37 research outputs found

    Європейський досвід у навчальних практиках православних колегіумів України XVIII ст.: джерелознавчий аспект.

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    Дослідження зорієнтоване на виявлення ступеню використання навчальних посібників європейських вчених, їх наукового доробку у навчальній практиці православних колегіумів України. До аналізу залучені не тільки інструкції для викладачів, конспекти лекцій і каталоги бібліотек колегіумів, але й джерела особового походження, описи бібліотек викладачів, чернетки проповідей тощо, непряма інформація діловодної документації. Це дозволяє з’ясувати як поступово на місцевому рівні формувалися уявлення про європейську університетську культуру.Исследование сфокусировано на выявлении степени влияния европейского опыта на учебные практики православных коллегиумов Украины ХVІІІ в. В ходе реализации этого задания обращается внимание на информативные возможности таких видов источников как деловодческая документация, источники личного происхождения, учебные издания, литературные памятники. Делается вывод о том, что благодаря как непосредственным, так и опосредованным контактам, европейские образовательные традиции становились неотъемлемой составляющей учебной повседневности православных коллегиумов Украины.The research is focused on revealing of a degree of influence of the European experience on educational practices of Orthodox collegium in the 18th-century Ukraine. Throughout the article, special attention is paid to informative resources of office documentation, sources of a personal origin, educational editions, and literary memorials as well. The author comes to a conclusion that thanks to both direct and mediated contacts, the European educational traditions turned out to be an integral part of learning routine in Ukrainian Orthodox collegium

    L-carnitine Supplemented Extender Improves Cryopreserved-thawed Cat Epididymal Sperm Motility

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    Cryopreservation of epididymal sperm is an effective technique to preserve genetic materials of domestic cats and wild felids when they unexpectedly die. However, this technique inevitably causes detrimental changes of cryopreserved-thawed spermatozoa, for example, by physical damage and excessive oxidative stress. L-carnitine is an antioxidant that has been used to improve sperm motility in humans and domestic animals. This study aimed to investigate the effects of L-carnitine on cat epididymal sperm quality following cryopreservation and thawing. After routine castration, cauda epididymides were collected from 60 cat testes. The epididymal spermatozoa from 3 cauda epididymides were pooled as 1 replicate. Spermatozoa samples (16 replicates) were examined for spermatozoa quality and then randomly divided into 4 groups: 0 mM L-carnitine (control), 12.5 mM, 25 mM and 50 mM L-carnitine. The sperm aliquots were then equilibrated and conventionally frozen. After thawing, sperm motility, plasma membrane integrity, DNA integrity and acrosome integrity were evaluated. The 25 mM L-carnitine significantly improved sperm motility compared with a control group (p<0.05), although this was not significantly different among other concentrations. In conclusion, supplementation of 25 mM L-carnitine in freezing extender improves cauda epididymal spermatozoa motility. The effects of L-carnitine on the levels of oxidative stress during freezing and thawing remains to be examined

    GnRH-agonist implantation of prepubertal male cats affects their reproductive performance and testicular LH receptor and FSH receptor expression

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    Show less https://doi.org/10.1016/j.theriogenology.2015.10.031Get rights and content Abstract This study was conducted to investigate the effect of GnRH-agonist implantation in prepubertal tomcats on sexual behavior, reproductive performance, and expression of testicular LH receptor (LHR) and FSH receptor (FSHR) and also to compare the testicular characteristics, LHR and FSHR expression between prepubertal and adult tomcats. In experiment 1, 3-month-old tomcats (n = 6/group) were either treated with or left without 4.7 mg deslorelin implants. Semen collection and evaluation were performed just before castration at 48 weeks after treatment; removed testes were analyzed for mRNA and protein expression of LHR and FSHR. We were able to collect semen from six non-treated cats, whereas in treated cats, semen was uncollectable. The results revealed that sexual behavior was absent in the implanted cats throughout the study period. Testicular volume was found to decrease from 30 weeks after treatment onward in the implanted cats compared to the controls (P < 0.05). Semen production was found only in non-implanted cats. Testicular tissue score, seminiferous tubule diameter, and LHR protein expression were found lower in the implanted cats (P < 0.05), but no differences were observed in mRNA expression of LHR and protein expression of FSHR between groups. The mRNA expression of FSHR was higher in the implanted (P < 0.05) compared to control cats. In experiment 2, testes from prepubertal (n = 6) and adult (n = 6) male cats were collected after castration and analyzed for mRNA and protein expression of LHR and FSHR. No differences were observed in the protein expression of LHR and FSHR between the two groups, whereas mRNA expression of FSHR was higher in prepubertal cats (P < 0.05). Testicular and epididymal weight, diameter of seminiferous tubules, and the testicular grade were higher in the adult compared to prepubertal cats (P < 0.05). In conclusion, deslorelin implants suppressed protein expression of LHR and enhanced mRNA expression of FSHR along with suppression of reproductive function without any adverse effects for at least 48 weeks in male cats