207 research outputs found

    Irreversibility on the Level of Single-Electron Tunneling

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    We present a low-temperature experimental test of the fluctuation theorem for electron transport through a double quantum dot. The rare entropy-consuming system trajectories are detected in the form of single charges flowing against the source-drain bias by using time-resolved charge detection with a quantum point contact. We find that these trajectories appear with a frequency that agrees with the theoretical predictions even under strong nonequilibrium conditions, when the finite bandwidth of the charge detection is taken into account

    Salt fl uoridation in Central and Eastern Europe

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    Further caries decline in Swiss recruits from 1996 to 2006

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    Swiss army recruits (N = 606) from the army base at Thun were dentally examined with a standardized method in the year 2006. The results were compared with those of previous surveys (1985 and 1996). The mean DM6FT-value in the year 2006 was 3.11, whereas in 1996 it had been clearly higher (4.95). This corresponds to a caries decline of 37%. The observed caries decline can only partly be explained. Recruits, who were smokers, showed an increased caries experience. Recruits of the German-speaking part of Switzerland who had profited from oral health lessons by oral health instructors in Kindergarten and primary schools did not differ in caries experience from recruits of the French-speaking part of Switzerland

    Weiterer KariesrĂĽckgang bei Schweizer Rekruten von 1996 bis 2006

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    Rekruten der Rekrutenschule Thun (N = 606) wurden im Jahr 2006 mit einer standardisierten Methode zahnmedizinisch untersucht. Die Resultate wurden mit denjenigen aus früheren Erhebungen (1985 und 1996) verglichen. Der DM6FT-Wert betrug im Jahr 2006 im Durchschnitt 3,11; im Jahr 1996 lag er noch deutlich höher (4,95). Dies entspricht einem Kariesrückgang von 37%. Der beobachtete Kariesrückgang konnte nur zum Teil erklärt werden. Rekruten, die rauchten, zeigten einen erhöhten Kariesbefall. Rekruten aus der Deutschschweiz, die in Kindergarten und Primarschule von Schulzahnpflege- Instruktorinnen betreut worden waren, unterschieden sich im Kariesbefall nicht von den Rekruten aus der Romandie

    Rückgang der Kariesprävalenz bei Schweizer Rekruten von 1970 bis 1996

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    DEUTSCH: 1996 wurden in Thun 416 Rekruten (20,4-jährig) zahnmedizinisch untersucht. Der durchschnittliche klinisch-visuell erhobene DMFT betrug 4,8, wobei extrahierte Prämolaren mitgezählt sind. Eine standardisierte Befunderhebung mit Röntgenbildern ergab einen mittleren DMFT von 5,3 (DT = 1,2; MT = 0,4: fast alles Prämolaren; FT = 3,7); 13% der Rekruten waren kariesfrei (DMFT = 0). Es wurden durchschnittlich 8,7 betroffene Prädilektionsstellen (DFS) gezählt, 1,4 davon unversorgt (DS). Der Rückgang der Kariesprävalenz bei den Rekruten betrug zwischen 1970 und 1996 70% (DMFT), zwischen 1985 und 1996 46% (DMFT) bzw. 54% (DFS). In dieser Zeitspanne sank die durchschnittliche Anzahl der unversorgten Läsionen (DS) um 71%, an den Approximalflächen von Molaren und Prämolaren sogar um 78%. An dieser Kariesprädilektionsstelle wurde auch eine Verbesserung des Versorgungsgrades (FS/DFS) von 51% auf 71% beobachtet. 1996 wurden 56% aller DFS in den Fissuren und Grübchen und 36% an den Approximalflächen von Molaren und Prämolaren beobachtet. 62% aller unversorgten Läsionen (DS) wurden an den Approximalflächen von Molaren und Prämolaren diagnostiziert; dieser Anteil lag 1985 bei 83%. Der geschätzte Karieszuwachs in der Periode zwischen Schulentlassung und Rekrutenschule betrug rund 1,6 DFS/Jahr Anfang 80er-Jahre und 1,3 DFS/Jahr Anfang 90er-Jahre. Im Gegensatz zu 1985 war 1996 kein Unterschied im Kariesbefall zwischen den Waadtländer Rekruten und den übrigen Romands festzustellen, was sich durch eine Angleichung der Versorgung mit fluoridiertem Salz (seit 1983) zwischen beiden Regionen erklären lässt. ENGLISH: In 1996, 416 military recruits (aged 20.4) were dentally examined. The mean DMFT based on clinical findings was 4,8 (including extracted premolars). The mean DMFT based on clinical and radiological findings was 5.3 (DT=l.2; MT=0.4: almost all of them premolars; FT=3.7. 13% of the recruits were caries-free (DMFT=0). On average, 8.7 affected sites (DFS) were counted; 1.4 were untreated (DS). The caries declined by 70% (DMFT) between 1970 and 1996 and by 46% (DMFT) and 54% (DFS) respectively between 1985 and 1996. In the latter period of time, the mean number of untreated lesions (DS) decreased by 71%, in approximal surfaces of molars and premolars even by 78%. The ratio FS/DFS was 51% in 1985 and 71% in 1996,. This means an improvement in restorative care. 56% of all DFS were found in pits and fissures, 36% in approximal surfaces of molars and premolars. 62% of all untreated lesions (DS) were observed in approximal surfaces of molars and premolars; this percentage was 83% in 1985. The estimated caries increment between age of 15 and 20 was approximately 1.6 DFS/year in the early eighties and 1.3 DFS/year in the early nineties. In 1996 , the former difference in caries prevalence between the recruits from the Canton of Vaud and those from other Western Cantons did not persist. This is probably due to an alignment of the nation-wide supply with fluoridated salt since 1983

    Kariesprävalenz von Schülern in 16 Zürcher Landgemeinden in den Jahren 1992 bis 2000

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    Standardized dental examinations of schoolchildren were regularly carried out since 1964 in 16 rural communities of the Canton of Zurich. In 1964, there were no 14-year-old schoolchildren free from caries; in the Nineties about half of the 14-year-olds had a caries-free permanent dentition (DMFT = 0). From the year 1992 to 2000, the caries prevalence (DMFT) of 14-year-olds decreased once again, by 31%. The pit and fissure caries prevalence (DFS) of 12- and 14-year-olds decreased by 28% and 37%, respectively. In 2000, the mean DMFT-value of the 12- and 14-year-old schoolchildren was 0.90 and 1.27 respectively. In 1964, only few 7-year-old schoolchildren were caries-free; in the Nineties about half of the 7-year-olds had a primary dentition without caries. From the year 1992 to 2000, caries prevalence (dmft) in 7-, 8- and 9-year-olds increased by 64%, 22% and 31%. In 2000, the mean dmft-value of all 7-year-old schoolchildren was 2.45. The Swiss schoolchildren had 1.79 dmft; the schoolchildren from former Yugoslavia and from Albania had 6.89 dmft and those of other nations had 3.37 dmft. Possible reasons for the continuous caries decrease in the permanent dentition and the increase in the primary dentition are discussed. Additional measures in order to improve the situation in the primary dentition are proposed

    Caries prevalence and tooth loss in Hungarian adult population: results of a national survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Oral health is basicly important for the well-being of people. Thus, it is strongly suggested to organize epidemiological surveys in order to gain representative data on oral condition of the given population. The purpose of the cross-sectional study was to determine the results on tooth loss and caries prevalence of Hungarian adults in different age groups.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Altogether 4606 persons (2923 women, 1683 men) participated in the study who were classified into different age groups: 19 [less than or equal to], 20–24, 35–44, 45–64, 65–74, [greater than or equal to]75 year olds. Probands were selected randomly from the population attending the compulsory lung screening examinations. The participants were examined by calibrated dentists, according to the WHO (1997) criteria. In order to produce representative data, the chosen localities for these examinations covered the capital, the largest towns, the villages, and case weights were used for the statistical evaluation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean values of DMF-T were found between 11.79±5.68 and 21.90±7.61 These values were significantly higher in women compared to men (p < 0.05). In all age groups the values of M were the highest. Except for the women in the groups of 35–44 and 45–64 year olds, these values showed an increasing tendency both in women and men by age (from 5.50±6.49, and 4.70±4.08 to 21.52±9.07 and 18.41±8.89 respectively). The values of D components reached the highest values in 45–64 year olds (4.54±2.12 and 4.22±2.81, by gender, respectively), then in the older age groups there was a high reduction in these values (in 65–74 year olds: 2.72±1.88 and 1.36±2.48; in 75 or more than 75 year olds: 1.05±1.41 and 1.03±1.76 by gender, respectively). The ratio of D and F values was the highest in the age group of 65–74 year olds (2.12), the lowest ratio could be calculated in 20–34 year olds (0.65).</p> <p>Data showed some decrease in caries experience in 35–44 years of age between 2000 and 2004. The prevalence of persons with 21 or more teeth had been increased from 65.6% to 73.1%. This positive tendency has not been occured in prevalence of edentulousness in this age group: the prevalence of edentulous persons changed from 1.4 to 1.9%. In 65–74 year olds the level of edentulousness became lower, from 25.9 to 14.8% and the prevalence of persons with 21 or more teeth is higher (22.6%) than it was in 2000 (13.0%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Present data from Hungary show some slight decrease in caries experience between 35–44 years of age, although this positive tendency has not been occured in prevalence of edentulousness in this age group. A positive tendency could be experienced in the group of 65–74 year olds in edentulousness and in number of teeth, but further efforts are needed to reach a better situation.</p
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