719 research outputs found

    Forbidden Facts: An Investigation of Competing Objectives in Llama-2

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    LLMs often face competing pressures (for example helpfulness vs. harmlessness). To understand how models resolve such conflicts, we study Llama-2-chat models on the forbidden fact task. Specifically, we instruct Llama-2 to truthfully complete a factual recall statement while forbidding it from saying the correct answer. This often makes the model give incorrect answers. We decompose Llama-2 into 1000+ components, and rank each one with respect to how useful it is for forbidding the correct answer. We find that in aggregate, around 35 components are enough to reliably implement the full suppression behavior. However, these components are fairly heterogeneous and many operate using faulty heuristics. We discover that one of these heuristics can be exploited via a manually designed adversarial attack which we call The California Attack. Our results highlight some roadblocks standing in the way of being able to successfully interpret advanced ML systems. Project website available at https://forbiddenfacts.github.io .Comment: Accepted to the ATTRIB and SoLaR workshops at NeurIPS 2023; (v3: clarified experimental details


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    We study the data-scaling of transfer learning from foundation models in the low-downstream-data regime. We observe an intriguing phenomenon which we call cliff-learning. Cliff-learning refers to regions of data-scaling laws where performance improves at a faster than power law rate (i.e. regions of concavity on a log-log scaling plot). We conduct an in-depth investigation of foundation-model cliff-learning and study toy models of the phenomenon. We observe that the degree of cliff-learning reflects the degree of compatibility between the priors of a learning algorithm and the task being learned.Comment: 13 page

    Eigen electric moments of magnetic-dipolar modes in quasi-2D ferrite disk particles

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    A property associated with a vortex structure becomes evident from an analysis of confinement phenomena of magnetic oscillations in a quasi-2D ferrite disk with a dominating role of magnetic-dipolar (non-exchange-interaction) spectra. The vortices are guaranteed by the chiral edge states of magnetic-dipolar modes which result in appearance of eigen electric moments oriented normally to the disk plane. Due to the eigen-electric-moment properties, a ferrite disk placed in a microwave cavity is strongly affected by the cavity RF electric field with a clear evidence for multi-resonance oscillations. For different cavity parameters, one may observe the "resonance absorption" and "resonance repulsion" behaviors

    Batalin-Vilkovisky Integrals in Finite Dimensions

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    The Batalin-Vilkovisky method (BV) is the most powerful method to analyze functional integrals with (infinite-dimensional) gauge symmetries presently known. It has been invented to fix gauges associated with symmetries that do not close off-shell. Homological Perturbation Theory is introduced and used to develop the integration theory behind BV and to describe the BV quantization of a Lagrangian system with symmetries. Localization (illustrated in terms of Duistermaat-Heckman localization) as well as anomalous symmetries are discussed in the framework of BV.Comment: 35 page

    Type Inference for Deadlock Detection in a Multithreaded Polymorphic Typed Assembly Language

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    We previously developed a polymorphic type system and a type checker for a multithreaded lock-based polymorphic typed assembly language (MIL) that ensures that well-typed programs do not encounter race conditions. This paper extends such work by taking into consideration deadlocks. The extended type system verifies that locks are acquired in the proper order. Towards this end we require a language with annotations that specify the locking order. Rather than asking the programmer (or the compiler's backend) to specifically annotate each newly introduced lock, we present an algorithm to infer the annotations. The result is a type checker whose input language is non-decorated as before, but that further checks that programs are exempt from deadlocks

    Higher education and unemployment in Europe : an analysis of the academic subject and national effects

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    This paper examines the impact of an academic degree and field of study on short and long-term unemployment across Europe (EU15). Labour Force Survey (LFS) data on over half a million individuals are utilised for that purpose. The harmonized LFS classification of level of education and field of study overcomes past problems of comparability across Europe. The study analyses (i) the effect of an academic degree at a European level, (ii) the specific effect of 14 academic subjects and (iii) country specific effects. The results indicate that an academic degree is more effective on reducing the likelihood of short-term than long-term unemployment. This general pattern even though it is observed for most of the academic subjects its levels show significant variation across disciplines and countries

    An abort-aware model of transactional programming

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    Abstract There has been a lot of recent research on transaction-based concurrent programming, aimed at offering an easier concurrent programming paradigm that enables programmers to better exploit the parallelism of modern multi-processor machines, such as multi-core microprocessors. We introduce Transactional State Machines (TSMs) as an abstract finite-data model of transactional shared-memory concurrent programs. TSMs are a variant of concurrent boolean programs (or concurrent extended recursive state machines) augmented with additional constructs for specifying potentially nested transactions. Namely, some procedures (or code segments) can be marked as transactions and are meant to be executed “atomically”, and there are also explicit commit and abort operations for transactions. The TSM model is non-blocking and allows interleaved executions where multiple processes can simultaneously be executing inside transactions. It also allows nested transactions, transactions which may never terminate, and transactions which may be aborted explicitly, or aborted automatically by the run-time environment due to memory conflicts. We show that concurrent executions of TSMs satisfy a correctness criterion closely related to serializability, which we call stutter-serializability, with respect to shared memory. We initiate a study of model checking problems for TSMs. Model checking arbitrary TSMs is easily seen to be undecidable, but we show it is decidable in the following case: when recursion The work of K. Etessami was done partly while visiting Microsof

    An Abort-Aware Model of Transactional Programming

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    Abstract. There has been a lot of recent research on transaction-based concurrent programming, aimed at offering an easier concurrent programming paradigm that enables programmers to better exploit the parallelism of modern multi-processor machines, such as multi-core microprocessors. We introduce Transactional State Machines (TSMs) as an abstract finite-data model of transactional shared-memory concurrent programs. TSMs are a variant of concurrent boolean programs (or concurrent extended recursive state machines) augmented with additional constructs for specifying potentially nested transactions. Namely, some procedures (or code segments) can be marked as transactions and are meant to be executed “atomically”, and there are also explicit commit and abort operations for transactions. The TSM model is non-blocking and allows interleaved executions where multiple processes can simultaneously be executing inside transactions. It also allows nested transactions, transactions which may never terminate, and transactions which may be aborted explicitly, or aborted automatically by the run-time environment due to memory conflicts. We show that concurrent executions of TSMs satisfy a correctness criterion closely related to serializability, which we call stutter-serializability, with respect to shared memory. We initiate a study of model checking problems for TSMs. Model checking arbitrary TSMs is easily seen to be undecidable, but we show it is decidable in the following case: when recursion is exclusively used inside transactions in all (but one) of the processes, we show that model checking such TSMs against all stutterinvariant ω-regular properties of shared memory is decidable.
