37,796 research outputs found

    Information Flow of quantum states interacting with closed timelike curves

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    Recently, the quantum information processing power of closed timelike curves have been discussed. Because the most widely accepted model for quantum closed timelike curve interactions contains ambiguities, different authors have been able to reach radically different conclusions as to the power of such interactions. By tracing the information flow through such systems we are able to derive equivalent circuits with unique solutions, thus allowing an objective decision between the alternatives to be made. We conclude that closed timelike curves, if they exist and are well described by these simple models, would be a powerful resource for quantum information processing.Comment: Now includes appendix proving Deutsch's maximum entropy conjectur

    High-speed observation of sprite streamers

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited.Sprites are optical emissions in the mesosphere mainly at altitudes 50–90 km. They are caused by the sudden re-distribution of charge due to lightning in the troposphere which can produce electric fields in the mesosphere in excess of the local breakdown field. The resulting optical displays can be spectacular and this has led to research into the physics and chemistry involved. Imaging at faster than 5,000 frames per second has revealed streamer discharges to be an important and very dynamic part of sprites, and this paper will review high-speed observations of sprite streamers. Streamers are initiated in the 65–85 km altitude range and observed to propagate both down and up at velocities normally in the 106–5 9 107 m/s range. Sprite streamer heads are small, typically less than a few hundreds of meters, but very bright and appear in images much like stars with signals up to that expected of a magnitude -6 star. Many details of streamer formation have been modeled and successfully compared with observations. Streamers frequently split into multiple sub-streamers. The splitting is very fast. To resolve details will require framing rates higher than the maximum 32,000 fps used so far. Sprite streamers are similar to streamers observed in the laboratory and, although many features appear to obey simple scaling laws, recent work indicates that there are limits to the scaling.Research funding has been provided by the US National Science Foundation grants to the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the US Air Force Academy, and by DARPA through a grant to the University of Florida

    Generation of Werner states via collective decay of coherently driven atoms

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    We show deterministic generation of Werner states as a steady state of the collective decay dynamics of a pair of neutral atom coupled to a leaky cavity and strong coherent drive. We also show how the scheme can be extended to generate 2N2N-particle analogue of the bipartite Werner states.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Scattering fidelity in elastodynamics

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    The recent introduction of the concept of scattering fidelity, causes us to revisit the experiment by Lobkis and Weaver [Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 254302 (2003)]. There, the ``distortion'' of the coda of an acoustic signal is measured under temperature changes. This quantity is in fact the negative logarithm of scattering fidelity. We re-analyse their experimental data for two samples, and we find good agreement with random matrix predictions for the standard fidelity. Usually, one may expect such an agreement for chaotic systems only. While the first sample, may indeed be assumed chaotic, for the second sample, a perfect cuboid, such an agreement is more surprising. For the first sample, the random matrix analysis yields a perturbation strength compatible with semiclassical predictions. For the cuboid the measured perturbation strength is much larger than expected, but with the fitted values for this strength, the experimental data are well reproduced.Comment: 4 page

    Detecting separable states via semidefinite programs

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    We introduce a new technique to detect separable states using semidefinite programs. This approach provides a sufficient condition for separability of a state that is based on the existence of a certain local linear map applied to a known separable state. When a state is shown to be separable, a proof of this fact is provided in the form of an explicit convex decomposition of the state in terms of product states. All states in the interior of the set of separable states can be detected in this way, except maybe for a set of measure zero. Even though this technique is more suited for a numerical approach, a new analytical criterion for separability can also be derived.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Discrimination between evolution operators

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    Under broad conditions, evolutions due to two different Hamiltonians are shown to lead at some moment to orthogonal states. For two spin-1/2 systems subject to precession by different magnetic fields the achievement of orthogonalization is demonstrated for every scenario but a special one. This discrimination between evolutions is experimentally much simpler than procedures proposed earlier based on either sequential or parallel application of the unknown unitaries. A lower bound for the orthogonalization time is proposed in terms of the properties of the two Hamiltonians.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, REVTe

    Optimal path for a quantum teleportation protocol in entangled networks

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    Bellman's optimality principle has been of enormous importance in the development of whole branches of applied mathematics, computer science, optimal control theory, economics, decision making, and classical physics. Examples are numerous: dynamic programming, Markov chains, stochastic dynamics, calculus of variations, and the brachistochrone problem. Here we show that Bellman's optimality principle is violated in a teleportation problem on a quantum network. This implies that finding the optimal fidelity route for teleporting a quantum state between two distant nodes on a quantum network with bi-partite entanglement will be a tough problem and will require further investigation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, RevTeX

    Entanglement generation resonances in XY chains

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    We examine the maximum entanglement reached by an initially fully aligned state evolving in an XY Heisenberg spin chain placed in a uniform transverse magnetic field. Both the global entanglement between one qubit and the rest of the chain and the pairwise entanglement between adjacent qubits is analyzed. It is shown that in both cases the maximum is not a monotonous decreasing function of the aligning field, exhibiting instead a resonant behavior for low anisotropies, with pronounced peaks (a total of [n/2] peaks in the global entanglement for an nn-spin chain), whose width is proportional to the anisotropy and whose height remains finite in the limit of small anisotropy. It is also seen that the maximum pairwise entanglement is not a smooth function of the field even in small finite chains, where it may exhibit narrow peaks above strict plateaus. Explicit analytical results for small chains, as well as general exact results for finite n-spin chains obtained through the Jordan-Wigner mapping, are discussed

    Quantum information processing with single photons and atomic ensembles in microwave coplanar waveguide resonators

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    We show that pairs of atoms optically excited to the Rydberg states can strongly interact with each other via effective long-range dipole-dipole or van der Waals interactions mediated by their non-resonant coupling to a common microwave field mode of a superconducting coplanar waveguide cavity. These cavity mediated interactions can be employed to generate single photons and to realize in a scalable configuration a universal phase gate between pairs of single photon pulses propagating or stored in atomic ensembles in the regime of electromagnetically induced transparency

    Dimension minimization of a quantum automaton

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    A new model of a Quantum Automaton (QA), working with qubits is proposed. The quantum states of the automaton can be pure or mixed and are represented by density operators. This is the appropriated approach to deal with measurements and dechorence. The linearity of a QA and of the partial trace super-operator, combined with the properties of invariant subspaces under unitary transformations, are used to minimize the dimension of the automaton and, consequently, the number of its working qubits. The results here developed are valid wether the state set of the QA is finite or not. There are two main results in this paper: 1) We show that the dimension reduction is possible whenever the unitary transformations, associated to each letter of the input alphabet, obey a set of conditions. 2) We develop an algorithm to find out the equivalent minimal QA and prove that its complexity is polynomial in its dimension and in the size of the input alphabet.Comment: 26 page
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