686 research outputs found

    Lattice supersymmetry, superfields and renormalization

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    We study Euclidean lattice formulations of non-gauge supersymmetric models with up to four supercharges in various dimensions. We formulate the conditions under which the interacting lattice theory can exactly preserve one or more nilpotent anticommuting supersymmetries. We introduce a superfield formalism, which allows the enumeration of all possible lattice supersymmetry invariants. We use it to discuss the formulation of Q-exact lattice actions and their renormalization in a general manner. In some examples, one exact supersymmetry guarantees finiteness of the continuum limit of the lattice theory. As a consequence, we show that the desired quantum continuum limit is obtained without fine tuning for these models. Finally, we discuss the implications and possible further applications of our results to the study of gauge and non-gauge models.Comment: 44 pages, 1 figur

    Is Barbero's Hamiltonian formulation a Gauge Theory of Lorentzian Gravity?

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    This letter is a critique of Barbero's constrained Hamiltonian formulation of General Relativity on which current work in Loop Quantum Gravity is based. While we do not dispute the correctness of Barbero's formulation of general relativity, we offer some criticisms of an aesthetic nature. We point out that unlike Ashtekar's complex SU(2) connection, Barbero's real SO(3) connection does not admit an interpretation as a space-time gauge field. We show that if one tries to interpret Barbero's real SO(3) connection as a space-time gauge field, the theory is not diffeomorphism invariant. We conclude that Barbero's formulation is not a gauge theory of gravity in the sense that Ashtekar's Hamiltonian formulation is. The advantages of Barbero's real connection formulation have been bought at the price of giving up the description of gravity as a gauge field.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, revised in the light of referee's comments, accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Charged Particles in a 2+1 Curved Background

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    The coupling to a 2+1 background geometry of a quantized charged test particle in a strong magnetic field is analyzed. Canonical operators adapting to the fast and slow freedoms produce a natural expansion in the inverse square root of the magnetic field strength. The fast freedom is solved to the second order. At any given time, space is parameterized by a couple of conjugate operators and effectively behaves as the `phase space' of the slow freedom. The slow Hamiltonian depends on the magnetic field norm, its covariant derivatives, the scalar curvature and presents a peculiar coupling with the spin-connection.Comment: 22 page

    Inflation in Realistic D-Brane Models

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    We find successful models of D-brane/anti-brane inflation within a string context. We work within the GKP-KKLT class of type IIB string vacua for which many moduli are stabilized through fluxes, as recently modified to include `realistic' orbifold sectors containing standard-model type particles. We allow all moduli to roll when searching for inflationary solutions and find that inflation is not generic inasmuch as special choices must be made for the parameters describing the vacuum. But given these choices inflation can occur for a reasonably wide range of initial conditions for the brane and antibrane. We find that D-terms associated with the orbifold blowing-up modes play an important role in the inflationary dynamics. Since the models contain a standard-model-like sector after inflation, they open up the possibility of addressing reheating issues. We calculate predictions for the CMB temperature fluctuations and find that these can be consistent with observations, but are generically not deep within the scale-invariant regime and so can allow appreciable values for dns/dlnkdn_s/d\ln k as well as predicting a potentially observable gravity-wave signal. It is also possible to generate some admixture of isocurvature fluctuations.Comment: 39 pages, 21 figures; added references; identified parameters combining successful inflation with strong warping, as needed for consistency of the approximation

    1/2-BPS Correlators as c=1 S-matrix

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    We argue from two complementary viewpoints of Holography that the 2-point correlation functions of 1/2-BPS multi-trace operators in the large-N (planar) limit are nothing but the (Wick-rotated) S-matrix elements of c=1 matrix model. On the bulk side, we consider an Euclideanized version of the so-called bubbling geometries and show that the corresponding droplets reach the conformal boundary. Then the scattering matrix of fluctuations of the droplets gives directly the two-point correlators through the GKPW prescription. On the Yang-Mills side, we show that the two-point correlators of holomorphic and anti-holomorphic operators are essentially equivalent with the transformation functions between asymptotic in- and out-states of c=1 matrix model. Extension to non-planar case is also discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, corrected typos, version to appear in JHE

    Generating Optimal Topologies in Structural Design Using a Homogenization Method,"

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    This paper proposes a basic method for designing light and rigid structures that have a maximum natural frequency for a designated mode. A design variable "density," related to the material properties of a three-dimensional solid element, is introduced into the finite element method ( FEM ). Thus, a structure is expressed as a density distribution inside its design domain, and the optimal structure is obtained by searching for the most suitable such distribution

    Uplifting and Inflation with D3 Branes

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    Back-reaction effects can modify the dynamics of mobile D3 branes moving within type IIB vacua, in a way which has recently become calculable. We identify some of the ways these effects can alter inflationary scenarios, with the following three results: (1) By examining how the forces on the brane due to moduli-stabilizing interactions modify the angular motion of D3 branes moving in Klebanov-Strassler type throats, we show how previous slow-roll analyses can remain unchanged for some brane trajectories, while being modified for other trajectories. These forces cause the D3 brane to sink to the bottom of the throat except in a narrow region close to the D7 brane, and do not ameliorate the \eta-problem of slow roll inflation in these throats; (2) We argue that a recently-proposed back-reaction on the dilaton field can be used to provide an alternative way of uplifting these compactifications to Minkowski or De Sitter vacua, without the need for a supersymmetry-breaking anti-D3 brane; and (3) by including also the D-term forces which arise when supersymmetry-breaking fluxes are included on D7 branes we identify the 4D supergravity interactions which capture the dynamics of D3 motion in D3/D7 inflationary scenarios. The form of these potentials sheds some light on recent discussions of how symmetries constrain D term interactions in the low-energy theory.Comment: JHEP.cls, 35 pages, 3 .eps figure

    Racetrack Inflation

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    We develop a model of eternal topological inflation using a racetrack potential within the context of type IIB string theory with KKLT volume stabilization. The inflaton field is the imaginary part of the K\"ahler structure modulus, which is an axion-like field in the 4D effective field theory. This model does not require moving branes, and in this sense it is simpler than other models of string theory inflation. Contrary to single-exponential models, the structure of the potential in this example allows for the existence of saddle points between two degenerate local minima for which the slow-roll conditions can be satisfied in a particular range of parameter space. We conjecture that this type of inflation should be present in more general realizations of the modular landscape. We also consider `irrational' models having a dense set of minima, and discuss their possible relevance for the cosmological constant problem.Comment: 23 pages 7 figures. The final version with minor modifications, to appear in JHE

    Self-Excited Vibration of Statically Unloaded Pads in Tilting-Pad Journal Bearings

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    load characteristics are satisfactory if ^m«0.66ap, but these pads do not have tendencies to loose their stability