104 research outputs found

    Do large retailers displace small informal retailers? : the case of Pick n Pay in Kwa-Mashu.

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    Master of Arts in Development Studies. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2015.Purpose – This thesis presents a study of large retailers and spaza shops in the township of KwaMashu, South Africa. The aim is to explore the effects of the new large retailer of Pick n Pay on spaza shops. The core research questions are: Are there any links between the spaza shops and Pick n Pay?, Does Pick n Pay stimulate or displace spaza retailing?, Have spaza shop owners lost markets for their goods as a result of the entry of Pick n Pay?, How do spaza shop owners respond to the entry of Pick n Pay? Methodology and findings – The research documents the experiences of current and former spaza shop owners on which data was collected. The core findings confirm that spaza shops in close proximity to Pick n Pay are more likely to be prone to negative impacts – specifically on consumer volume, stock size, and profits – compared to those in outlying areas. In a competitive market spaza shops are vulnerable on prices. Very few of the spaza shops have adopted business strategies in response to the larger competitor. The findings confirm that Pick n Pay’s presence has provided some benefits to local shops in the form of easy access to supplies and reduced transport costs

    Antimicrobial resistance screening and profiles: A glimpse from the South African perspective

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    According to the Centre for Disease Dynamics Economics and Policy, South Africa represents a paradox of antibiotic management similar to other developing countries, with both overuse and underuse (resulting from lack of access) of antibiotics. In addition, wastewater reuse may contribute towards antibiotic resistance through selective pressure that increases resistance in native bacteria and on clinically relevant bacteria, increasing resistance profiles of the common pathogens. Sediments of surface water bodies and wastewater sludge provide a place where antibiotic resistance genes are transferred to other bacteria. Crop irrigation is thought to be a potential source of exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacteria through the transfer from the water or sludge into crops. The objectives of this study were to examine the antibiotic-resistance profiles of Escherishia coli from three agricultural locations in the Western Cape, South Africa. Using a classical microbiology culture approach, the resistance profiles of E. coli species isolated from river water and sediments, farm dams and their sediments and a passive algal wastewater treatment ponds and sediment used for crop irrigation were assessed for resistance to 13 commonly used antibiotics. Randomly selected E. coli isolates from the sediment and water were tested for resistance

    Genetic variation of the HIV-1 subtype C transmitted/founder viruses long terminal repeat elements and the impact on transcription activation potential and clinical disease outcomes

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    A genetic bottleneck is a hallmark of HIV-1 transmission such that only very few viral strains, termed transmitted/founder (T/F) variants establish infection in a newly infected host. Phenotypic characteristics of these variants may determine the subsequent course of disease. The HIV-15' long terminal repeat (LTR) promoter drives viral gene transcription and is genetically identical to the 3' LTR. We hypothesized that HIV-1 subtype C (HIV-1C) T/F virus LTR genetic variation is a determinant of transcriptional activation potential and clinical disease outcome. The 3'LTR was amplified from plasma samples of 41 study participants acutely infected with HIV-1C (Fiebig stages I and V/VI). Paired longitudinal samples were also available at one year post-infection for 31 of the 41 participants. 3' LTR amplicons were cloned into a pGL3-basic luciferase expression vector, and transfected alone or together with Transactivator of transcription (tat) into Jurkat cells in the absence or presence of cell activators (TNF-α, PMA, Prostratin and SAHA). Inter-patient T/F LTR sequence diversity was 5.7% (Renge: 2-12) with subsequent intrahost viral evolution observed in 48.4% of the participants analyzed at 12 months post-infection. T/F LTR variants exhibited differential basal transcriptional activity, with significantly higher Tat-mediated transcriptional activity compared to basal (p<0.001). Basal and Tat-mediated T/F LTR transcriptional activity showed significant positive correlation with contemporaneous viral loads and negative correlation with CD4 T cell counts (p<0.05) during acute infection respectively. Furthermore, Tat-mediated T/F LTR transcriptional activity significanly correlated positively with viral load set point and viral load; and negatively with CD4 T cell counts at one year post infection (all p<0.05). Lastly, PMA, Prostratin, TNF-α and SAHA cell stimulation resulted in enhanced yet heterologous transcriptional activation of different T/F LTR variants. Our data suggest that T/F LTR variants may influence viral transcriptional activity, disease outcomes and sensitivity to cell activation, with potential implications for therapeutic interventions

    Stabilizing HIV prevalence masks high HIV incidence rates amongst rural and urban women in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    Background: In mature generalized human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemics, as survival from accessing antiretroviral treatment (ART) increases, HIV prevalence data may be suboptimal and difficult to interpret without HIV incidence rates. Objective: To determine the HIV incidence rate among rural and urban women in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Methods: We conducted a prospective cohort study from March 2004 to May 2007. Volunteers were recruited from a rural family-planning clinic and an urban clinic for sexually transmitted infections. Consenting, HIV-uninfected women aged 14-30 years were enrolled. Demographic, clinical, sexual and behavioural data were collected using standardized questionnaires with HIV risk reduction counselling and HIV testing. Pelvic examinations were completed at quarterly visits. Results: The HIV prevalence at screening was 35.7% [95% confidence interval (CI) 32.7-38.8] amongst rural women and 59.3% (95% CI 56.5-62.0) amongst urban women. A total of 594/2240 (26.5%) enrolled women contributed to 602 person-years (PYs) of follow-up. The median age was 22 years [inter-quartile range 18-23 years]. HIV incidence rate was 6.5/100 PY (95% CI 4.4-9.2) amongst rural women and 6.4/100 PY (95% CI 2.6-13.2) amongst urban women. HIV incidence rate of 17.2/100 PY (95% CI 2.1-62.2) was highest amongst urban women <20 years of age and 10.2/100 PY (95% CI 4.1-20.9) amongst rural women ≥25 years of age. Conclusion: HIV incidence rates are devastatingly high in young women in rural and urban KwaZulu-Natal, despite reports of stabilized HIV prevalence observed in current surveillance data. The diffuse nature of the HIV epidemic underscores the urgent need to enhance HIV prevention and treatment modalities

    Assessment of the association between plant-based dietary exposures and cardiovascular disease risk profile in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review

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    Background Studies have investigated dietary attributes associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in Africa. However, there has been no effort to critically assess the existing evidence. This systematic review examined available evidence on the association between plant-based dietary exposures and CVD risk profile in Africa. PROSPERO registration number: CRD42020159862. Methods We conducted a literature search for observational studies reporting on plant-based dietary exposures in relation to CVD risk profile in African populations. PubMed-Medline, Scopus, EBSCOhost, and African Journals Online platforms were searched up to 19 March 2021. Titles and abstracts of the identified records were screened independently by two investigators. The quality of the studies was also assessed independently. Results Of 458 entries identified, 15 studies published between 2002 and 2020 were included in this review. These studies originated from 12 sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries. Sample sizes ranged from 110 to 2362, age from 18 to 80 years; and majority of participants were females (66.0%). In all, four plant-based dietary exposures were identified across SSA. Sixty percent of the studies reported a significant association between a plant-based dietary exposure with at least one CVD risk factor such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidaemia, overweight/obesity, and metabolic syndrome. Conclusions The few available studies suggest that there may be a protective effect of plant-based dietary exposures on CVD risk profile in the African setting. Nonetheless, more elaborated studies are still needed to address plant-based diet (PBD) adherence in relation with CVD risk in African populations

    HIV incidence in young girls in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa - public health imperative for their inclusion in HIV biomedical intervention trials.

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    Young women are particularly vulnerable for acquiring HIV yet they are often excluded from clinical trials testing new biomedical intervention. We assessed the HIV incidence and feasibility of enrolling a cohort of young women for potential participation in future clinical trials. Between March 2004 and May 2007, 594 HIV uninfected 14–30 year old women were enrolled into a longitudinal HIV risk reduction study in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The overall HIV prevalence at screening in young girls below the age of 18 years was 27.6 % compared to 52.0 % in the women above 18 years, p<0.001. HIV incidence was 4.7 [95 % Confidence interval (CI) 1.5–10.9) and 6.9 (95 % CI 4.8–9.6)/100 women years (wy), p = 0.42 and pregnancy rates were 23.7 (95 % CI 14.9–35.9) and 16.4 (95 % CI 12.9–20.6)/100 wy, p = 0.29, in the women below and above 18 years respectively. Retention was similar in both groups (71.0 vs. 71.5 %, p = 0.90). This study demonstrates that the inclusion of young girls between the ages of 14 and 17 years in longitudinal studies is feasible and their inclusion in clinical trials would maintain scientific integrity and power of the study

    'I act this way because why?' Prior knowledges, teaching for change, imagining new masculinities

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    This article begins by outlining some of the prior knowledges brought by undergraduate students to an introduction to gender studies class in the Women's and Gender Studies Department at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa. I show that, at the beginning of the course, students clearly understand gender to refer to women and femininity, imagining femininity (but not masculinity) to be responsive to social change. I suggest that, in the face of these prior knowledges, it is important to focus on masculinity as performance, as a cultural artefact and one that is deeply harmful to South African men. Student experiences of this teaching and learning suggest that it offers possibilities for imagining men as allies and beneficiaries - rather than enemies - in the struggle for gender equity

    Risk factors for incident HIV infection among antenatal mothers in rural Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    The prevalence of HIV among antenatal clients in South Africa has remained at a very high rate of about 29% despite substantial decline in several sub-Saharan countries. There is a paucity of data on risk factors for incident HIV infection among antenatal mothers and women within the reproductive age bracket in local settings in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.To establish the risk factors for incident HIV infection among antenatal clients aged 1849 years attending public antenatal clinics in rural Eastern Cape, South Africa

    Food Insecurity and Sexual Risk in an HIV Endemic Community in Uganda

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    Food insecurity has been linked to high-risk sexual behavior in sub-Saharan Africa, but there are limited data on these links among people living with HIV/AIDS, and on the mechanisms for how food insecurity predisposes individuals to risky sexual practices. We undertook a series of in-depth open-ended interviews with 41 individuals living with HIV/AIDS to understand the impact of food insecurity on sexual-risk behaviors. Participants were recruited from the Immune Suppression Clinic at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology in Mbarara, Uganda. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim, translated, and coded following the strategy of grounded theory. Four major themes emerged from the interview data: the relationship between food insecurity and transactional sex for women; the impact of a husband’s death from HIV on worsening food insecurity among women and children; the impact of food insecurity on control over condom use, and the relationship between food insecurity and staying in violent/abusive relationships. Food insecurity led to increased sexual vulnerability among women. Women were often compelled to engage in transactional sex or remain in violent or abusive relationships due to their reliance on men in their communities to provide food for themselves and their children. There is an urgent need to prioritize food security programs for women living with HIV/AIDS and address broader gender-based inequities that are propelling women to engage in risky sexual behaviors based on hunger. Such interventions will play an important role in improving the health and well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS, and preventing HIV transmission

    Choice-Disability and HIV Infection: A Cross Sectional Study of HIV Status in Botswana, Namibia and Swaziland

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    Interpersonal power gradients may prevent people implementing HIV prevention decisions. Among 7,464 youth aged 15–29 years in Botswana, Namibia and Swaziland we documented indicators of choice-disability (low education, educational disparity with partner, experience of sexual violence, experience of intimate partner violence (IPV), poverty, partner income disparity, willingness to have sex without a condom despite believing partner at risk of HIV), and risk behaviours like inconsistent use of condoms and multiple partners. In Botswana, Namibia and Swaziland, 22.9, 9.1, and 26.1% women, and 8.3, 2.8, and 9.3% men, were HIV positive. Among both women and men, experience of IPV, IPV interacted with age, and partner income disparity interacted with age were associated with HIV positivity in multivariate analysis. Additional factors were low education (for women) and poverty (for men). Choice disability may be an important driver of the AIDS epidemic. New strategies are needed that favour the choice-disabled