1,284 research outputs found

    Zur Semantik handlungsbezeichnender Verben

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    Das Ziel unseres Vortrages soll sein, eine sprachlich fundierte logische Analyse handlungsbezeichnender Verben vorzustellen. Es muß aber von Anfang an darauf hingewiesen werden, daß beim jetzigen Forschungsstand noch keine endgültigen und unumstößlichen Lösungen vorgelegt werden können. Dazu ist der Verbalkomplex viel zu groß und das logische Instrumentarium immer noch zu unerprobt

    Is benzyl alcohol a significant contact sensitizer?

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    Background: Benzyl alcohol is a widely used preservative, solvent and fragrance material. According to published data, it is a rare sensitizer in humans. Objectives: To identify characteristics and sensitization patterns of patients with positive patch test reactions to benzyl alcohol and to check the reliability of the patch test preparation benzyl alcohol 1% pet. Patients and methods: Retrospective analysis of data from the Information Network of Departments of Dermatology (IVDK), 2010-2019. Results: Of 70 867 patients patch tested with benzyl alcohol 1% pet., 146 (0.21%) showed a positive reaction, most of them (89%) only weakly positive. The number of doubtful and irritant reactions significantly exceeded the number of positive reactions. Reproducibility of positive test reactions was low. Among benzyl alcohol-positive patients, compared to benzyl alcohol-negative patients, there were significantly more patients with leg dermatitis (17.8% vs. 8.6%), more patients aged 40 years or more (81.5% vs. 70.5%) and more patients who were tested because of a suspected intolerance reaction to topical medications (34.9% vs. 16.6%). Concomitant positive reactions were mainly seen to fragrances, preservatives and ointment bases. Conclusions: Sensitization to benzyl alcohol occurs very rarely, mainly in patients with stasis dermatitis. In view of our results, benzyl alcohol cannot be regarded as a significant contact allergen, and therefore marking it as skin sensitizer 1B and labelling it with H 317 is not helpful

    Anfälligkeit neuer Kartoffelsorten gegenüber Kraut- und Knollenfäule (Phytophthora infestans) und Rhizoctonia (Rhizoctonia solani) – entscheidend für Ertrags- und Qualitätssicherung im biologischen Anbau

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    Potato is affected by numerous diseases. Among those diseases, late blight (Phytophthora infestans) and rhizoctonia (Rhizoctonia solani) have a strong economic impact. Organic farming doesn’t have efficient protection products to control those diseases and to guarantee yield and production quality. Furthermore, we observe that organic food chain propose the same cultivars as the traditional food chain and those cultivars are generally susceptible to late blight. Regarding to the trials managed to propose new cultivars to Swiss cultivars recommendation list, there are numerous new cultivars with interesting resistance profile. Among 141 cultivars tested, 30 could be proposed to the organic food chain. Indeed, those cultivars are less susceptible to late blight and rhizoctonia and can cover the whole range of potato utilization from boiled potato to French fries and crisps

    Patient-reported outcome measures obtained via E-Health tools ease the assessment burden and encourage patient participation in cancer care (PaCC Study)

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    Patient-reported outcome measures obtained via E-Health tools ease the assessment burden and encourage patient participation in cancer care (PaCC Study) BACKGROUND: E-health based patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) have the potential to automate early identification of both nutrition status and distress status in cancer patients while facilitating treatment and encouraging patient participation. This cross-sectional study assessed the acceptability, accuracy, and clinical utility of PROMs collected via E-Health tools among patients undergoing treatment for stomach, colorectal, and pancreatic tumors. RESULTS: Eight-nine percent mostly, or completely, agreed that PROMs via tablets should be integrated in routine clinical care. Men were significantly more likely to require help completing the questionnaires than women (inv.OR= 0.51, 95% CI=(0.27, 0.95), p = 0.035). The level of help needed increased by 3% with each 1-year increase in age (inv. OR=1.03, 95% CI=(1.01, 1.06), p = 0.013). On average, a patient tended to declare weight which was 0.84 kg inferior to their true weight (Bland and Altman 95 % CI=(-3.9, 5.6); SD: 2.41) and a height which was 0.95 cm superior to their true height (Bland and Altman 95 % CI=(-5, 3.1); SD 2.08). Patient-reported nutrition status was significantly associated with the professionally generated assessment (95% CI=(2.27, 4.15), p < 0.001). As nutrition status declined, the distress score increased (95%CI=(0.88, 1.68), p < 0.001). Of the patients, 48.8% who were both distressed and malnourished requested supportive care to address their problems. CONCLUSION: Patient-reported assessments utilizing E-health tools are an accurate and efficient method to encourage patient participation in cancer care while simultaneously ensuring that regular assessment of psycho-social and nutritional aspects of care are efficiently integrated in the daily clinical routine

    Search for gravitational waves associated with the August 2006 timing glitch of the Vela pulsar

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    The physical mechanisms responsible for pulsar timing glitches are thought to excite quasinormal mode oscillations in their parent neutron star that couple to gravitational-wave emission. In August 2006, a timing glitch was observed in the radio emission of PSR B0833-45, the Vela pulsar. At the time of the glitch, the two colocated Hanford gravitational-wave detectors of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational wave observatory (LIGO) were operational and taking data as part of the fifth LIGO science run (S5). We present the first direct search for the gravitational-wave emission associated with oscillations of the fundamental quadrupole mode excited by a pulsar timing glitch. No gravitational-wave detection candidate was found. We place Bayesian 90% confidence upper limits of 6.3 x 10^(-21) to 1.4 x 10^(-20) on the peak intrinsic strain amplitude of gravitational-wave ring-down signals, depending on which spherical harmonic mode is excited. The corresponding range of energy upper limits is 5.0 x 10^(-44) to 1.3 x 10^(-45) erg

    Optimal strategies for gravitational wave stochastic background searches in pulsar timing data

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    A low frequency stochastic background of gravitational waves may be detected by pulsar timing experiments in the next five to ten years. Using methods developed to analyze interferometric gravitational wave data, in this paper we lay out the optimal techniques to detect a background of gravitational waves using a pulsar timing array. We show that for pulsar distances and gravitational wave frequencies typical of pulsar timing experiments, neglecting the effect of the metric perturbation at the pulsar does not result in a significant deviation from optimality. We discuss methods for setting upper limits using the optimal statistic, show how to construct skymaps using the pulsar timing array, and consider several issues associated with realistic analysis of pulsar timing data.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures. Added figure with sky sensitivity for Parkes Pulsar Timing Array, included dipole overlap reduction function and derivation in appendix, extended likelihood discussio

    Feasibility of measuring the Shapiro time delay over meter-scale distances

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    The time delay of light as it passes by a massive object, first calculated by Shapiro in 1964, is a hallmark of the curvature of space-time. To date, all measurements of the Shapiro time delay have been made over solar-system distance scales. We show that the new generation of kilometer-scale laser interferometers being constructed as gravitational wave detectors, in particular Advanced LIGO, will in principle be sensitive enough to measure variations in the Shapiro time delay produced by a suitably designed rotating object placed near the laser beam. We show that such an apparatus is feasible (though not easy) to construct, present an example design, and calculate the signal that would be detectable by Advanced LIGO. This offers the first opportunity to measure space-time curvature effects on a laboratory distance scale.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; v3 has updated instrumental noise curves plus a few text edits; resubmitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Food allergy in the Netherlands: differences in clinical severity, causative foods, sensitization and DBPCFC between community and outpatients

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    Background: It is unknown whether food allergy (FA) in an unselected population is comparable to those from an outpatient clinic population. Objective: To discover if FA in a random sample from the Dutch community is comparable to that of outpatients. Methods: This study was part of the Europrevall-project. A random sample of 6600 adults received a questionnaire. Those with symptoms to one of 24 defined priority foods were tested for sΙgE. Participants with a positive case history and elevated sIgE were evaluated by double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge (DBPCFC). Outpatients with a suspicion of FA were evaluated by questionnaire, sIgE and DBPCFC. Results: In the community, severe symptoms were reported less often than in outpatients (39.3% vs. 54.3%). Participants in the community were less commonly sensitized to any of the foods. When selecting only those with a probable FA (i.e. symptoms of priority food and elevation of sIgE to the respective food), no major differences were observed with respect to severity, causative foods, sensitization and DBPCFC between the groups. Conclusion: In the Netherlands, there are large differences in self-reported FA between community and outpatients. However, Dutch community and outpatients with a probable FA do not differ with respect to severity, causative foods, sensitization and DBPCFC-outcome