the level of birds fed the HP diet under poor sanitary conditions (P < 0.05). Broilers raised under poor sanitary conditions and fed the LP diet displayed higher (P < 0.05) zonula occludens (ZO-1) expression on day 14 than broilers fed either the HP or LPA diet. Under sanitary conditions, birds fed HP and LPA diets showed higher villus height and crypt depth compared with those of broilers fed the LP diet on day 35. Moreover, broilers raised in the poor sanitary environment had higher (P < 0.05) serum endotoxins than those raised in the sanitary environment. Broilers fed the LPA diet showed reduced (P < 0.05) nitrogen excretion on days 14 and 35 compared with those fed the LP and HP diets independent of the environment. In conclusion, the LPA diet did not impair growth performance under poor sanitary conditions for 14 D after hatch while resulting in lower nitrogen excretion in any environment conditions throughout the experiment

    Quark Mass Textures and sin 2 beta

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    Recent precise measurements of sin 2 beta from the B-factories (BABAR and BELLE) and a better known strange quark mass from lattice QCD make precision tests of predictive texture models possible. The models tested include those hierarchical N-zero textures classified by Ramond, Roberts and Ross, as well as any other hierarchical matrix Ansatz with non-zero 12 = 21 and vanishing 11 and 13 elements. We calculate the maximally allowed value for sin 2 beta in these models and show that all the aforementioned models with vanishing 11 and 13 elements are ruled out at the 3 sigma level. While at present sin 2 beta and |Vub/Vcb| are equally good for testing N-zero texture models, in the near future the former will surpass the latter in constraining power.Comment: 1+20 pages, 2 figures, JHEP3 clas