7 research outputs found

    Effects of Membership of Rice Farmers Associations on Access to Institutional Support for Rice Production in Kaduna and Kano States, Northwest Nigeria

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    The study examined the effects of membership of Rice Farmers Associations (RFAs) on access to institutional support for rice production in Kaduna and Kano States, North West Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used for the selection of 282 respondents comprising of 141 members and 141 non-members from both States while semi-structured questionnaires were used for data collection. Data was analysis was done using descriptive statistics and Z-test. Results of the study showed that members had significantly higher amount of agricultural credit than non-members in Kaduna and Kano. There was no significant difference at P<0.05 in access to agricultural extension services among members and non-members in Kaduna.  In Kano, access to agricultural extension services was significantly better among members than non-members. Access to improved seeds and subsidised fertiliser through the Growth Enhancement Support Scheme of the Federal Government was not influenced by membership of RFAs in the study area. The study concluded that access to institutional support for rice production was similar among members and non-members of RFAs. It is recommended that the government should ensure that farmers are not only encouraged to join associations but are supported with necessary inputs and extension advisory services to boost food production. Existing local structures that farmers depend on for support in food production should be identified and strengthened for them to provide better services. Keywords: Rice Farmers Associations, access to credit, access to extension services, access to seeds and subsidised fertiliser, Nigeri

    Membership of Rice Farmers Associations and Adoption of Improved Rice Production Technology in Kaduna and Kano States, North West Nigeria

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    The study examined adoption of recommended practices on improved rice production technology among members and non-members of Rice Farmers Associations in Kaduna and Kano States, North West Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used for the selection of 282 respondents comprising of 141 members and 141 non-members from both States and semi-structured questionnaires were used for data collection. Data analysis was done by using descriptive statistics and Z-test. Results of the study showed that apart from number of years of formal education and use of mobile phones, there were significant differences (P<0.05) in age, household size, household labour, size of rice field and years of experience in rice production among members and non-members. In terms of adoption of recommended practices on improved rice production technology, performance of members was significantly better (P<0.05) than that of non-members in Kaduna whereas no significant difference was observed among members and non-members in Kano. Encouraging farmers to join Rice Farmers Associations alone may not lead to better adoption of improved rice production technology. It is recommended that the capacity of Rice Farmers Associations should be strengthened for them to operate as business entities and gain access to formal markets. Keywords: Adoption, Improved Rice Production Technology, Rice Farmers Associations and Socioeconomic Characteristic

    Performance of Improved Dairy Cattle Technologies Among Farmers in Northern Nigeria

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    The study evaluated the performance of different dairy cattle technologies adopted by dairy farmers in 16 States of Northern Nigeria. Purposive sampling procedure was used to select the study area due to the presence of improved dairy farms in the area. Questionnaire was used to collect data from 61 registered improved dairy farmers in the area. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, F-test and gross margin analysis. The majority of improved dairy cattle farmers were in their middle age, majority of them (60%) have university degrees, had annual income of about N20,000,000.00. It also revealedlow extension contact among dairy farmers. It showed a gross margin of N11,912.54; N6,383.23 and N2,547.99 per dairy cow foe exotic, crossbred and Bunaji cattl

    Performance of Improved Dairy Cattle Technologies Among Farmers in Northern Nigeria

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    The study evaluated the performance of different dairy cattle technologies adopted by dairy farmers in 16 States of Northern Nigeria. Purposive sampling procedure was used to select the study area due to the presence of improved dairy farms in the area. Questionnaire was used to collect data from 61 registered improved dairy farmers in the area. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, F-test and gross margin analysis. The majority of improved dairy cattle farmers were in their middle age, majority of them (60%) have university degrees, had annual income of about N20,000,000.00. It also revealedlow extension contact among dairy farmers. It showed a gross margin of N11,912.54; N6,383.23 and N2,547.99 per dairy cow foe exotic, crossbred and Bunaji cattl

    The nexus between sustainable value chain activities and financial benefits of the soybean value chain system in the Northern Regions of Ghana

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    Soybean is an important crop that contributes to economic freedom and food security. The study of soybean value chain is therefore important to improve on the activities of the chain actors for an overall economic gains. This paper aims to examine the nexus between sustainable value chain and financial benefits of the soybean value chain system in Ghana. Specifically, we employ the triple bottom line model to examine the soybean value chain from economic, social and environmental perspectives using sample data from Ghana. With a sample size of 300 including all actors of the value chain, our findings reveal that chain actors do not differ in their perceptions of overall financial gains that accrued to them with their involvement in chain economic activities. The findings further revealed that perceived financial sustainability of chain activities was affected by tangible financial benefits. Moreover, the results further show that chain actors’ perception of social sustainability performance was significantly affected by expected overall financial gains that accrue to them as a result of their participation in chain economic activities

    The nexus between sustainable value chain activities and financial benefits of the soybean value chain system in the Northern Regions of Ghana

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    Soybean is an important crop that contributes to economic freedom and food security. The study of soybean value chain is therefore important to improve on the activities of the chain actors for an overall economic gains. This paper aims to examine the nexus between sustainable value chain and financial benefits of the soybean value chain system in Ghana. Specifically, we employ the triple bottom line model to examine the soybean value chain from economic, social and environmental perspectives using sample data from Ghana. With a sample size of 300 including all actors of the value chain, our findings reveal that chain actors do not differ in their perceptions of overall financial gains that accrued to them with their involvement in chain economic activities. The findings further revealed that perceived financial sustainability of chain activities was affected by tangible financial benefits. Moreover, the results further show that chain actors’ perception of social sustainability performance was significantly affected by expected overall financial gains that accrue to them as a result of their participation in chain economic activities

    Grain Legumes for soil productivity improvement in the Northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria

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    The Nigerian savanna zone is currently witnessing increasing intensities of crop and livestock production activities that are resulting in increased soil erosion, de-vegetation of the land area, and desert encroachment especially during the dry season. These may have led to the presence of several over- grazed and bare ground areas that is highly susceptible to soil erosion. At harvest, both crop and residues are removed from the field, thus limiting potential nutrient recycling between crop and soil, and further impoverishing the nutrient status of the soils. The Nigerian savanna zone soils therefore have low total nitrogen, organic carbon, available phosphorus and cation exchange capacity. They also have very poor moisture holding capacity, and are therefore said to have poor fertility status and very low buffering capacity. The present study aimed to determine effects of Grain Legumes on soil potential in the arid systems was therefore imposed on the soils in the Zaria area. Results show that sole legumes and legume/maize treatments generally resulted in higher organic carbon contribution than sole maize reatment, suggesting that sole maize grown continuously on one farm for years could degrade the organic carbon content of the soil. Also, the sole legume and legume/maize treatments resulted in improvements in soil nitrogen in the range between 65.6 and 84.8 %, while nitrogen under sole maize resulted in only 5.9 % increase. In 2001, groundnut/maize inter-crop resulted in significantly higher maize grain yield (1.49 t ha-1) than the other treatments. Comparing between maize grain yields in 2001 and 2002, maize grain improved by 20.1% under sole maize, 95.0% under maize in sole groundnut, 92.8% under maize in soybean, and 98.4% under maize in cowpea. This would confirm that the sole legume planting for two years restored fertility status of the soils and enhanced the soil organic carbon and total nitrogen, to have resulted in greater maize grain yield than under the sole maize despite the 120 kg N fertilizer applied to the sole maize