3,004 research outputs found

    Monitoring atmospheric pollutants with a heterodyne radiometer transmitter-receiver

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    The presence of selected atmospheric pollutants can be determined by transmitting an infrared beam of proper wavelength through the atmosphere, and detecting the reflections of the transmitted beam with a heterodyne radiometer transmitter-receiver using part of the laser beam as a local oscillator. The particular pollutant and its absorption line strength to be measured are selected by the laser beam wave length. When the round-trip path for the light is known or measured, concentration can be determined. Since pressure (altitude) will affect the shape of the molecular absorption line of a pollutant, tuning the laser through a range of frequencies, which includes a part of the absorption line of the pollutant of interest, yields pollutant altitude data from which the altitude and altitude profile is determined

    Laser-excited fluorescence for measuring atmospheric pollution

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    System measures amount of given pollutant at specific location. Infrared laser aimed at location has wavelength that will cause molecules of pollutant to fluoresce. Detector separates fluorescence from other radiation and measures its intensity to indicate concentration of pollutant

    Atmospheric studies and applications with infrared heterodyne detection techniques

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    With the advent of stable, cw infrared lasers with moderate output power capabilities in the mid 1960's came the idea of using heterodyne detection, a mature radio frequency technique, in the infrared. This technique was first applied in radar and communications applications; however, it became apparent that infrared lasers and heterodyne detection techniques would be useful in a number of atmospheric measurement applications. The level to which these techniques are being put to use in field measurements is shown using two developed flight instruments as examples

    Atmospheric correlation time measurements using coherent CO2 lidar

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    A pulsed TEA-CO2 lidar with coherent detection was used to measure the correlation time of backscatter from an ensemble of atmospheric aerosol particles which are illuminated by the pulsed radiation. The correlation time of the backscatter return signal is important in studies of atmospheric turbulence and its effects on optical propagation and backscatter. If the temporal coherence of the pulse is large enough, then the temporal coherence of the return signal is dominated by the turbulence and shear for a variety of interesting atmospheric conditions. Various techniques for correlation time measurement are discussed and evaluated

    Spectrophone stabilized laser with line center offset frequency control

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    Continuous offset tuning of a frequency stabilized CW gas laser is achieved by using a spectrophone filled with the same gas as the laser for sensing a dither modulation, detecting a first or second derivative of the spectrophone output with a lock-in amplifier, the detected output of which is integrated, and applying the integrator output as a correction signal through a circuit which adds to the dither signal from an oscillator a dc offset that is adjusted with a potentiometer to a frequency offset from the absorption line center of the gas, but within the spectral linewidth of the gas. Tuning about that offset frequency is achieved by adding a dc value to the detected output of the dither modulation before integration using a potentiometer

    Digital control of diode laser for atmospheric spectroscopy

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    A system is described for remote absorption spectroscopy of trace species using a diode laser tunable over a useful spectral region of 50 to 200 cm(-1) by control of diode laser temperature over range from 15 K to 100 K, and tunable over a smaller region of typically 0.1 to 10 cm(-1) by control of the diode laser current over a range from 0 to 2 amps. Diode laser temperature and current set points are transmitted to the instrument in digital form and stored in memory for retrieval under control of a microprocessor during measurements. The laser diode current is determined by a digital to analog converter through a field effect transistor for a high degree of ambient temperature stability, while the laser diode temperature is determined by set points entered into a digital to analog converter under control of the microprocessor. Temperature of the laser diode is sensed by a sensor diode to provide negative feedback to the temperature control circuit that responds to the temperature control digital to analog converter

    Is One Hyperparameter Optimizer Enough?

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    Hyperparameter tuning is the black art of automatically finding a good combination of control parameters for a data miner. While widely applied in empirical Software Engineering, there has not been much discussion on which hyperparameter tuner is best for software analytics. To address this gap in the literature, this paper applied a range of hyperparameter optimizers (grid search, random search, differential evolution, and Bayesian optimization) to defect prediction problem. Surprisingly, no hyperparameter optimizer was observed to be `best' and, for one of the two evaluation measures studied here (F-measure), hyperparameter optimization, in 50\% cases, was no better than using default configurations. We conclude that hyperparameter optimization is more nuanced than previously believed. While such optimization can certainly lead to large improvements in the performance of classifiers used in software analytics, it remains to be seen which specific optimizers should be applied to a new dataset.Comment: 7 pages, 2 columns, accepted for SWAN1