138 research outputs found

    Modern digital technologies and telecommunications mechanisms in the implementation of socio-economic policy at the local and regional level

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    The purpose of the work is to modernize the organizational and economic support of the regional economy management processes based on digital technologie


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    Purpose. To develop a method of prediction of primary uterine inertia on the basis of study of cytokine and vasoactive bioregulator content dynamics.Materials and methods. The material for the research was blood of women taken in the end of gestation (38-40 weeks) and also in the I period of delivery over time from 23 women with physiological act of delivery and from 19 – with uterine inertia.Results. By primary uterine inertia there is an increase of relaxin production by 2 times and a decrease of TNF-α production: before delivery – by 1.5 times, during delivery – by 2 times, relative to the data by physiological delivery. Differently directed changes of TGF-β1 and IL-1β content – increase of the first one and decrease of the second one – are one of the reasons of low generation of nitric oxide as a result of reduction of NO-synthase activity under the action of these cytokines. High level of relaxin neutralizes the endogenous oxytocin action and the decrease of TNF-α and nitric oxide production causes changes in the content of intracellular calcium in myometrium cells.Summary: The detected character of the intracellular regulation disturbance of the uterus contractive activity is a basis for the development of uterine inertia

    Assessment of the Macro-and Microelement Composition of Fly Ash from 50-Year-Old Ash Dumps in the Middle Urals (Russia)

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    The paper considers the macro-and micro-element composition of two ash dumps in the Middle Urals, where meadow and forest communities have been spontaneously forming for 50 years, as well as the effect of the plants on the changing composition of the ash. Higher contents of Cu, Co, Sn, Ga, and Yb were found in the deep ash layers of both dumps, while in the upper 20-cm layer, the trace element composition depended on the influence of different plant communities. Higher contents of Sr, Cr, Ni, Sn, and Co were revealed under meadows, and Ba, Zr, and La were found under the forest. The levels of element accumulation in the aboveground and underground parts of dominant plants were revealed. Increased content of Be, Ce, Ga, La, Sc, Y, and Yb was detected in areas where meadow plants were dominant and Zn and Ba in forest areas. The toxic elements Cd and Pb were highly accumulated in both communities, whereas Co was found only in meadows. The studied materials can serve as a base to assess the feasibility of processing and/or utilizing fly ash from ash dumps in the Middle Urals and similar ash dumps in other regions situated in the southern taiga. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation [project number 121031700309-1 in ISSA SB RAS and project number FEUZ-2021-0014 in URFU]

    Применение гуселькумаба при псориатическом артрите: данные реальной клинической практики

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    Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the joints, spine and enthesis from the group of spondyloarthritis that develops in patients with psoriasis. Guselkumab is a biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug, an inhibitor of interleukin 23, which has been shown to be effective in the treatment of plaque psoriasis and PsA.Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of guselkumab treatment in PsA patients.Patients and methods. The study included 16 patients with PsA. All patients received 100 mg of guselkumab subcutaneously at weeks 0, 4, 12, 20. Disease activity and treatment efficacy were assessed at weeks 0, 12 and 24 using the DAS28, ASDAS, BASDAI, DAPSA activity indices, the index of the extent and severity of psoriasis PASI.Results and discussion. During treatment, patients with PsA showed a pronounced positive dynamics of the indices of disease activity and an improvement in the skin condition. Before the treatment with guselkumab, the mean value of the DAS28 index was 4.26±0.64, DAPSA – 37.94±9.45, ASDAS – 2.7±0.65, and BASDAI – 5.49±1.39, after 12 weeks of treatment these indicators decreased to 3.03±0.49; 17.06±4.58; 1.64±0.33 and 3.48±0.66, respectively, and after 24 weeks (after the 4th injection) – to 2.32±0.18; 11.31±2.18; 1.22±0.27 and 2.62±0.78, respectively (p<0.05 for all cases). Before treatment, the average PASI index reached 30.99±15.43, after 12 weeks – 4.55±4.82, and after 24 weeks – 1.05±1.46 (p<0.05). During treatment, a significant improvement in the main manifestations of the disease was noted: regression of peripheral arthritis, spondylitis, and skin rashes.The treatment was well tolerated during the 24 weeks of the study, and no serious adverse events were reported.Conclusion. The data from real clinical practice indicate that guselkumab is highly effective and safe in the treatment of PsA.Псориатический артрит (ПсА) – хроническое воспалительное заболевание суставов, позвоночника и энтезисов из группы спондилоартритов, развивающееся у больных псориазом. Гуселькумаб – генно-инженерный биологический препарат, ингибитор интерлейкина 23, показавший эффективность в терапии бляшечного псориаза и ПсА.Цель исследования – оценка эффективности лечения гуселькумабом больных ПсА.Пациенты и методы. В исследование включено 16 пациентов с ПсА. Все пациенты получали гуселькумаб в дозе 100 мг подкожно на неделях 0, 4, 12, 20. Оценка активности заболевания и эффективности лечения осуществлялась на неделях 0, 12 и 24 с применением индексов активности DAS28, ASDAS, BASDAI, DAPSA, индекса распространенности и тяжести псориаза – PASI.Результаты и обсуждение. В ходе лечения у больных ПсА наблюдались выраженная положительная динамика индексов активности заболевания и улучшение состояния кожи. Если до начала лечения гуселькумабом среднее значение индекса DAS28 составляло 4,26±0,64, DAPSA – 37,94±9,45, ASDAS – 2,7±0,65 и BASDAI – 5,49±1,39, то через 12 нед произошло снижение этих показателей до 3,03±0,49; 17,06±4,58; 1,64±0,33 и 3,48±0,66 соответственно, а через 24 нед (после 4-й инъекций) – уже до 2,32±0,18; 11,31±2,18; 1,22±0,27 и 2,62±0,78 соответственно (p<0,05 для всех случаев). До начала лечения среднее значение индекса PASI достигало 30,99±15,43, через 12 нед – 4,55±4,82 и через 24 нед – 1,05±1,46 (p<0,05). На фоне лечения отмечено значительное улучшение основных проявлений заболевания: регресс периферического артрита, спондилита и кожных высыпаний.На протяжении 24 нед исследования переносимость терапии была хорошей, серьезных нежелательных явлений не зарегистрировано.Заключение. Данные, полученные в условиях реальной клинической практики, свидетельствуют о высокой эффективности и безопасности гуселькумаба при лечении ПсА

    The change in the inclination angle of the non-eclipsing binary SS Lacertae: future eclipses

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    Eclipses in the 14.4-day period double-lined binary SS Lac were observed photographically and visually early in the 20th century, but stopped some 50 or 60 years ago. This has been explained by the presence of a distant third star in the system, which has now been detected spectroscopically with a period of 679 days. The plane of the orbit of the binary is changing relative to the line of sight in response to perturbations from this third object. A recent analysis by Milone et al. (M00) of all photometric material available for the system, including a re-measurement of original Harvard plates, has confirmed earlier reports of changes in the depth of the eclipses as a function of time, which are due to the third star. In this paper we discuss our detailed analysis of the eclipse amplitude measurements, and extract from them information on the change in the inclination angle of the binary over the last century. Our use of a much improved ephemeris for the system by Torres & Stefanik was found to be crucial, and prompted us to re-determine all the amplitudes from the historical data at our disposal, including the Harvard material used by M00. Systematically lower measurements on the branches of the minima were properly accounted for, and we made use of both a linear approximation to the time variation of the inclination angle and a more realistic model based on the theory of three-body interactions ("regression of the nodes" effect). The nodal cycle is found to be about 600 yr, within which TWO eclipse "seasons" occur, each lasting about 100 yr. The non-eclipsing status of the system is expected to continue until the beginning of the 23rd century.Comment: 32 pages, including figures and tables. Accepted for The Astronomical Journal, April 200

    Natural Forest Colonisation and Soil Formation on Ash Dump in Southern Taiga

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    Ash dumps occupy significant areas around the world and make a negative influence on the environment. This effect is decreased by their natural colonisation determined by the bioclimatic conditions of the area. The purpose of the current study was to identify the structure of the forest communities and the initial stages of soil formation on the ash dump in southern taiga. This study was carried out on three sites in the forest phytocoenosis formed in the process of revegetation of the Verkhniy Tagil Power Station ash dump over 50 years, as well as on two background forest sites in the Middle Urals. Complex geobotanical and soil studies were carried out. The results of the study show that forest phytocoenoses with a predominance of hardwood species (Betula pendula Roth and Populus tremula L.) and a small admixture of coniferous species can form on the non-recultivated ash dump within 50 years in a boreal zone. In total, the studied mixed forest phytocoenoses are similar in composition to zonal secondary forests, but differ by having lower height and diameter of the stand, as well as herb–shrub layer coverage. Their species density and floristic richness are also lesser. The study proved that the process of soil formation is also proceeding according to the zonal type in the ash substrate under forest communities. The results of the study can be applied to justifying the forecasts of ecosystem restoration on the technogenic substrate, as well as for the species selecting for their recultivation in the studied area and similar to it. © 2020 by the Committee on Forestry Sciences and Wood Technology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Forest Research Institute in S´kocin Stary


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    Introduction. The main method of treatment of endometrial cancer, the most common oncological disease, is surgery. Introduction of high-tech operations into gynecological practice promoted active use of laparoscopy in treatment of malignant tumors of the endometrium.Objective. To evaluate effectiveness of video endoscopic surgery in treatment of endometrial cancer.Materials and methods. In the period from 2010 to 2016, 1127 patients with endometrial cancer underwent surgery using video endoscopic complex with high resolution cameras at the N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Oncology Center, Ministry of Health of Russia.Results.  Using video endoscopic technology, excision of the uterus with appendages was performed in 588 (52.3 %) patients, excision of the uterus with appendages and pelvic lymph node dissection was performed in 523 (46.4 %) patients including 16 (1.4 %) patients with serous and papillary serous forms of endometrial cancer who also underwent omentectomy. No intraoperative complications were observed. In the majority of patients, postoperative period was characterized by early activization, satisfactory intestinal peristalsis on day 1, minimal complications, absence of contraindications for adjuvant beam therapy.Conclusion. Video endoscopic technology is a modern method of surgical treatment allowing to perform the full scope of planned radical surgical intervention in patients with endometrial cancer irrespectively of age and concomitant disorders with minimal traumatization, risk of intraand postoperative complications as well as favorable and fast rehabilitation period

    The usage of surrogacy: bioethical aspect

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    The aim of the study - to identify bioethical problems of the use of assisted reproductive technologies of surrogacy in legal and social aspects.Цель исследования – выявить биоэтические проблемы применения вспомогательной репродуктивной технологии суррогатного материнства в правовом и социальном аспекта

    Опыт применения эксимерной лампы, оснащённой системой контроля UVB дозы, в дерматологии

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    Intermediate ultraviolet (UVB) therapy is considered a relatively safe method of treating skin diseases with an autoimmune component in development compared to medical drug methods, including PUVA therapy. This is due to the small depth of penetration of the rays of this wavelength range into skin, which provides a purely local effect on the human body. Excimer lamps are an alternative to the expensive excimer laser for phototherapy of psoriasis or vitiligo. However, for effective phototherapy using UVB lamps, the distance from an emitter to a patient’s skin must be considered. In this paper, we report on treatment of patients using an excimer lamp, the control unit of which is equipped with an optical system for controlling of ultraviolet radiation dose, which allows automatically calculating the time for a set UVB dose. The article describes the results of phototherapy using an excimer lamp of several cases of psoriasis, vitiligo and other forms of dermatitis with a good therapeutic and cosmetic effect. When using an excimer lamp, not a single case of exacerbation of dermatological diseases was established.UVB терапия считается относительно безопасным способом лечения кожных заболеваний с аутоиммунным компонентом в развитии в сравнении с медикаментозными методами, включая ПУВА терапию. Это обусловлено малой глубиной проникновения лучей данного диапазона длин волн в кожный покров, что обеспечивает сугубо локальное воздействие на организм человека. Эксимерные лампы являются альтернативой дорогостоящему эксимерному лазеру при фототерапии псориаза и витилиго. Однако для эффективной фототерапии с использованием UVB ламп необходимо учитывать расстояние от излучателя до кожи пациента. В данной работе сообщается о лечении больных с использованием эксимерной лампы, блок управления которой снабжён оптической системой контроля дозы ультрафиолетового излучения, что позволяет автоматически производить расчёт времени сеанса для заданной UVB дозы. В статье приведено описание результатов фотолечения с использованием эксимерной лампы нескольких случаев псориаза, витилиго и других форм дерматитов с хорошим терапевтическим и косметическим эффектом. При использовании эксимерной лампы не установлено ни одного случая обострения дерматологических заболеваний