372 research outputs found

    Ultra-high dynamic range quantum measurement retaining its sensitivity

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    ダイヤモンド量子センサ、室温で感度を維持しつつ計測範囲を低温従来値の100倍にすることに成功 --量子センサの応用環境や測定空間を広げる成果--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-01-13.Quantum sensors are highly sensitive since they capitalise on fragile quantum properties such as coherence, while enabling ultra-high spatial resolution. For sensing, the crux is to minimise the measurement uncertainty in a chosen range within a given time. However, basic quantum sensing protocols cannot simultaneously achieve both a high sensitivity and a large range. Here, we demonstrate a non-adaptive algorithm for increasing this range, in principle without limit, for alternating-current field sensing, while being able to get arbitrarily close to the best possible sensitivity. Therefore, it outperforms the standard measurement concept in both sensitivity and range. Also, we explore this algorithm thoroughly by simulation, and discuss the T−2 scaling that this algorithm approaches in the coherent regime, as opposed to the T−1/2 of the standard measurement. The same algorithm can be applied to any modulo-limited sensor

    Embryonic Regulation of the Mouse Hematopoietic Niche

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    Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) can differentiate into several types of hematopoietic cells (HCs) (such as erythrocytes, megakaryocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, or macrophages) and also undergo self-renewal to sustain hematopoiesis throughout an organism's lifetime. HSCs are currently used clinically as transplantation therapy in regenerative medicine and are typically obtained from healthy donors or cord blood. However, problems remain in HSC transplantation, such as shortage of cells, donor risks, rejection, and graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Thus, increased understanding of HSC regulation should enable us to improve HSC therapy and develop novel regenerative medicine techniques. HSC regulation is governed by two types of activity: intrinsic regulation, programmed primarily by cell autonomous gene expression, and extrinsic factors, which originate from so-called “niche cells” surrounding HSCs. Here, we focus on the latter and discuss HSC regulation with special emphasis on the role played by niche cells

    Low-Frequency Quantum Sensing

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    低周波信号の新規高感度量子センシング手法を開発 --NV量子センサを用いた核磁気共鳴(NMR)世界最小線幅を実証--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-11-01.Exquisite sensitivities are a prominent advantage of quantum sensors. Ramsey sequences allow precise measurement of direct current fields, while Hahn-echo-like sequences measure alternating current fields. However, the latter are restrained for use with high-frequency fields (above approximately 1kHz) due to finite coherence times, leaving less-sensitive noncoherent methods for the low-frequency range. In this paper, we propose to bridge the gap with a fitting-based algorithm with a frequency-independent sensitivity to coherently measure low-frequency fields. As the algorithm benefits from coherence-based measurements, its demonstration with a single nitrogen-vacancy center gives a sensitivity of 9.4nT Hz⁻⁰.⁵ for frequencies below about 0.6kHz down to near-constant fields. To inspect the potential in various scenarios, we apply the algorithm at a background field of tens of nTs, and we measure low-frequency signals via synchronization

    Electroluminescence of negatively charged single NV centers in diamond

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    The realization of electroluminescence (EL) of negatively charged nitrogen vacancy (NV−) centers is important toward all-electrical control of diamond quantum devices. In this study, we demonstrated electrical excitation and detection of EL of single NV⁻ centers by using lateral diamond p⁺–i(n⁻)–n⁺ diodes. It had been grown by homoepitaxy using the plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition technique. We introduced a lightly phosphorus doped i(n⁻) layer to stabilize the negative state of NV centers. It was estimated that the efficiency of the electrical excitation rate of the NV center was more than 30 times enhanced by introducing lateral diamond p⁺–i(n⁻)–n⁺ diodes structure compared with the previous vertical diode. Furthermore, the EL of a single NV− center embedded in the i(n⁻) layer region was characterized. The results show that the charge state of the single NV centers can be manipulated by the voltage applied to the p⁺–i(n⁻)–n⁺ diode, where the emission of EL is increasingly dominated by NV⁻ in the range of 30 to 50 V

    Controlling the quantum dynamics of a mesoscopic spin bath in diamond

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    Understanding and mitigating decoherence is a key challenge for quantum science and technology. The main source of decoherence for solid-state spin systems is the uncontrolled spin bath environment. Here, we demonstrate quantum control of a mesoscopic spin bath in diamond at room temperature that is composed of electron spins of substitutional nitrogen impurities. The resulting spin bath dynamics are probed using a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centre electron spin as a magnetic field sensor. We exploit the spin bath control to dynamically suppress dephasing of the NV spin by the spin bath. Furthermore, by combining spin bath control with dynamical decoupling, we directly measure the coherence and temporal correlations of different groups of bath spins. These results uncover a new arena for fundamental studies on decoherence and enable novel avenues for spin-based magnetometry and quantum information processing

    Discrimination of Timbre in Early Auditory Responses of the Human Brain

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    The issue of how differences in timbre are represented in the neural response still has not been well addressed, particularly with regard to the relevant brain mechanisms. Here we employ phasing and clipping of tones to produce auditory stimuli differing to describe the multidimensional nature of timbre. We investigated the auditory response and sensory gating as well, using by magnetoencephalography (MEG).Thirty-five healthy subjects without hearing deficit participated in the experiments. Two different or same tones in timbre were presented through conditioning (S1) – testing (S2) paradigm as a pair with an interval of 500 ms. As a result, the magnitudes of auditory M50 and M100 responses were different with timbre in both hemispheres. This result might support that timbre, at least by phasing and clipping, is discriminated in the auditory early processing. The second response in a pair affected by S1 in the consecutive stimuli occurred in M100 of the left hemisphere, whereas both M50 and M100 responses to S2 only in the right hemisphere reflected whether two stimuli in a pair were the same or not. Both M50 and M100 magnitudes were different with the presenting order (S1 vs. S2) for both same and different conditions in the both hemispheres.Our results demonstrate that the auditory response depends on timbre characteristics. Moreover, it was revealed that the auditory sensory gating is determined not by the stimulus that directly evokes the response, but rather by whether or not the two stimuli are identical in timbre

    Intra-Aortic Clusters Undergo Endothelial to Hematopoietic Phenotypic Transition during Early Embryogenesis

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    Intra-aortic clusters (IACs) attach to floor of large arteries and are considered to have recently acquired hematopoietic stem cell (HSC)-potential in vertebrate early mid-gestation embryos. The formation and function of IACs is poorly understood. To address this issue, IACs were characterized by immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry in mouse embryos. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that IACs simultaneously express the surface antigens CD31, CD34 and c-Kit. As embryos developed from 9.5 to 10.5 dpc, IACs up-regulate the hematopoietic markers CD41 and CD45 while down-regulating the endothelial surface antigen VE-cadherin/CD144, suggesting that IACs lose endothelial phenotype after 9.5 dpc. Analysis of the hematopoietic potential of IACs revealed a significant change in macrophage CFC activity from 9.5 to 10.5 dpc. To further characterize IACs, we isolated IACs based on CD45 expression. Correspondingly, the expression of hematopoietic transcription factors in the CD45(neg) fraction of IACs was significantly up-regulated. These results suggest that the transition from endothelial to hematopoietic phenotype of IACs occurs after 9.5 dpc

    Identification of a Thymic Epithelial Cell Subset Sharing Expression of the Class Ib HLA-G Molecule with Fetal Trophoblasts

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    HLA-G is the only class I determinant of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) expressed by the trophoblasts, the fetal cells invading the maternal decidua during pregnancy. A unique feature of this nonclassical HLA molecule is its low polymorphism, a property that has been postulated to play an important role in preventing local activation of maternal alloreactive T and natural killer cells against the fetus. Yet, the mechanisms by which fetal HLA-G can be recognized as a self-MHC molecule by the maternal immune system remain unclear. Here we report the novel observation that HLA-G is expressed in the human thymus. Expression is targeted to the cell surface of thymic medullary and subcapsular epithelium. Thymic epithelial cell lines were generated and shown to express three alternatively spliced HLA-G transcripts, previously identified in human trophoblasts. Sequencing of HLA-G1 transcripts revealed a few nucleotide changes resulting in amino acid substitutions, all clustered within exon 3 of HLA-G, encoding for the α2 domain of the molecule. Our findings raise the possibility that maternal unresponsiveness to HLA-G–expressing fetal tissues may be shaped in the thymus by a previously unrecognized central presentation of this MHC molecule on the medullary epithelium