203 research outputs found
The article is coincided with the anniversary – 80 years after appellation of the nameof I. P. Pavlov to the First Saint Petersburg State Medical University. The paper describes the scientific path of the first Nobel laureate of Russia. The article highlighted the most important achievements in the field of physiology. The article highlighted the pedagogicalactivity of I. P. Pavlov, named his outstanding disciples and followers.Статья приурочена к юбилейной дате – 80летию присвоения имени И. П. Павлова Первому СанктПетербургскому государственному медицинскому университету.Отражен научный путь первого Нобелевского лауреатаРоссии. Отмечены важнейшие достижения в области физиологии. Сделан акцент на педагогической деятельности И. П. Павлова, названы его выдающиеся ученикии последователи
Зміна вмісту 137CS у корі крушини ламкої (Frangula Alnus Mill.) у вологих суборах лісів Полісся України з часу аварії на ЧАЕС
The dynamics of 137Cs content in the bark of Frangula alnus in forests of Zhytomyr Polissya after the accident at Chernobyl NPP (1991-2018) was investigated. Significant decrease of the values of 137Cs specific activity in Frangula alnus Mill. bark (from 4 to 38 times) on permanent test plots during the period of observations (27 years) was determined. Thus, the rate of decrease of 137Cs specific activity in Frangula alnus Mill. bark on different permanent test plots (PTP) differs widely. This can be explained by the peculiarities of the environmental conditions of each PTP, as well as by the immaturity of the methodological approaches to sampling. Reduction of specific activity of the radionuclide in Frangula alnus Mill. bark is due to the following factors: the natural decay of 137Cs in soil and in the bark; more rigid fastening of a radioactive element in soil; the decrease of the radionuclide activity in soil due to its penetration to the numerous components of forest biogeocoenoses. The decrease in the density of soil radioactive contamination from 2.2 to 3.8 times is also observed. It can be explained by 137Cs decay, its more rigid fastening in soil and penetration of its parts into forest plants. The peculiarities of methodological approaches to soil sampling for determining the density of soil radioactive contamination were identified as follows: taking into consideration the vertical 137Cs migration into the lower layers of soil, at present, soil samples should be taken at a depth of 25 cm (unlike soil sampling at a depth of 10 cm). Current levels of radioactive contamination were detected and the relationship between the density of soil radioactive contamination and the content of radionuclide in the bark of Frangula alnus Mill. was determined. The linear dependence of 137Cs concentration increase in the bark of Frangula alnus Mill. on the increase of soil radioactive contamination density is observed. Frangula alnus Mill. is attributed to the plants that moderately accumulate 137Cs.Досліджено динаміку вмісту 137Cs у корі крушини ламкої у лісах Житомирського Полісся з часу аварії на ЧАЕС (1991-2018 рр.). Відзначено істотне зменшення величини питомої активності 137Cs у корі крушини ламкої на постійних пробних площах за період спостережень (27 років) – від 4 до 38 разів, тобто темпи зниження питомої активності 137Cs у корі крушини ламкої на різних постійних пробних площах відрізняються у широких межах. Це можна пояснити особливостями екологічних умов кожної пробної площі, а також недосконалістю методичних підходів до відбору зразків. Зменшення питомої активності радіонукліда в корі крушини ламкої зумовлено: природним розпадом 137Cs у ґрунті та в самій корі; жорсткішим закріпленням радіоактивного елементу у ґрунті; зменшенням активності радіонукліда у ґрунті завдяки його надходженню до чисельних компонентів лісових біогеоценозів. Також відзначено зниження рівня щільності радіоактивного забруднення ґрунту – від 2,2 до 3,8 раза, що пояснено розпадом 137Cs, його жорсткішим закріпленням у ґрунті та переміщенням його частини до лісових рослин. Зазначено особливості методичних підходів до відбору зразків ґрунту для визначення величини щільності радіоактивного забруднення ґрунту, – враховуючи вертикальну міграцію 137Cs у нижчі шари ґрунту, тепер зразки ґрунту необхідно відбирати завглибшки 25 см (на відміну від відбору зразків ґрунту завглибшки 10 см). Виявлено сучасні рівні радіоактивного забруднення та встановлено залежність між щільністю радіоактивного забруднення ґрунту та вмістом радіонукліда а корі крушини ламкої. Простежено лінійну залежність збільшення концентрації 137Cs у корі крушини із збільшенням величини щільності радіоактивного забруднення ґрунту. Крушину ламку віднесено до рослин, які помірно накопичують 137Cs
Modulational instability, solitons and beam propagation in spatially nonlocal nonlinear media
We present an overview of recent advances in the understanding of optical
beams in nonlinear media with a spatially nonlocal nonlinear response. We
discuss the impact of nonlocality on the modulational instability of plane
waves, the collapse of finite-size beams, and the formation and interaction of
spatial solitons.Comment: Review article, will be published in Journal of Optics B, special
issue on Optical Solitons, 6 figure
Collapse arrest and soliton stabilization in nonlocal nonlinear media
We investigate the properties of localized waves in systems governed by
nonlocal nonlinear Schrodinger type equations. We prove rigorously by bounding
the Hamiltonian that nonlocality of the nonlinearity prevents collapse in,
e.g., Bose-Einstein condensates and optical Kerr media in all physical
dimensions. The nonlocal nonlinear response must be symmetric, but can be of
completely arbitrary shape. We use variational techniques to find the soliton
solutions and illustrate the stabilizing effect of nonlocality.Comment: 4 pages with 3 figure
Contrasts in dissolved, particulate, and sedimentary organic carbon from the Kolyma River to the East Siberian Shelf
Arctic rivers will be increasingly affected by the
hydrological and biogeochemical consequences of thawing permafrost. During
transport, permafrost-derived organic carbon (OC) can either accumulate in
floodplain and shelf sediments or be degraded into greenhouse gases prior to
final burial. Thus, the net impact of permafrost OC on climate will
ultimately depend on the interplay of complex processes that occur along the
source-to-sink system. Here, we focus on the Kolyma River, the largest
watershed completely underlain by continuous permafrost, and marine
sediments of the East Siberian Sea, as a transect to investigate the fate of
permafrost OC along the land–ocean continuum. Three pools of riverine OC
were investigated for the Kolyma main stem and five of its tributaries:
dissolved OC (DOC), suspended particulate OC (POC), and riverbed sediment OC
(SOC). They were compared with earlier findings in marine sediments. Carbon isotopes
(δ13C, Δ14C), lignin phenol, and lipid biomarker
proxies show a contrasting composition and degradation state of these
different carbon pools. Dual C isotope source apportionment calculations
imply that old permafrost-OC is mostly associated with sediments (SOC;
contribution of 68±10 %), and less dominant in POC (38±8 %), whereas autochthonous primary production contributes around 44±10 % to POC in the main stem and up to 79±11 % in tributaries.
Biomarker degradation indices suggest that Kolyma DOC might be relatively
degraded, regardless of its generally young age shown by previous studies.
In contrast, SOC shows the lowest Δ14C value (oldest OC), yet
relatively fresh compositional signatures. Furthermore, decreasing mineral
surface area-normalised OC- and biomarker loadings suggest that SOC might be
reactive along the land–ocean continuum and almost all parameters were
subjected to rapid change when moving from freshwater to the marine
environment. This suggests that sedimentary dynamics play a crucial role
when targeting permafrost-derived OC in aquatic systems and support earlier
studies highlighting the fact that the land–ocean transition zone is an efficient
reactor and a dynamic environment. The prevailing inconsistencies between
freshwater and marine research (i.e. targeting predominantly DOC and SOC
respectively) need to be better aligned in order to determine to what degree
thawed permafrost OC may be destined for long-term burial, thereby
attenuating further global warming.</p
Tracking azimuthons in nonlocal nonlinear media
We study the formation of azimuthons, i.e., rotating spatial solitons, in
media with nonlocal focusing nonlinearity. We show that whole families of these
solutions can be found by considering internal modes of classical non-rotating
stationary solutions, namely vortex solitons. This offers an exhaustive method
to identify azimuthons in a given nonlocal medium. We demonstrate formation of
azimuthons of different vorticities and explain their properties by considering
the strongly nonlocal limit of accessible solitons.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure
Mucolytic drugs, particularly, direct action mucolytics with acetylcysteine derivatives among them, are included in the complex therapy of the bronchopulmonary dysplasia exacerbations. However, data on application effectiveness and safety of such a therapy with chronic bronchopulmonary diseases in children of 0–2 years of age are few and contradictory. The article contains proprietary clinical functional data on application of acetylcysteine in granules for the syrup preparation in the treatment of children bronchopulmonary dysplasia.В комплексную терапию обострений бронхолегочной дисплазии наряду с ингаляционными кортикостероидами и антибиотиками входят муколитические препараты, в частности муколитики прямого действия, к которым относятся производные ацетилцистеина. Однако, данные об эффективности и безопасности применения такой терапии при хронических бронхолегочных заболеваниях у детей первых двух лет жизни малочисленны и разноречивы. Статья содержит собственные клинико-функциональные данные о применении ацетилцистеина в гранулах для приготовления сиропа при лечении детей с бронхолегочной дисплазией.
Эндопротез нижней челюсти с опорными зонами как искусственный орган
Mandibular reconstruction after partial or complete resection is a prerequisite for restoring normal facial aesthetics, articulation and chewing function. We present a clinical case of lower jaw reconstruction in a female patient with acquired extensive bone defect while taking pervitin and desomorphine. Detailed descriptions of the stages of planning and performing surgery, manufacture of an individual endoprosthesis, as well as preoperative preparation of the patient are presented. Clinical and radiological data in the postoperative period were analyzed and an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the technique was given. Adequate restoration of the main functions of the lost organ was achieved thanks to the use of an individual titanium mandibular endoprosthesis with integrated dental implants and a full-arch denture.Реконструкция нижней челюсти после ее частичной или полной резекции является необходимым условием для восстановления нормальной эстетики лица, артикуляции и жевательной функции. В данной публикации представлен клинический случай реконструкции нижней челюсти у пациентки с приобретенным обширным дефектом кости на фоне приема наркотических веществ на основе первитина и дезоморфина. Приведено детальное описание этапов планирования и проведения оперативного вмешательства, изготовления индивидуального эндопротеза, а также предоперационной подготовки пациента. Проанализированы клинические и рентгенологические данные в послеоперационном периоде, дана объективная оценка эффективности методики. За счет применения индивидуального титанового эндопротеза нижней челюсти с включенными дентальными имплантатами и изготовления ортопедической конструкции достигнуто адекватное восстановление основных функций утраченного органа
The frequency of achieving complete remission, as well as overall and disease-free survival, in multiple myeloma (MM) had increased due to introduction in MM treatment regimens of high-dose chemotherapy with following autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (ASCT). However the number of relapses remains high, caused by persistence of residual tumor cells, i.e., the presence of minimal residual disease (MRD). One of the methods for MRD study is multicolor flow cytometry (MFC) where abnormal expression of surface antigens on myeloma plasma cells (PC) is determined. The aim of our study was to investigate the MRD by MFC before and after ASCT, the frequency of MRD-negative status achievement in complete remission (CR) patients at +100 days after ASCT and the frequency of abnormal expressed antigens on myeloma plasma cells. The study included40 MMpatients in CR at +100 days after ASCT and showed that the most common aberrations of PC were: abnormal absence of CD19 and/or CD27, decreased expression of CD38 and abnormal presence of CD56. The proportion of myeloma PCs from all bone marrow cells decreased significantly after ASCT: 20 % of patients acquired MRD-negative status, 10 % had a decrease in the number of abnormal PCs by one fold. Analysis of probability of immunochemical relapse showed that the worst prognosis was in patients with MRD-positive status before and after ASCT. During the MRD monitoring within 3-18 months, MRD-relapses were detected with the subsequent development of immunochemical relapse. The detection MRD in the dynamics is more informative than the study at only one step of therapy. It may help to select more adequate treatment for patient with multiple myeloma in each specific case
Seasonal particulate organic carbon dynamics of the Kolyma River tributaries, Siberia
Arctic warming is causing permafrost thaw and release of organic carbon (OC) to fluvial systems. Permafrost-derived OC can be transported downstream and degraded into greenhouse gases that may enhance climate warming. Susceptibility of OC to decomposition depends largely upon its source and composition, which vary throughout the seasonally distinct hydrograph. Most studies on carbon dynamics to date have focused on larger Arctic rivers, yet little is known about carbon cycling in lower-order rivers and streams. Here, we characterize the composition and sources of OC, focusing on less studied particulate OC (POC), in smaller waterways within the Kolyma River watershed. Additionally, we examine how watershed characteristics control carbon concentrations. In lower-order systems, we find rapid initiation of primary production in response to warm water temperatures during spring freshet, shown by decreasing δ13C-POC, in contrast to larger rivers. This results in CO2 uptake by primary producers and microbial degradation of mainly autochthonous OC. However, if terrestrially derived inorganic carbon is assimilated by primary producers, part of it is returned via CO2 emissions if the autochthonous OC pool is simultaneously degraded. As Arctic warming and hydrologic changes may increase OC transfer from smaller waterways to larger river networks, understanding carbon dynamics in smaller waterways is crucial.</p
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