12,282 research outputs found

    Acid rain monitoring in East-Central Florida from 1977 to present

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    Rainfall has been collected on the University of Central Florida campus and at the Kennedy Space Center over a 12 year period. The chemical composition has been determined and summarized by monthly, annual periods, and for the entire 12 year period at both locations. The weighted average pH at each site is 4.58; however, annual weighted average pH has been equal to or above the 12 year average during six of the past eight years. Nitrate concentrations have increased slightly during recent years while excess sulfate concentrations have remained below the 12 year weighted average during six of the past seven years. Stepwise regression suggests that sulfate, nitrate, ammonium ion and calcium play major roles in the description of rainwater acidity. Annual acid deposition and annual rainfall have varied from 20 to 50 meg/(m(exp 2) year) and 100 to 180 cm/year, respectively. Sea salt comprises at least 25 percent of the total ionic composition

    Mechanical Design of the MID Split-and-Delay Line at the European XFEL

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    A new split-and-delay line (SDL) is under development for the Materials Imaging and Dynamics (MID) end station at the European XFEL.* The device utilises Bragg reflection to provide pairs of X-ray pulses with an energy of (5 - 10) keV and a continuously tunable time delay of (-10 - 800) ps - thus allowing zero-crossing of the time delay. The mechanical concept features separate positioning stages for each optical element. Those are based on a serial combination of coarse motion axes and a fine alignment 6 DoF Cartesian parallel kinematics**. That allows to meet the contradictory demands of a fast long-range travel of up to 1000 mm and in the same time a precise alignment with a resolution in the nanometer range. Multiple laser interferometers monitor the position of the optical elements and allow an active control of their alignment. All optical elements and mechanics will be installed inside an UHV chamber, including the interferometer and about 100 stepper motors. With this paper we present the mechanical design for the SDL. It will additionally show the design of a prototype of a positioning stage which allows extensive testing of the implemented concepts and techniques

    Questions of quality: the Danish State Serum Institute, Thorvald Madsen and biological standardisation

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    The opening of the Danish State Serum Institute (SSI) in Copenhagen on 9 September 1902 was a festive occasion, attended by renowned figures from the wider bacteriological community including the German scientists Paul Ehrlich, Carl Weigert, and Julius Morgenroth, future Nobel prize-winner Svante Arrhenius from Sweden, Ole Malm and Armauer Hansen from Norway, and William Bulloch and German Sims Woodhead from England.1 Established as a national resource for the production of diphtheria antitoxin, the SSI was from its inception concerned to deliver a quality product at a minimum price, and to link pharmaceutical production with research into, and further development of, biological products. In the course of the twentieth century, the institute acquired an international reputation for the quality of its products and its cutting edge research, and, in the 1920s, achieved international authority as the League of Nations Health Commission’s central laboratory for the preservation and distribution of all standard sera and bacterial products.2 The rise of the SSI to international prominence came about through a combination of factors, personal, scientific and political, but above all, perhaps, from its early association with questions of quality in the production of the new generation biological medicines, of which diphtheria antitoxin was the first to emerge

    Design and throughput simulations of a hard x-ray split and delay line for the MID station at the European XFEL

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in AIP Conference Proceedings 1741, 030010 (2016) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4952833.A hard X-ray Split and Delay Line (SDL) under development for the Materials Imaging and Dynamics (MID) station at the European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL.EU) is presented. This device will provide pairs of X-ray pulses with a variable time delay ranging from −10 ps to 800 ps in a photon energy range from 5 to 10 keV. Throughput simulations in the SASE case indicate a total transmission of 1.1% or 3.5% depending on the operation mode. In the self-seeded case of XFEL.EU operation simulations indicate that the transmission can be improved to more than 11%.BMBF, 05K13KT4, Verbundprojekt FSP 302 - Freie-Elektronen-Laser: Nanoskopische Systeme. Teilprojekt 1: Split-and-Delay Instrument für die European XFEL Beamline Materials Imaging and Dynamic

    Settlement and land use in early Neolithic Denmark

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    Very Small Strangelets

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    We study the stability of small strangelets by employing a simple model of strange matter as a gas of non-interacting fermions confined in a bag. We solve the Dirac equation and populate the energy levels of the bag one quark at a time. Our results show that for system parameters such that strange matter is unbound in bulk, there may still exist strangelets with A<100A<100 that are stable and/or metastable. The lifetime of these strangelets may be too small to detect in current accelerator experiments, however.Comment: 13 pages, MIT CTP#217

    Manipulating the torsion of molecules by strong laser pulses

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    A proof-of-principle experiment is reported, where torsional motion of a molecule, consisting of a pair of phenyl rings, is induced by strong laser pulses. A nanosecond laser pulse spatially aligns the carbon-carbon bond axis, connecting the two phenyl rings, allowing a perpendicularly polarized, intense femtosecond pulse to initiate torsional motion accompanied by an overall rotation about the fixed axis. The induced motion is monitored by femtosecond time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging. Our theoretical analysis accounts for and generalizes the experimental findings.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PRL; Major revision of the presentation of the material; Correction of ion labels in Fig. 2(a
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