29 research outputs found

    Complex ultrasound diagnostic assessment of the results of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer (Stages IIB–IIIB)

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    Background. Current complex ultrasound diagnosis using novel imaging techniques can assess, to a high accuracy, different tumor parameters during neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NCT) for locally advanced cervical cancer (CC) (Stages IIB–IIB). This assessment is very important and necessary to define further treatment policy.Materials and methods. A total of 199 patients diagnosed with Stages IIB–IIIB CC, including 60 patients with Stage IIB (T2bN0M0), 4 with Stage IIIА (T3aN0M0), and 135 with Stage IIIВ (T2bN1M0, T3aN1M0, T3bN0–1M0) (according to the International Federationof Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) classification), who received NCT at Stage 1 of treatment, were examined. Complex ultrasound study was conducted before treatment initiation and after each NCT cycle. The therapeutic pathomorphism of a tumor was evaluated in surgically treated patients.Results. The criteria have been determined for evaluating the efficiency of NCT for locally advanced CC, which are based on current ultrasonographic techniques including B-mode, Doppler ultrasound (power, spectral, three-dimensional ones), as well as on the results of therapeutic pathomorphism.Conclusion. The criteria for evaluating the efficiency of NCT for CC should be based on current complex ultrasonographic techniques

    Consensus concept of modern effective therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a genetic orphan neuromuscular disease caused by a mutation in the DMD gene encod‑ ing the protein dystrophin. As a result of developing and progressive muscle damage and atrophy, childrenlose the abil‑ ity to walk, develop respiratory and cardiac disorders. The core elements of good care standards are early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, daily physical therapy, regular rehabilitation, glucocorticosteroids, and control of heart andlung function. The clinical effect of new targeted pathogenetic therapies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, restoring synthesis of full or truncated dystrophin, depend on their appropriate combination with existing standards of care. © 2023 ABV-Press Publishing House. All rights reserved

    Основополагающее значение понятий «амбулаторность» и «неамбулаторность» в комплексной оценке состояния пациентов с мышечной дистрофией Дюшенна

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a fatal neuromuscular disease due to a mutation in the gene encoding dystrophin synthesis. In patients, muscle damage and atrophy progresses, the ability to move independently decreases as well as respiratory and cardiac functions. At various stages of the disease, different methods of care and treatment of patients with DMD are used. The clinical effect of new methods of DMD target therapy may depend on the stage of development of the disease (ambulatory or non‑ambulatory). To date, there are no unified criteria for assessing the status of a patient in terms ambulatory. In clinical trials and real clinical practice, different approaches are used to assess the patient’s status. However, the conclusion about the functional capabilities is critical for patients with DMD as approaches in management of patients in ambulatory and non‑ambulatory stages differ significantly. This necessitates expert consensus to achieve consistency and avoid any of discrepancies on that issue.The paper reviews the available published data on the concepts of “ambulatory” and “non‑ambulatory” used in clinical trials, real clinical practice, international standards and recommendations. As a conclusion of this analysis, it is proposed in real clinical practice to interpret “ambulation” in DMD patients as ability to walk without the use of assistive devices and without specifying the distance and time, and “non‑ambulation” as condition in which the patient is forced to constantly use a wheelchair both indoors and outdoors.Мышечная дистрофия Дюшенна (МДД) – фатальное нервно‑мышечное заболевание, обусловленное мутацией гена, кодирующего белок дистрофин. В результате развивающегося и прогрессирующего повреждения и атрофии мышц пациенты теряют способность к самостоятельному передвижению, у них развиваются респираторные и кардиологические нарушения. На разных стадиях МДД используются разные методы ведения. Клинический эффект новых методов таргетной терапии МДД может зависеть от стадии болезни на момент назначения лечения: амбулаторной, когда пациент ходит самостоятельно, или неамбулаторной, когда способность к самостоятельной ходьбе утрачена. Сегодня нет единых критериев статуса пациента с точки зрения амбулаторности, а в клинических исследованиях и реальной практике используются разные подходы к ее оценке. Тем не менее определение понятий «амбулаторность» и «неамбулаторность» критично для пациентов с МДД, так как подходы к ведению пациентов в амбулаторной и неамбулаторной стадии болезни различны. В статье представлены обзор, сравнение и анализ определений «амбулаторность» и «неамбулаторность», использованных в клинических исследованиях, реальной медицинской практике, международных стандартах и рекомендациях.По итогам анализа предлагается в реальной клинической практике трактовать амбулаторность больных МДД как способность ходить без использования вспомогательных средств и без указания дистанции и времени, а потерей амбулаторности считать состояние, при котором пациент вынужден постоянно использовать инвалидное кресло для передвижения как вне дома, так и в домашних условиях

    Energy Trade and Cooperation between the EU and CIS Countries

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    The report reviews key issues in energy trade and cooperation between the EU and CIS countries. It describes historical trends of oil and gas demand in the EU, other European and CIS countries and offers demand forecasts until 2030. Recent developments in oil and gas production and exports from Russia and Caspian countries are covered in detail leading to the discussion of the likely export potential of these regions. The key factors determining the production outlook, trade-offs and competition related to energy resources transportation choices are also discussed. The report also covers the interests and role of transit countries in relations between producer and consumer regions. The analytical section leads to policy recommendations that focus mainly on the EU

    Difficult diagnosis. Niemann - Pick disease, type C

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    Modern diagnostic capabilities and improved medical knowledge allow to detect more diseases that were previously considered extremely rare. Along with the achievements of the pharmaceutical industry, timely diagnosis and adequate therapy often save the child's life and slow the progression of the disease. The article focuses on a rare genetic lysosomal storage disease which is inherited in autosomal recessive fashion - Niemann - Pick disease, type C. Types of clinical course and diagnostic methods are described in detail