22 research outputs found

    Election Verifiability for Helios under Weaker Trust Assumptions

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    Most electronic voting schemes aim at providing verifiability: voters should trust the result without having to rely on some authorities. Actually, even a prominent voting system like Helios cannot fully achieve verifiability since a dishonest bulletin board may add ballots. This problem is called ballot stuffing. In this paper we give a definition of verifiability in the computational model to account for a malicious bulletin board that may add ballots. Next, we provide a generic construction that transforms a voting scheme that is verifiable against an honest bulletin board and an honest registration authority (weak verifiability) into a verifiable voting scheme under the weaker trust assumption that the registration authority and the bulletin board are not simultaneously dishonest (strong verifiability). This construction simply adds a registration authority that sends private credentials to the voters, and publishes the corresponding public credentials. We further provide simple and natural criteria that imply weak verifiability. As an application of these criteria, we formally prove the latest variant of Helios by Bernhard, Pereira and Warinschi weakly verifiable. By applying our generic construction we obtain a Helios-like scheme that has ballot privacy and strong verifiability (and thus prevents ballot stuffing). The resulting voting scheme, Helios-C, retains the simplicity of Helios and has been implemented and tested

    Efficient Conditional Proxy Re-encryption with Chosen-Ciphertext Security

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    Recently, a variant of proxy re-encryption, named conditional proxy re-encryption (C-PRE), has been introduced. Compared with traditional proxy re-encryption, C-PRE enables the delegator to implement fine-grained delegation of decryption rights, and thus is more useful in many applications. In this paper, based on a careful observation on the existing definitions and security notions for C-PRE, we reformalize more rigorous definition and security notions for C-PRE. We further propose a more efficient C-PRE scheme, and prove its chosenciphertext security under the decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption in the random oracle model. In addition, we point out that a recent C-PRE scheme fails to achieve the chosen-ciphertext security

    Increased Resilience in Threshold Cryptography: Sharing a Secret with Devices That Cannot Store Shares

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    Threshold cryptography has been used to secure data and control access by sharing a private cryptographic key over different devices. This means that a minimum number of these devices, the threshold t+1t+1, need to be present to use the key. The benefits are increased security, because an adversary can compromise up to tt devices, and resilience, since any subset of t+1t+1 devices is sufficient. Many personal devices are not suitable for threshold schemes, because they do not offer secure storage, which is needed to store shares of the private key. This article presents several protocols in which shares are stored in protected form (possibly externally). This makes them suitable for low-cost devices with a factory-embedded key, e.g., car keys and access cards. All protocols are verifiable through public broadcast, thus without private channels. In addition, distributed key generation does not require all devices to be present

    Group Key Exchange Enabling On-Demand Derivation of Peer-to-Peer Keys

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    Abstract. We enrich the classical notion of group key exchange (GKE) protocols by a new property that allows each pair of users to derive an independent peer-to-peer (p2p) key on-demand and without any subsequent communication; this, in addition to the classical group key shared amongst all the users. We show that GKE protocols enriched in this way impose new security challenges concerning the secrecy and independence of both key types. The special attention should be paid to possible collusion attacks aiming to break the secrecy of p2p keys possibly established between any two non-colluding users. In our constructions we utilize the well-known parallel Diffie-Hellman key exchange (PDHKE) technique in which each party uses the same exponent for the computation of p2p keys with its peers. First, we consider PDHKE in GKE protocols where parties securely transport their secrets for the establishment of the group key. For this we use an efficient multi-recipient ElGamal encryption scheme. Further, based on PDHKE we design a generic compiler for GKE protocols that extend the classical Diffie-Hellman method. Finally, we investigate possible optimizations of these protocols allowing parties to re-use their exponents to compute both group and p2p keys, and show that not all such GKE protocols can be optimized. Key words: group key exchange, peer-to-peer keys, on-demand derivation

    Reliable Intersection Computation within Malicious Environments

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    Heuristics for Minimum Brauer Chain Problem

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    On Anonymity of Group Signatures

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    A secure group signature is required to be anonymous, that is, given two group signatures generated by two di#erent members on the same message or two group signatures generated by the same member on two different messages, they are indistinguishable except for the group manager. In this paper we prove the equivalence of a group signature's anonymity and its indistinguishability against chosen ciphertext attacks if we view a group signature as an encryption of member identity. Particularly, we prove ACJT's group signature is IND-CCA2 secure, so ACJT's scheme is anonymous in the strong sense. The result is an answer to an open question in literature