29 research outputs found


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    The aim of the present study was a comparative assessment of the cytotoxic activity of IFNα-induced dendritic cells (IFN-DCs) and IL-4-induced DCs (IL4-DCs) against allo-MLC- activated CD4+ and CD8+T-lymphocytes. It was shown the level of AnnexinV+/PI- cells corresponding to early apoptosis among CD4+T-lymphocytes was lower in cultures with IFN-DCs compared with IL4-DCs. At the same time the relative number of AnnexinV+/ PI+ cells (late phase of apoptosis/necrosis) among CD4+T-lymphocytes activated by allogenic IFN-DCs and IL4-DCs increased in an equal degree. It was demonstrated that IFN-DCs possesed similar ability to induce apoptosis of CD3+CD8+T-lymphocytes

    Association of myeloid-derived suppressor cells with hematopoietic recovery after high-dose chemotherapy in multiple myeloma

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    Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) play an important role in the immune response regulation in many pathologies, primarily in malignant tumors, but their role in the hematopoietic stem cell engraftment and the hematopoietic recovery after high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation remains practically unexplored. This study is aimed at studying the correlation between the number of MDSC subpopulations and blood parameters at the stage of hematopoietic recovery after high-dose chemotherapy and autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with multiple myeloma (MM). Circulating MDSCs were assessed at the stage of leukopenia recovery (absolute leukocyte count in peripheral blood (PB) > 1 x 109/L) by flow cytometry. The number of transplanted CD34+CD45+ hematopoietic stem cells was 4.38 x 106/kg (IQR (3.1—5.6) x 106/kg). The duration of recovery from leukopenia varied from 8 to 18 days (Me 12 days). The number of MDSCs at the engraftment was not associated with the number of CD34+ cells/kg in the graft. The relative number of monocytic MDSCs (M-MDSCs, CD14+HLA-DRlow/-) directly correlated with the number of monocytes at the stage of recovery from leukopenia (R = 0.417, p = 0.002). Granulocytic MDSCs (PMN-MDSCs, Lin-HLA-DR-CD33+CD66b+) were characterized by an inverse correlation with the number of monocytes (R = -0.493, p = 0.0003) while the association with the absolute number of neutrophils was weak (R = 0.273, p = 0.048). The number of lymphocytes at the stage of recovery from leukopenia had an inverse correlation with PMN-MDSCs (R = -0.347, p = 0.014) and did not correlate with M-MDSCs. When analyzing the duration of leukopenia, an inverse correlation with this indicator was revealed for the percentage and absolute number of M-MDSCs (R = -0.347, p = 0.018 and R = -0.469, p = 0.0008, respectively). Multiple regression analysis showed dependence of the lymphopenia duration on the proportion of circulating M-MDSCs (p = 0.014) and the number of transplanted CD34+ cells/kg (p = 0.032). According to the data of multivariate analysis of variance, the number of transplanted CD34+ cells/kg and the number of M-MDSCs were significant factors for the duration of leukopenia. At the same time, such clinical parameters as the depth of response and minimal residual disease status before high-dose chemotherapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, as well as the MM stage, did not affect the duration of hematopoietic recovery. Thus, the obtained results indicate the association of a higher number of M-MDSCs with a shorter duration of leukopenia after high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation and indicate a positive role of M-MDSCs in hematopoietic recovery in the early post-transplant period in patients with MM

    Myeloid-derived suppressor cells as biomarkers of the effectiveness of therapy with new biological agents in axial spondyloarthritis

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    Innate immune cells, including myeloid cells — myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) — are supposed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of axial spondyloarthritis (AxSp). Myeloid derived suppressor cells represent a heterogeneous population of immature cells capable of suppressing innate and adaptive immune responses with the most pronounced suppressor activity against T cells. Biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) can reduce the clinical and laboratory disease activity, but their effectiveness varies widely in different patients with AxSp. The present study is aimed at studying MDSCs subpopulations and their suppressive function depending on the response to bDMARD therapy in AxSp. The study included AxSp patients with a disease duration of 16.5 years (median); HLA-B27 (+) status was detected in 79% of cases. All patients received bDMARDs at least the past 12 weeks, including TNF inhibitors (etanercept, certolizumab pegol, adalimumab, or golimumab) or IL-17 inhibitors (secukinumab, ixekizumab, or netakimab). Percentage of granulocytic MDSCs (G-MDSCs, Lin-HLA-DR-CD33+CD66b+), monocytic MDSCs (M-MDSCs, HLA-DRlow/-CD14+), MDSCs of early stage differentiation (E-MDSCs, Lin-HLA-DR- CD33+CD66b-), as well as intracellular expression of arginase-1 was assessed by flow cytometry. Frequency of circulating MDSC subpopulations of patients with a stable response to bDMARDs (responders) did not differ significantly compared to healthy donors. Patients not responding to bDMARDs therapy showed increased relative and absolute number of E-MDSCs compared to healthy donors (pU = 0.01 and pU = 0.02, respectively) and the responders (pU = 0.03 and pU = 0.07, respectively). Increased percentage of E-MDSCs was positively correlated to disease activity — ESR (Rs = 0.821; p = 0.023), CRP (Rs = 0.714; p = 0.07) and ASDASCRP (Rs = 0.829; p = 0.042) in the non-responder group. Responder patients exhibited no correlation between disease activity and circulating MDSCs. The suppressor potential of MDSCs was analyzed by the intracellular expression of arginase-1 molecule which is involved in the inhibition of T cell response. Patients with the stable response were characterized by increased expression of arginase-1 in E-MDSCs compared to donors (pU = 0.02). Non-responders did not demonstrate significant changes in Arg-1 expression, however, the percentage of arginase-1-expressing G-MDSCs was positively correlated to indexes ASDASESR (Rs = 0.857; p = 0.014) and BASDAI (Rs = 0.785; p = 0.036). Thus, E-MDSCs as well as arginase-1 expression in MDSCs may serve as biomarkers of effectiveness bDMARD therapy, and act as potential candidate predictors of response to therapy in AxSp


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    Type I Interferons are potent inducers of monocyte’s differentiation into dendritic cells (DCs). However, sensitivity of these DCs to tolerogenic effect of glucocorticoids has not been previously investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dexamethasone upon maturation and functions of interferonalpha-induced DCs (IFN-DC) derived from healthy donors. DCs were generated from blood monocytes cultured for 5 days with GM-CSF and IFNα, in absence or with addition of dexamethasone (10-6 M), applied on the 3rd day. Addition of dexamethasone inhibited IFN-DC maturation, which manifested with increasing numbers of CD14+ cells and decreased percentage of CD83+ DCs. Dexamethasone did not significantly influence HLA-DR, CD86 and B7H1 expression. However, it caused a 2-fold increase of tolerogenic TLR-2 molecule expression. Along with suppression of IFN-DC maturation, dexamethasone inhibited production of proinflammatory/Th1 cytokines (TNFα, IL-1, IL-2, IFNγ, IL-12), and some chemokines (MIP-1α, RANTES). Dexamethasone-treated IFN-DCs exhibited a 2-fold lower allostimulatory activity in mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC). Worth of note, the capacity of IFN-DCs to stimulate T cell proliferative response in allo-MLC showed direct correlation with CD83 expression on DCs, and an inverse correlation with CD14 and TLR-2. Evaluation of Th1/Th2-polarizing activity of IFN-DCs showed that dexamethasone exerted a pronounced inhibitory effect upon ability of DCs to stimulate T cells for IFNγ production, along with lowgrade suppressive effect upon ability of DCs to induce IL-6 production, thus being indicative for a dominance of Th2-polarizing activity of IFN-DCs under the influence of dexamethasone. In general, the data obtained show that IFN-DCs are sensitive to tolerogenic action of dexamethasone, and, hence, the IFN-DCs may mediate the immunomodulatory effect of glucocorticosteroids and represent novel candidate cells for the development of therapeutic tolerogenic DC-based vaccines applicable for management of autoimmune disorders

    Expansion of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the peripheral blood of patients with ankylosing spondylitis

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    Expansion of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) due to impaired differentiation of myeloid progenitor cells under conditions of inflammation was described in a number of autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and type 1 diabetes mellitus. Studying the role of MDSCs in ankylosing spondylitis is an important issue, given that increased concentration of proinflammatory mediators in this pathology can also cause myelopoiesis disorders. The aim of present work was to study the quantitative content of MDSC subpopulations in patients with different clinical phenotypes and activity of AS. 37 patients, including 10 patients without peripheral skeletal lesions (axial form) and 27 patients with simultaneous lesions of spine and peripheral joints (peripheral form) were recruited into the study. The control group consisted of 32 age/sex-related healthy donors. Evaluation of granulocytic (LinHLA-DRCD33+CD66b+; G-MDSC), monocytic (CD14+HLA-DRlow/-; M-MDSC) and early-stage MDSCs (LinHLA-DRCD33+CD66b- ; E-MDSC) was performed using corresponding antibodies (BD Biosciences, USA) in the population of peripheral blood mononuclear cells by flow cytometry. In general, the AS patients were characterized by an increased relative and absolute amount of M-MDSC (p = 0.00002 and p = 0.00003, respectively) and G-MDSC (p = 0.0002 and p = 0.0006, respectively). Patient gender, age, and HLA-B27 expression did not significantly affect the content of these cells in peripheral blood. An increase in the median values of M-MDSC was detected both in patients with axial (Ме 5.0 (3.2-6.3) versus 2.4 (1.7-3.5) %; p = 0.001) and peripheral form (Ме 5.0 (3.0-7.0) versus 2.4 (1.7-3.5) %; p = 0.0002) AS. At the same time, the G-MDSC expansion was observed only in patients with involvement of peripheral joints (Ме 0.16 (0.07-0.3) % versus 0.05 (0.04-0.09) %; p = 0.0001). The relative contents of E-MDSC, M-MDSC and G-MDSC in the axial form of AS was in direct correlation with the activity of the disease (R = 0.58, p = 0.02; R = 0.73, p = 0.08 and R = 0.65 p = 0.04, respectively). This relationship was not observed in peripheral form of AS. The data obtained suggest a potential involvement of MDSCs in pathogenesis and phenotypic heterogeneity of AS. Simultaneously, the revealed direct correlation between the MDSC contents and the disease activity suggests a decrease in suppressive activity and/or appearance of pro-inflammatory activity in MDSC, thus requiring further research in the field

    Evaluation of a strategy for tumor-initiating stem cell eradication in primary human glioblastoma cultures as a model

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    Primary cultures of human glioblastoma were obtained from the surgical material of patients K. (female, 61 years, Ds: relapse of glioblastoma) and Zh. (female, 60 years, Ds: relapse of glioblastoma). The effectiveness of a new therapeutic approach aimed at destroying the cancer cell community was evaluated on the primary cell lines of human glioblastoma culture by employing a new strategy of tumor-initiating stem cell synchronization and a domestic strategy of their eradication "3+1". The key elements of the strategy were the following indicator results: (1) evaluation of the presence of tumor-initiating stem cells in a population of cells from analyzed cultures by their ability to internalize double-stranded labeled DNA (TAMRA+ cells); (2) determination of the reference time points of the repair cycle of DNA interstrand cross-links induced by cross-linking cytostatic mitomycin C; (3) evaluation of cell cycle synchronization; (4) determination of the time (day after therapy initiation) when TAMRA+ cells were synchronously present in phase G1/S of the cell cycle, sensitive to the therapy; and (5) establishment of the TAMRA+ (tumor-initiating stem cells) eradication schedule. The cultures were treated with cross-linking cytostatic mitomycin C and a compositional DNA preparation. After the treatments, cell division slows down, and the cultures degrade. The K cell line completely degraded within 30 days of observation. The cell number of the Zh culture fell to nearly one-third of the starting value by day 15 of observation. On day 15, this indicator constituted 1/7.45 for mitomycin C and 1/10.28 for mitomycin C + DNA with reference to the control. The main target of the mitomycin C + DNA regimen was TAMRA+ tumor-initiating stem cells of the glioblastoma cell populations. The action of mitomycin C alone or in the combination with DNA demonstrated effective elimination of TAMRA+ tumor-initiating stem cells and the whole primary cultures of human glioblastomas


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    Dendritic cells (DCs) play a key role in maintaining the peripheral tolerance of lymphocytes to autoantigens. Recovery of immunological tolerance in autoimmune diseases, particularly, in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is considered a new therapeutic strategy. The aim of this work was to study the effect of dexamethasone-modified DCs generated from monocytes of RA patients in the presence of IFNα (DCsDex), upon autologous T lymphocytes in mixed leukocyte culture (auto-MLC), and to investigate possible mechanisms of the DCsdex tolerogenic effect upon autoreactive T cells. We have shown, that DCsDex from RA patients induce T cell hyporeactivity in auto-MLC. Hyporeactivity of T cells is associated with cell cycle blockage in CD4+T lymphocytes and decreased IFNγ, IL-17, IL-4 and IL-13 production, which indicates the induction of CD4+T cell anergy. In this case, inhibition of Th1/Th17 has been more pronounced than the suppression of Th2 cells producing IL-4 and IL-13. Along with T cell anergy, the decrease of proliferative response in auto-MLC is associated with increased CD3+T lymphocyte apoptosis. In addition, the DCsDex of RA patients suppresses the proliferation of autologous T cells stimulated by unmodified DCs. This effect is associated with enhancement of IL-10-producing CD4+T cells in the auto-MLC, thus being indicative for an ability of DCsDex to induce conversion of CD4+T lymphocytes into regulatory T cells (Tr1). The data obtained characterize a new type of tolerogenic DCs, generated from blood monocytes of RA patients in the presence of IFNα and modified by dexamethasone, thus revealing a mechanism for tolerogenic effect of DCsDex upon T cells that recognize self-antigens in auto-MLC

    Phosphate-modified CpG oligonucleotides induce in vitro maturation of human myeloid dendritic cells

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    Myeloid dendritic cells (DCs) play an important role in the immune response; therefore, the search for compounds that can effectively activate DCs is a needful goal. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of synthetic CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG-ODN) on the maturation and allostimulatory activity of myeloid DCs in comparison with other PAMP and DAMP molecules. For the research, we synthesized known CpG-ODN class C (SD-101 and D-SL03) containing thiophosphate internucleotide groups, and their original phosphate-modified analogues (SD-101M and D-SL03M) with mesylphosphoramide internucleotide groups (M = μ-modification). The effects of CpG-ODN and other activators were evaluated on DCs generated from blood monocytes in the presence of GM-CSF and IFN-α (IFN-DC) or IL-4 (IL4-DC). Evaluation of the intracellular TLR-9 expression showed that both types of DCs (IFN-DC and IL4-DC) contained on average 52 and 80 % of TLR-9-positive cells, respectively. The CpG-ODNs studied enhanced the allostimulatory activity of IFN-DCs, and the effect of μ-modified CpG-ODNs was higher than that of CpG-ODNs with thiophosphate groups. The stimulating effect of CpG-ODN at a dose of 1.0 μg/ml was comparable (for D-SL03, D-SL03M, SD-101) with or exceeded (for SD-101M) the effect of LPS at a dose of 10 μg/ml. At the same time, IFN-DCs were characterized by greater sensitivity to the action of CpG-ODNs than IL4-DCs. The enhancement of DC allostimulatory activity in the presence of CpG-ODNs was associated with the induction of final DC maturation, which was confirmed by a significant decrease in the number of CD14+DC, an increase in mature CD83+DC and a trend towards an increase in CD86+DC. Interestingly, the characteristic ability of LPS to enhance the expression of the co-stimulatory molecule OX40L on DCs was revealed only for the μ-analogue SD-101M. In addition, CpG-ODNs (SD-101 and SD-101M) had a stimulatory effect on IFN-γ production comparable to the action of LPS. The data obtained indicate a stimulating effect of CpG-ODN on the maturation and allostimulatory activity of human myeloid DCs, which is more pronounced for μ-modified analogs

    Супрессорные клетки миелоидного происхождения у больных множественной миеломой на этапе иммунной реконституции и после высокодозной химиотерапии и трансплантации гемопоэтических стволовых клеток

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    Introduction. Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) play an important role in restriction of the immune response and are associated with a poor prognosis in cancer. Mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) before high-dose chemotherapy (HCT) with autologous HSC transplantation (auto-HSCT) is accompanied by a signifcant increase in MDSC counts in peripheral blood and apheresis product of multiple myeloma (MM) patients. However, quantitative changes of these cells at the post-transplant and their role at the immune recovery remain unexplored.The study was aimed to analyze the dynamics of circulating MDSC counts and the expression of suppressor molecule arginase-1 in patients with MM in the frst 12 months after HCT and auto-HSCT and evaluate association between MDSCs and transplantation outcomes.Material and Methods. The study included 44 MM patients who underwent HCT and auto-HSCT. The relative number of granulocytic MDSCs (G-MDSCs), monocytic MDSCs (M-MDSCs), and early-stage MDSCs (E-MDSCs), as well as the expression of arginase-1 in each of MDSC subsets was evaluated by fow cytometry in patient peripheral blood samples.Results. At the engraftment (day +12 – +16, leukocytes >1×109 /l), M-MDSC relative count was increased (pU=0.038), as well as the relative (pU=0.003) and absolute (pU˂0.0001) counts of G-MDSCs, decreasing after 6 months down to pre-transplant values (рU=0.007, рU=0.024 and рU=0.02, respectively) and remaining at the same level at the 12-month follow-up period. The absolute count of E-MDSCs by the time of the engraftment decreased transiently (pU=0.004 vs before HCT), gradually recovering by 12-month follow-up (pU=0.032 vs day +12 – +16). The remission within 12 months in the group with G-MDSCs˂0.17 % at the engraftment was observed in 67 ± 11 % of patients, with G-MDSCs >0.17 % – in 94 ± 6 % of patients (p=0.049). During the 12-month post-transplant, the number of M-MDSCs expressing arginase-1 has been increasing, with a tendency to lower values at the engraftment in patients with early MM relapse (pU=0.09).Conclusion. The association of early MM relapse after auto-HSCT with the lower count of G-MDSCs and the lower count of arginase-1+ M-MDSCs at the engraftment suggests that MDSCs is involved in the restriction of homeostatic proliferation as a factor for more effective immune recovery. Введение. Супрессорные клетки миелоидного происхождения (МС) играют важную роль в ограничении иммунного ответа и ассоциируются с неблагоприятным прогнозом при онкопатологии. Мобилизация гемопоэтических стволовых клеток (ГСК) при проведении высокодозной химиотерапии (ВХТ) и трансплантации аутологичных ГСК (ауто-ТГСК) у больных множественной миеломой (ММ) сопровождается существенным возрастанием субпопуляций МС в периферической крови и продукте афереза. Однако изменение содержания этих клеток в посттрансплантационном периоде и их роль на этапе иммунной реконституции остаются неисследованными.Цель исследования ‒ изучить динамику содержания циркулирующих МС, экспрессию супрессорной молекулы аргиназа-1 (Arg1) у пациентов с ММ в первые 12 мес после ВХТ и ауто-ТГСК и зависимость между содержанием МС и исходами трансплантации.Материал и методы. В исследование включены 44 пациента с ММ, которым проведена ВХТ с аутоТГСК. Методом проточной цитометрии в периферической крови пациентов оценивали относительное содержание гранулоцитарных МС (Г-МС), моноцитарных МС (М-МС) и МС ранних стадий дифференцировки (Р-МС), а также экспрессию Arg1 в каждой из субпопуляций МС.Результаты. На момент выхода из лейкопении после ауто-ТГСК (день +12 – +16, лейкоциты >1×109 /л) возрастали доля М-МС (pU=0,038), а также относительное (pU=0,003) и абсолютное (рU˂0,0001) количество Г-МС, снижаясь через 6 мес до предтрансплантационных значений (рU=0,007, рU=0,024 и рU=0,02 соответственно) и сохраняясь на этом же уровне на этапе 12-месячного срока наблюдения. Абсолютное количество Р-МС к моменту выхода из лейкопении транзиторно снижалось (рU=0,004 vs перед ВХТ), постепенно восстанавливаясь к 12 мес (рU=0,032 vs день +12 – +16). Сохранение ремиссии в течение 12 мес при Г-МС˂0,17 % на момент выхода из лейкопении выявлялось у 67 ± 11 %, при Г-МС>0,17 % – у 94 ± 6 % пациентов (р=0,049). В течение 12-месячного посттрансплантационного периода увеличивалось содержание М-МС, экспрессирующих Arg1, с тенденцией к более низким значениям на этапе выхода из лейкопении у пациентов с ранним рецидивом ММ (рU=0,09).Заключение. Сопряженность раннего рецидива ММ после ауто-ТГСК с более низким содержанием Г-МС и меньшим количеством Arg1+ М-МС на этапе выхода из лейкопении позволяет предполагать участие МС в ограничении гомеостатической пролиферации в качестве условия более эффективной иммунной реконституции.

    Фенотип и функции дендритных клеток человека, генерированных из субпопуляций моноцитов CD14+, оппозитных по экспрессии CD16

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between monocyte subpopulations and phenotype/ functions of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs), as well as DC sensitivity to the tolerogenic effect of dexamethasone.Materials and methods. The study included 15 healthy donors. DCs were generated by cultivating enriched fractions of CD14+ monocytes with or without CD16+cell depletion (CD16-Mo-DCs or CD16+Mo-DCs, respectively) in the presence of interferon alpha (IFNα) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). Monocyte subpopulations were obtained by immunomagnetic negative selection.Results. CD16+Mo-DCs were characterized by higher percentage of mature (CD83+CD14-) and lower number of semi-mature (CD14+CD83+) cells, but were similar to CD16-Mo-DCs by HLA-DR and CD86 expression, involved in the presentation of antigens and activation of naive T-cells. and also to co-inhibitory/ tolerogenic molecules B7-H1 and TLR-2. CD16+Mo-DCs displayed higher allostimulatory activity, which was positively correlated with CD86 expression (rS = 0.69; p = 0.027) and negatively – with TLR-2 expression (rS = -0.72; p = 0.1). Allostimulatory activity of CD16-Mo-DCs was positively correlated with the number of mature CD14-CD83+DCs and semi-mature CD14+CD83+DCs. Addition of dexamethasone (10-6 M) into CD16-Mo-DCs and CD16+Mo-DCs cultures led to the delay of DC maturation, the decrease of CD86 and the increase of TLR-2 expression, as well as the increase of cells with co-inhibitory CD86- B7-H1+ phenotype that was positively correlated with the reduction of DC allostimulatory activity. The decrease of CD86+/TLR-2+ index in CD16+Mo-DC population was due to the reduction of CD86+DCs and in CD16-Mo-DC population – to the increase of TLR-2+cells. Dexamethasone possessed higher inhibitory effect on DC maturation in the CD16+Mo-DC cultures.Conclusion. CD14+ monocytes, both contained and depleted by CD16+ cells, can differentiate into DCs when cultured with IFNα. The presence of CD16+ cells in whole blood monocyte pool is associated with generation of DCs showed a more mature phenotype and higher allostimulatory activity. Both CD16- and CD16+ monocyte-derived DCs are sensitive to suppressive effect of dexamethasone. However, dexamethasone tolerogenic effect involves different mechanisms in CD16-Mo-DCs and CD16+Mo-DCs.Цель исследования. Анализ взаимосвязи между субпопуляционной принадлежностью моноцитов и фенотипом и (или) функциями генерируемых дендритных клеток (dendrite cells, DC), а также их чувствительностью к толерогенному действию дексаметазона.Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 15 здоровых доноров. DC генерировали с интерфероном альфа (IFNα) и колониестимулирующим фактором гранулоцитов и макрофагов (GM-CSF) из обогащенной популяции CD14+ моноцитов периферической крови с деплецией (CD16-Мо-DC) и без деплеции (CD16+Мо–DC) CD16+ клеток. Субпопуляции моноцитов получали методом магнитной сепарации.Результаты. CD16+Мо-DC характеризовались большим содержанием зрелых DC (CD83+CD14–) и меньшим количеством клеток промежуточной степени зрелости (CD14+CD83+), но были сопоставимы с CD16–Мо-DC по экспрессии HLA-DR и CD86, участвующих в презентации антигенов и активации наивных Т-клеток, а также ингибиторных (толерогенных) молекул B7-H1 и TLR-2. При этом CD16+- Мо-DC проявляли более высокую аллостимуляторную активность, которая прямо коррелировала с экспрессией CD86 (rs = 0,69) и обратно – с экспрессией TLR-2 (rs = -0,72). Аллостимуляторная активность CD16-Мо-DC находилась в прямой взаимосвязи с количеством зрелых CD14-CD83+DC и CD14+CD83+DC промежуточной степени зрелости. Добавление дексаметазона (10-6 M) в культуры CD16-Мо-DC и CD16+Мо-DC сопровождалось задержкой созревания DC, снижением экспрессии CD86 и повышением TLR-2, а также увеличением количества клеток с ингибиторным фенотипом CD86-B7-H1+, что, в свою очередь, ассоциировалось со снижением аллостимуляторной активности DC. Снижение индекса соотношения CD86+/TLR-2+ клеток в популяции CD16+Мо-DC в большей степени обусловлено уменьшением количества CD86+DC, а в популяции CD16-Мо-DC – возрастанием числа клеток TLR-2+. При этом ингибирующий эффект дексаметазона на созревание DC был более выраженным в популяции CD16+Мо-DC.Заключение. CD14+ моноциты, как содержащие, так и истощенные по CD16+клеткам, дифференцируются в присутствии IFNα в DC, однако наличие в общем пуле моноцитарных предшественников CD16+ клеток ассоциируется с генерацией DC с более зрелым фенотипом и высокой аллостимуляторной активностью. DC, генерированные из субпопуляций моноцитов, оппозитных по экспрессии CD16, характеризуются чувствительностью к супрессорному эффекту дексаметазона. При этом толерогенная активность дексаметазона в субпопуляциях CD16-Мо-DC и CD16+Мо-DC опосредуется с вовлечением различных механизмов