23 research outputs found


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    The most common and harmful disease of the agricultural crop rice is a “burn” caused by the fungus Magnoporthe grisea (Hebert) Barr, the causative agent of rice blast. The important direction of modern domestic rice breeding is the development of high-yielding varieties resistant to blast. To solve the problem, it is important to search for sources and donors of resistance to the Krasnodar population of the pathogen among ecotypes of different ecological and geographical origin. Evaluation of the rice collection diversity for resistance to blast was carried out both on a natural background and on an infectious-provocative one. Immunological evaluation and phenotyping were carried out in 2015–2017 on 154 varieties of the Oryza sativa L. species from 7 ecological and geographical cultivation zones. Over the years of research, the range of variation in the intensity of the disease development in varieties was in the range from 1.1 to 77.8 %. The differences in the resistance of rice varieties to the pathogen between ecological groups and countries have been found. Most of the studied samples have shown medium resistance, there were isolated 51 resistant forms. Most often stable forms were found among the germplasm from China, Italy, the Philippines and Korea, and the unstable ones were from African countries, Japan, Primorye and Vietnam. Introduced samples resistant to the disease were identified and adapted to soil and climatic conditions and rice cultivation technologies of the Kuban, they were included in the breeding scheme for developing pathogen-resistant rice varieties with the extension of their genetic basis. The article presents data on the variation of morphological traits and the rate of development of plants of international varieties from 24 countries in the conditions of the south of Russia. The results of the comparison of germplasm of domestic and foreign varieties according to the degree of resistance to the pathogen in conditions of natural infection in the field experiment for five years are presented. As a result of the evaluation of plant resistance to the Krasnodar population of the pathogen, the effective genes for resistance to the pathogen for breeding programs of the south of Russia and the molecular genetic analysis of the rice collection variety were determined: Pi-1, Pi-z, Pi-ta, Pi-z5, Pi-9, Pi-5(t), Pi-t, Pi-19


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    The objective: to detect specific features of traumatic disease in those with severe concurrent trauma with a major injury of abdomen organs.Subjects. 326 patients with severe concurrent traumas; the median severity of injury made 4.6 ± 0.1 scores according to Military Field Surgery Score (20.4 ± 0.2 scores as per ISS). 111 patients had severe concurrent abdomen injury (in 52 patients, the severity of abdomen injury prevail over injuries in the other anatomical regions).Results. When analyzing the distribution of variants of the traumatic disease course in 111 patients with a severe concurrent abdomen injury, variant I was observed in 22.5% of patients, variant II – in 47.7%. and variant III – in 29.8%. Among 215 patients with no abdomen injury, variant I was observed in 25.1%, variant II – 46.0%, and variant III – in 28.9%. Thus the distribution of variants of the traumatic disease course among those included into the study was approximately the same. The difference in mortality rates during the first period of the traumatic disease in those injured was not associated with specific features of traumatic disease with abdomen injuries, but for presence or absence of severe brain injury. There were no differences in frequency or duration of the second period of the traumatic disease. In those with severe concurrent trauma and prevailing abdomen injuries, on the average, the time of maximum chances to develop complications is longer with a higher mortality level.Conclusions. In those with severe concurrent trauma and prevailing blunt abdomen injuries, the third period of traumatic disease (time of maximum chances to develop complications) is longer, has a higher statistically significant mortality rate due to a higher frequency of severe sepsis versus patients with same severity of concurrent trauma but with no abdomen injury.Цель: выявление особенностей течения травматической болезни у пострадавших с тяжелой сочетанной травмой с ведущими по тяжести повреждениями органов живота.Материал: 326 пациентов с тяжелыми сочетанными травмами со средней тяжестью полученных повреждений 4,6 ± 0,1 балла по шкале ВПХ-П (20,4 ± 0,2 балла по шкале ISS). Тяжелую сочетанную травму с повреждением живота имели 111 пациентов (у 52 пострадавших тяжесть повреждений органов живота превышала тяжесть повреждений других анатомических областей).Результаты. При анализе вариантного распределения течения травматической болезни у 111 пострадавших с тяжелой сочетанной травмой живота вариант I течения травматической болезни имел место у 22,5% от численности данной группы, вариант II – 47,7%, вариант III – 29,8%. У 215 пострадавших без повреждения живота вариант I течения – 25,1% от численности группы, вариант II – 46,0%, вариант III – 28,9%. Таким образом, вариантное распределение течения травматической болезни у пострадавших исследуемых групп примерно одинаковое. Различия в уровнях летальности в первом периоде травматической болезни у пострадавших данных групп определяется преимущественно не спецификой травматической болезни при повреждениях живота, а фактом наличия или отсутствия тяжелой черепно-мозговой травмы. Различий по частоте встречаемости и длительности второго периода травматической болезни не было. У пострадавших с тяжелой сочетанной травмой с ведущими по тяжести повреждениями живота период максимальной вероятности развития осложнений имеет в среднем большую длительность, с большим уровнем летальности.Выводы. У пострадавших с тяжелой сочетанной травмой с ведущими по тяжести закрытыми повреждениями живота третий период травматической болезни (период максимальной вероятности развития осложнений) имеет большую длительность, характеризуется статистически значимо большей летальностью за счет большей частоты развития тяжелого сепсиса по сравнению с пациентами с аналогичной по тяжести тяжелой сочетанной травмой без повреждения живота


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    The implementation of the individual focus principle of the hemodynamics monitoring with the surgical patients is not well presented in the references. As a result of the research study the recommendations were proposed for the use of the invasive and non-invasive hemodynamics monitoring techniques, depending on the course options of the traumatic disease. The non-invasive hemodynamics monitoring techniques, including the integral body rheography, are indicated for the compensated course option of the traumatic disease. Using the PiCCO Plus system monitor for the subcompensated course option of the traumatic disease allows the early prognosis of the cardiovascular insufficiency manifestation and the early detection of high risk of the acute respiratory distress syndrome for the decompensated option. Реализация принципа индивидуальной направленности мониторирования гемодинамики у пострадавших в литературе отражена недостаточно. В результате проведённого исследования предложены рекомендации по использованию инвазивных и неинвазивных методик мониторинга гемодинамики в зависимости от варианта течения травматической болезни. Неинвазивные методы контроля гемодинамики, в том числе интегральная реография тела, показаны при компенсированном варианте течения травматической болезни. Использование монитора системы PiCCO Plus при субкомпенсированном варианте течения травматической болезни позволяет осуществлять ранний прогноз манифестации сердечно-сосудистой недостаточности, при декомпенсированном варианте - раннюю диагностику высокого риска острого респираторного дистресс-синдрома

    Коморбидность туберкулеза, алкоголизма и наркомании

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    One of the reasons of growing incidence of tuberculosis (TB) is spread of AIDS, drug dependence, and alcoholism. To investigate their mutual influence the authors examined 185 lung TB patients (of them, 124 males) admitted to TB hospitals of St-Petersburg in 2003-2005. Inclusive criteria were age of 18 to 79 yrs, recent admission to the hospital, the patient's consent to participate the study. Patients were excluded if they were severely ill or had psychiatric disorders. The lung TB was evaluated using medical history, physical, clinic, laboratory, radiologic, and bacteriologic data. Alcohol and drug abuse was assessed with Addiction Severity Index (ASI), retrospective analysis of alcohol and substance use for previous 90 days, Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST), measurement of alcohol in exhaled air and detection of substances in urine. Somatic and psychic health was evaluated using ASI, Beck Depression Inventory, and Spielberger Trait Anxiety Inventory. Risk of HIV-infection was determined in a test of HIV risk assessment and with HIV risk questionnaire developed at Johns Hopkins University. The average age of the participants was 40.5 yrs. More than 60 % of them had abuse-related disorders: alcohol abuse in 51.9 %, alcoholism plus drug dependence in 8.6 %, and drug dependence in 3.8 %. Alcohol dependence facilitated development of TB multiple drug resistance (21 % vs 7.6 % in patients without alcohol dependence, p < 0.05), extensive (73.9 % and 40.9 %, respectively, p < 0.001) and chronic (28.6 % and 16.7 %, respectively) forms of TB. Most of TB patients with abuse-related disorders tended to have psychiatric disorders (depression, anxiety). The risk of HIV-infection was significantly higher in TB patients with drug abuse (3.51 vs 0.07). Thus, it is necessary to consider co-morbidity in TB patients for more effective treatment of lung tuberculosis.Одной из причин роста заболеваемости туберкулезом является распространение СПИДа, наркомании и алкоголизма. С целью изучения взаимного влияния этих заболеваний обследованы 185 больных туберкулезом органов дыхания (124 мужчины), находившихся в стационарах г. Санкт-Петербурга в 2003–2005 гг. Критериями включения в исследование были возраст от 18 до 79 лет, недавнее поступление в стационар и согласие больного на участие в исследовании. Из исследования исключались больные в тяжелом состоянии и больные с выраженными психическими расстройствами. Для оценки туберкулезного процесса анализировали анамнез, данные физикального, клинико-лабораторного, рентгенологического и бактериологического обследований. Для определения употребления алкоголя и наркотиков оценивали индекс тяжести зависимости (ИТЗ), ретроспективно анализировали употребление алкоголя и наркотиков за 90 дней, проводили Мичиганский алкогольный скрининг-тест (МАSТ), определяли алкоголь в выдыхаемом воздухе и наркотики в моче. Для оценки соматического и психического здоровья использовали ИТЗ, вопросник депрессии Бека, шкалу тревоги Спилбергера. Риск ВИЧ-инфекции устанавливали в тесте оценки степени риска ВИЧ-инфекции (ТОСР) и по вопроснику риска ВИЧ-инфекции, разработанному университетом Дж. Хопкинса. Средний возраст обследованных больных составил 40,5 лет. Более 60 % больных имели наркологическую патологию (злоупотребление алкоголем в 51,9%, алкоголизм в сочетании с наркоманией в 8,6 %, наркомания в 3,8 %). Алкогольная зависимость способствовала развитию множественной лекарственной устойчивости (21 против 7,6 % у больных туберкулезом без наркологической патологии, p < 0,05), развитию распространенных (73,9 и 40,9 % соответственно, p < 0,001) и хронических (28,6 и 16,7 % соответственно) форм заболевания. Большинство туберкулезных больных с наркологическим диагнозом склонны к психическим расстройствам (депрессии, тревожные состояния). Риск ВИЧ-инфекции у больных туберкулезом, употреблявшим наркотики, был существенно выше (3,51 против 0,07). Таким образом, для улучшения эффективности лечения туберкулеза у наркологических больных необходимо учитывать все стороны коморбидности указанных патологий

    A crowdsourced analysis to identify ab initio molecular signatures predictive of susceptibility to viral infection

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    The response to respiratory viruses varies substantially between individuals, and there are currently no known molecular predictors from the early stages of infection. Here we conduct a community-based analysis to determine whether pre- or early post-exposure molecular factors could predict physiologic responses to viral exposure. Using peripheral blood gene expression profiles collected from healthy subjects prior to exposure to one of four respiratory viruses (H1N1, H3N2, Rhinovirus, and RSV), as well as up to 24 h following exposure, we find that it is possible to construct models predictive of symptomatic response using profiles even prior to viral exposure. Analysis of predictive gene features reveal little overlap among models; however, in aggregate, these genes are enriched for common pathways. Heme metabolism, the most significantly enriched pathway, is associated with a higher risk of developing symptoms following viral exposure. This study demonstrates that pre-exposure molecular predictors can be identified and improves our understanding of the mechanisms of response to respiratory viruses

    Declension of the possessive names of adjectives taking into account inflexion, complete and short forms

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    В статье описаны исследования по бионике интеллекта с использованием естественного языка. Предмет исследования – правила склонения притяжательных имен прилагательных, которые записаны с помощью отношений предикатов. По полученным отношениям были построены двудольные графы. При исследовании учитывались полные и краткие формы имен прилагательных притяжательные, а также прилагательные с основой на «й».В статті описано дослідження по біоніці інтелекту з використанням природної мови. Предмет досліджень – правила відмінювання присвійних прикметників, що записані з допомогою відношень. За отриманими відношеннями були побудовані дводольні графи. В дослідженні враховувались повні та короткі форми прикметників, а також присвійних прикметників з основою на «й» в російській мові.In the article it is described research on bionics of intellect with the use of human language. The article of research is rules of declension of the possessive names of adjectives which are written down by the relations of predicates. On the got relations dicotyledonous columns were built. At research the complete and short forms of the names of adjectives were taken into account possessive, and also adjectives with basis on «й»


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    The objective: to detect specific features of traumatic disease in those with severe concurrent trauma with a major injury of abdomen organs.Subjects. 326 patients with severe concurrent traumas; the median severity of injury made 4.6 ± 0.1 scores according to Military Field Surgery Score (20.4 ± 0.2 scores as per ISS). 111 patients had severe concurrent abdomen injury (in 52 patients, the severity of abdomen injury prevail over injuries in the other anatomical regions).Results. When analyzing the distribution of variants of the traumatic disease course in 111 patients with a severe concurrent abdomen injury, variant I was observed in 22.5% of patients, variant II – in 47.7%. and variant III – in 29.8%. Among 215 patients with no abdomen injury, variant I was observed in 25.1%, variant II – 46.0%, and variant III – in 28.9%. Thus the distribution of variants of the traumatic disease course among those included into the study was approximately the same. The difference in mortality rates during the first period of the traumatic disease in those injured was not associated with specific features of traumatic disease with abdomen injuries, but for presence or absence of severe brain injury. There were no differences in frequency or duration of the second period of the traumatic disease. In those with severe concurrent trauma and prevailing abdomen injuries, on the average, the time of maximum chances to develop complications is longer with a higher mortality level.Conclusions. In those with severe concurrent trauma and prevailing blunt abdomen injuries, the third period of traumatic disease (time of maximum chances to develop complications) is longer, has a higher statistically significant mortality rate due to a higher frequency of severe sepsis versus patients with same severity of concurrent trauma but with no abdomen injury


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    The implementation of the individual focus principle of the hemodynamics monitoring with the surgical patients is not well presented in the references. As a result of the research study the recommendations were proposed for the use of the invasive and non-invasive hemodynamics monitoring techniques, depending on the course options of the traumatic disease. The non-invasive hemodynamics monitoring techniques, including the integral body rheography, are indicated for the compensated course option of the traumatic disease. Using the PiCCO Plus system monitor for the subcompensated course option of the traumatic disease allows the early prognosis of the cardiovascular insufficiency manifestation and the early detection of high risk of the acute respiratory distress syndrome for the decompensated option