51 research outputs found

    An increase of NAD+ kinase activity in Neurospora cells during adaptation to environmental stress

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    An increase of NAD+ kinase activity in Neurospora cells during adaptation to environmental stres

    Studying X-ray burst nucleosynthesis in the laboratory

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    Type I X-ray bursts are the most common explosions in the Galaxy; however, the nucleosynthesis that occurs during the thermonuclear runaway and explosion is poorly understood. In this proceedings we discuss current experimental efforts and techniques that are being used to study X-ray burst nucleosynthesis in the laboratory. Specifically, radioactive ion beam techniques that have recently been developed have allowed the study of some of the most important (α, p) reactions in X-ray bursts for the first time. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Синтез и биологическое действие (±)-транс-2-[2-(диалкиламино)этокси]циклогексанолов и их сложных эфиров

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    This article is devoted to a method of synthesis and study of the properties of (±) - trans-2-[2-dialkylamino)ethoxy]cyclohexahols and aminoesters. It was found that the studied compounds are not toxic and have expressed antiarrhythmic propertiesСинтезирована серия аминоциклогексанолов и их сложных эфиров с целью выяснения их биологической активности. Показано, что полученные соединения обладают антиаритмической активностью и низкой токсичностью

    Синтез, свойства и биологическое действие (±)-транс- 2-диалкиламиноциклогексанолов и их сложных эфиров

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    A series of trans-2-(substituted amino)-cyclohehyl esters have been synthesized and examined for pharmacological activity. Significant responses have been noted with these compounds as ant arrhythmic substances.Синтезирована серия транс-2-диалкиламиноциклогексанолов и их сложных эфиров с целью выяснения их биологической активности. Показано, что полученные соединения обладают антиаритмической активностью и низкой токсичностью

    Shapes, softness, and nonyrast collectivity in 186W

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    Nonyrast, excited states in neutron-rich 186W were populated via inelastic-scattering reactions using beams of 136Xe nuclei accelerated to 725 and 800 MeV. Levels populated in the reactions were investigated via particleγ coincidence techniques using the Gammasphere array of high-purity germanium detectors and the compact heavy-ion counter, CHICO2. The Kπ = 2+ (γ), Kπ = 0+ and Kπ = 2− (octupole) rotational side bands were extended to spins 14¯h,12¯ h, and 13¯h, respectively. A staggering pattern observed in the energies of levels in the Kπ = 2+ band was found to be consistent with a potential that gets softer to vibration in the γ degree of freedom with increasing spin. The odd-even staggering of states in the Kπ = 2− band was found to exhibit a phase opposite to that seen in the γ band; an effect most probably associated with Coriolis coupling to other, unobserved octupole vibrational bands in 186W

    LHCb inner tracker: Technical Design Report

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    LHCb muon system: Technical Design Report

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    Light regulation of metabolic pathways in fungi

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    Light represents a major carrier of information in nature. The molecular machineries translating its electromagnetic energy (photons) into the chemical language of cells transmit vital signals for adjustment of virtually every living organism to its habitat. Fungi react to illumination in various ways, and we found that they initiate considerable adaptations in their metabolic pathways upon growth in light or after perception of a light pulse. Alterations in response to light have predominantly been observed in carotenoid metabolism, polysaccharide and carbohydrate metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, nucleotide and nucleoside metabolism, and in regulation of production of secondary metabolites. Transcription of genes is initiated within minutes, abundance and activity of metabolic enzymes are adjusted, and subsequently, levels of metabolites are altered to cope with the harmful effects of light or to prepare for reproduction, which is dependent on light in many cases. This review aims to give an overview on metabolic pathways impacted by light and to illustrate the physiological significance of light for fungi. We provide a basis for assessment whether a given metabolic pathway might be subject to regulation by light and how these properties can be exploited for improvement of biotechnological processes

    Synthesis, biological properties and effects of trans-2-(substituted amino)-cyclohehyl esters.

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    A series of trans-2-(substituted amino)-cyclohehyl esters have been synthesized and examined for pharmacological activity. Significant responses have been noted with these compounds as ant arrhythmic substances

    Synthesis and properties of (±)-trans-2- [2-(dialkylamino)ethoxy]cyclohexahols and of their esters

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    This article is devoted to a method of synthesis and study of the properties of (±) - trans-2-[2-dialkylamino)ethoxy]cyclohexahols and aminoesters. It was found that the studied compounds are not toxic and have expressed antiarrhythmic propertie