112 research outputs found

    Перспективы использования меланинов лузги подсолнечника для очистки сточных вод пищевых производств от анионных азокрасителей

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    Изучены сорбционные свойства меланинов лузги подсолнечника по отношению к метиловому оранжевому. Установлено, что для исследованных образцов сорбционная активность по метиловому оранжевому составляет 302,1±1,8 мг/г. Для меланинов выявлено высокое сродство к веществам анионного типа. Полученные результаты определяют возможность разработки на основе меланинов сорбентов для очистки сточных вод пищевых производств от анионных моноазокрасителей.Studied are the sorption properties of melanins of sunflower husks in relation to to methyl orange. Discovered that for the samples studied the sorption activity with relation to to methyl-orange is 302,1±1,8 mg/g. . For melanin it was revealed a high affinity to substances of anionic type. The results obtained determine the possibility of development of melanin based sorbents for the purification of wastewater of food production from anionic azo dye

    Development of electron-beam equipment and technology of layer welding of the wire in the conditions of additive technologies

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    Immunotoxins are powerful tools to specifically eliminate deviated cells. Due to the side effects of the original immunotoxins, they were only considered for the treatment of cancer as in these cases, the potential favourable effect outweighed the unwanted toxic side effects. Over time, many improvements in the construction of immunotoxins have been implemented that circumvent, or at least strongly diminish, the side effects. In consequence this opens the way to employ these immunotoxins for the treatment of non-life threatening diseases. One such category of disease could be the many chronic inflammatory disorders in which an uncontrolled interaction between inflammatory cells leads to chronicity. In several of these chronic conditions, activated macrophages, which are characterised by an increased expression of CD64, are known to play a key role. In this review we discus the data presently available on elimination of activated macrophages through CD64 immunotoxins in several animal models for chronic disease. A chemically linked complete antibody with the plant toxin Ricin-A, proved very effective and provided proof of concept. Subsequently, the development towards genetically engineered, fully human, multivalent single chain based immunotoxins that have diminished immunogenicity, is discussed. The data show that the specific elimination of activated macrophages through CD64 is indeed beneficial for the course of disease. As opposed to other methods used to inactivate or eliminate macrophages, with the CD64 based immunotoxins only the activated population is killed. This may open the way to apply these immunotoxins as therapeutics in chronic inflammatory disease

    The Protomedicato Tribunal and minorities in Castile at the end of the 17th century: the case of surgeon Roldán Solimán

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    [EN] This note aims to provide a small set of documents which report the vicissitudes of a North-African Muslim surgeon who tried to settle professionally during the late seventeenth century in the Kingdom of Castile. The four letters exchanged between the Royal Palace and the Castilian tribunal of the Protomedicato reveal that the Spanish king Charles II (1661-1700) resoluted supported the surgeon's aspirations, and the Protomedicato's concerted resistence to the royal will. These eloquent documents shed light on the history of the Castilian Protomedicato during the final years of the reign of the last Habsburg king in Spain by providing evidence about the role of this institution in the process of segregation/exclusion of ethnic minorities from the practice of health professions.[ES] El objeto de esta nota es presentar y editar una colección documental muy breve cuyo contenido nos informa sobre las vicisitudes de un cirujano musulmán norteafricano que a finales del siglo XVII busca su asentamiento profesional en la Corona de Castilla. Las cuatro cartas entre el Palacio Real y el Tribunal del Protomedicato, que se conservan en relación a este asunto, revelan tanto el decidido apoyo del Rey Carlos 11 (1665-1700) a las pretensiones del cirujano, como la fuerte resistencia ofrecida por el Protomedicato a la voluntad real. Esta expresiva documentación arroja luz en torno a la historia del Protomedicato en la Corona de Castilla durante los años finales del reinado del último Habsburgo en España, ilustrándonos sobre el papel entonces jugado por esta institución en el proceso de segregación/exclusión de las minorías étnicas, de la práctica de las ocupaciones sanitarias.Peer reviewe

    Influence of spark plasma pre-sintering on denitrification of Y-TZP ceramics

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    In this work, samples of commercial TZ-3YSB-E powder, sintered by a two-stage method, have been investigated. SPS was carried out at 950, 1000 °C for 1 min. Subsequent sintering was carried out at 1400 ° C for 0, 2, and 6 h. The best compaction results were achieved at a temperature of 1000 ° C, with isothermal holding for compaction up to 99% in 2 hours, which is 7 times faster than for one-stage sample

    Alveolar macrophages regulate neutrophil recruitment in endotoxin-induced lung injury

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    BACKGROUND: Alveolar macrophages play an important role during the development of acute inflammatory lung injury. In the present study, in vivo alveolar macrophage depletion was performed by intratracheal application of dichloromethylene diphosphonate-liposomes in order to study the role of these effector cells in the early endotoxin-induced lung injury. METHODS: Lipopolysaccharide was applied intratracheally and the inflammatory reaction was assessed 4 hours later. Neutrophil accumulation and expression of inflammatory mediators were determined. To further analyze in vivo observations, in vitro experiments with alveolar epithelial cells and alveolar macrophages were performed. RESULTS: A 320% increase of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was observed in macrophage-depleted compared to macrophage-competent lipopolysaccharide-animals. This neutrophil recruitment was also confirmed in the interstitial space. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 concentration in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was significantly increased in the absence of alveolar macrophages. This phenomenon was underlined by in vitro experiments with alveolar epithelial cells and alveolar macrophages. Neutralizing monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in the airways diminished neutrophil accumulation. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that alveolar macorphages play an important role in early endotoxin-induced lung injury. They prevent neutrophil influx by controlling monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 production through alveolar epithelial cells. Alveolar macrophages might therefore possess robust anti-inflammatory effects

    Evasion by Stealth: Inefficient Immune Activation Underlies Poor T Cell Response and Severe Disease in SARS-CoV-Infected Mice

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    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome caused substantial morbidity and mortality during the 2002–2003 epidemic. Many of the features of the human disease are duplicated in BALB/c mice infected with a mouse-adapted version of the virus (MA15), which develop respiratory disease with high morbidity and mortality. Here, we show that severe disease is correlated with slow kinetics of virus clearance and delayed activation and transit of respiratory dendritic cells (rDC) to the draining lymph nodes (DLN) with a consequent deficient virus-specific T cell response. All of these defects are corrected when mice are treated with liposomes containing clodronate, which deplete alveolar macrophages (AM). Inhibitory AMs are believed to prevent the development of immune responses to environmental antigens and allergic responses by interacting with lung dendritic cells and T cells. The inhibitory effects of AM can also be nullified if mice or AMs are pretreated with poly I:C, which directly activate AMs and rDCs through toll-like receptors 3 (TLR3). Further, adoptive transfer of activated but not resting bone marrow–derived dendritic cells (BMDC) protect mice from lethal MA15 infection. These results may be relevant for SARS in humans, which is also characterized by prolonged virus persistence and delayed development of a SARS-CoV-specific immune response in individuals with severe disease

    Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus H5N1 Infects Alveolar Macrophages without Virus Production or Excessive TNF-Alpha Induction

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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) of the subtype H5N1 causes severe, often fatal pneumonia in humans. The pathogenesis of HPAIV H5N1 infection is not completely understood, although the alveolar macrophage (AM) is thought to play an important role. HPAIV H5N1 infection of macrophages cultured from monocytes leads to high percentages of infection accompanied by virus production and an excessive pro-inflammatory immune response. However, macrophages cultured from monocytes are different from AM, both in phenotype and in response to seasonal influenza virus infection. Consequently, it remains unclear whether the results of studies with macrophages cultured from monocytes are valid for AM. Therefore we infected AM and for comparison macrophages cultured from monocytes with seasonal H3N2 virus, HPAIV H5N1 or pandemic H1N1 virus, and determined the percentage of cells infected, virus production and induction of TNF-alpha, a pro-inflammatory cytokine. In vitro HPAIV H5N1 infection of AM compared to that of macrophages cultured from monocytes resulted in a lower percentage of infected cells (up to 25% vs up to 84%), lower virus production and lower TNF-alpha induction. In vitro infection of AM with H3N2 or H1N1 virus resulted in even lower percentages of infected cells (up to 7%) than with HPAIV H5N1, while virus production and TNF-alpha induction were comparable. In conclusion, this study reveals that macrophages cultured from monocytes are not a good model to study the interaction between AM and these influenza virus strains. Furthermore, the interaction between HPAIV H5N1 and AM could contribute to the pathogenicity of this virus in humans, due to the relative high percentage of infected cells rather than virus production or an excessive TNF-alpha induction