6,464 research outputs found

    Complex chaos in conditional qubit dynamics and purification protocols

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    Selection of an ensemble of equally prepared quantum systems, based on measurements on it, is a basic step in quantum state purification. For an ensemble of single qubits, iterative application of selective dynamics has been shown to lead to complex chaos, which is a novel form of quantum chaos with true sensitivity to the initial conditions. The Julia set of initial valuse with no convergence shows a complicated structre on the complex plane. The shape of the Julia set varies with the parameter of the dynamics. We present here results for the two qubit case demonstrating how a purification process can be destroyed with chaotic oscillations

    Complex chaos in the conditional dynamics of qubits

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    We analyze the consequences of iterative measurement-induced nonlinearity on the dynamical behavior of qubits. We present a one-qubit scheme where the equation governing the time evolution is a complex-valued nonlinear map with one complex parameter. In contrast to the usual notion of quantum chaos, exponential sensitivity to the initial state occurs here. We calculate analytically the Lyapunov exponent based on the overlap of quantum states, and find that it is positive. We present a few illustrative examples of the emerging dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Directional correlations in quantum walks with two particles

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    Quantum walks on a line with a single particle possess a classical analogue. Involving more walkers opens up the possibility of studying collective quantum effects, such as many-particle correlations. In this context, entangled initial states and the indistinguishability of the particles play a role. We consider the directional correlations between two particles performing a quantum walk on a line. For non-interacting particles, we find analytic asymptotic expressions and give the limits of directional correlations. We show that by introducing delta-interaction between the particles, one can exceed the limits for non-interacting particles

    Workflow level interoperation of grid data resources

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    The lack of widely accepted standards and the use of different middleware solutions divide today’s Grid resources into non-interoperable production Grid islands. On the other hand, more and more experiments require such a large number of resources that the interoperation of existing production Grids becomes inevitable. This paper, based on the current results of grid interoperation studies, defines generic requirements towards the workflow level interoperation of grid solutions. It concentrates on intra-workflow interoperation of grid data resources, as one of the key areas of generic interoperation, and describes through an example how existing tools can be extended to achieve the required level of interoperation

    Sublinear Algorithms for (1.5+E)-Approximate Matching

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    We study sublinear time algorithms for estimating the size of maximummatching. After a long line of research, the problem was finally settled byBehnezhad [FOCS'22], in the regime where one is willing to pay an approximationfactor of 22. Very recently, Behnezhad et al.[SODA'23] improved theapproximation factor to (2−12O(1/γ))(2-\frac{1}{2^{O(1/\gamma)}}) using n1+γn^{1+\gamma}time. This improvement over the factor 22 is, however, minuscule and theyasked if even 1.991.99-approximation is possible in n2−Ω(1)n^{2-\Omega(1)} time. Wegive a strong affirmative answer to this open problem by showing(1.5+ϵ)(1.5+\epsilon)-approximation algorithms that run inn2−Θ(ϵ2)n^{2-\Theta(\epsilon^{2})} time. Our approach is conceptually simple anddiverges from all previous sublinear-time matching algorithms: we show asublinear time algorithm for computing a variant of the edge-degree constrainedsubgraph (EDCS), a concept that has previously been exploited in dynamic[Bernstein Stein ICALP'15, SODA'16], distributed [Assadi et al. SODA'19] andstreaming [Bernstein ICALP'20] settings, but never before in the sublinearsetting. Independent work: Behnezhad, Roghani and Rubinstein [BRR'23]independently showed sublinear algorithms similar to our Theorem 1.2 in bothadjacency list and matrix models. Furthermore, in [BRR'23], they showadditional results on strictly better-than-1.5 approximate matching algorithmsin both upper and lower bound sides.<br

    Momentum dependence of the energy gap in the superconducting state of optimally doped Bi2(Sr,R)2CuOy (R=La and Eu)

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    The energy gap of optimally doped Bi2(Sr,R)2CuOy (R=La and Eu) was probed by angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) using a vacuum ultraviolet laser (photon energy 6.994 eV) or He I resonance line (21.218 eV) as photon source. The results show that the gap around the node at sufficiently low temperatures can be well described by a monotonic d-wave gap function for both samples and the gap of the R=La sample is larger reflecting the higher Tc. However, an abrupt deviation from the d-wave gap function and an opposite R dependence for the gap size were observed around the antinode, which represent a clear disentanglement between the antinodal pseudogap and the nodal superconducting gap.Comment: Submitted as the proceedings of LT2

    Doping-dependence of nodal quasiparticle properties in high-TcT_{\rm c} cuprates studied by laser-excited angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

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    We investigate the doping dependent low energy, low temperature (TT = 5 K) properties of nodal quasiparticles in the d-wave superconductor Bi2.1_{2.1}Sr1.9_{1.9}CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} (Bi2212). By utilizing ultrahigh resolution laser-excited angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we obtain precise band dispersions near EFE_{F}, mean free paths and scattering rates (Γ\Gamma) of quasiparticles. For optimally and overdoped, we obtain very sharp quasiparticle peaks of 8 meV and 6 meV full-width at half-maximum, respectively, in accord with terahertz conductivity. For all doping levels, we find the energy-dependence of Γ∼∣ω∣\Gamma \sim |\omega |, while Γ\Gamma(ω=0\omega =0) shows a monotonic increase from overdoping to underdoping. The doping dependence suggests the role of electronic inhomogeneity on the nodal quasiparticle scattering at low temperature (5 K \lsim 0.07T_{\rm c}), pronounced in the underdoped region
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