11,844 research outputs found

    Quantum Coherence of Relic Neutrinos

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    We argue that in at least a portion of the history of the universe the relic background neutrinos are spatially-extended, coherent superpositions of mass states. We show that an appropriate quantum mechanical treatment affects the neutrino mass values derived from cosmological data. The coherence scale of these neutrino flavor wavepackets can be an appreciable fraction of the causal horizon size, raising the possibility of spacetime curvature-induced decoherence.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; matches publication in PR

    Neutrino Burst-Generated Gravitational Radiation From Collapsing Supermassive Stars

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    We estimate the gravitational radiation signature of the electron/positron annihilation-driven neutrino burst accompanying the asymmetric collapse of an initially hydrostatic, radiation-dominated supermassive object suffering the Feynman-Chandrasekhar instability. An object with a mass 5×104 M⊙<M<5×105 M⊙5\times10^4\,M_\odot<M<5\times10^5\,M_\odot, with primordial metallicity, is an optimal case with respect to the fraction of its rest mass emitted in neutrinos as it collapses to a black hole: lower initial mass objects will be subject to scattering-induced neutrino trapping and consequently lower efficiency in this mode of gravitational radiation generation; while higher masses will not get hot enough to radiate significant neutrino energy before producing a black hole. The optimal case collapse will radiate several percent of the star's rest mass in neutrinos and, with an assumed small asymmetry in temperature at peak neutrino production, produces a characteristic linear memory gravitational wave burst signature. The timescale for this signature, depending on redshift, is ∼1 s\sim1{\rm~s} to 10 s10{\rm~s}, optimal for proposed gravitational wave observatories like DECIGO. Using the response of that detector, and requiring a signal-to-noise ratio SNR >> 5, we estimate that collapse of a ∼5×104 M⊙\sim 5\times10^4\,M_\odot supermassive star could produce a neutrino burst-generated gravitational radiation signature detectable to redshift z≲7z\lesssim7. With the envisioned ultimate DECIGO design sensitivity, we estimate that the linear memory signal from these events could be detectable with SNR >5> 5 to z≲13z \lesssim13.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Probing neutrino physics with a self-consistent treatment of the weak decoupling, nucleosynthesis, and photon decoupling epochs

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    We show that a self-consistent and coupled treatment of the weak decoupling, big bang nucleosynthesis, and photon decoupling epochs can be used to provide new insights and constraints on neutrino sector physics from high-precision measurements of light element abundances and cosmic microwave background observables. Implications of beyond-standard-model physics in cosmology, especially within the neutrino sector, are assessed by comparing predictions against five observables: the baryon energy density, helium abundance, deuterium abundance, effective number of neutrinos, and sum of the light neutrino mass eigenstates. We give examples for constraints on dark radiation, neutrino rest mass, lepton numbers, and scenarios for light and heavy sterile neutrinos.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Neutrino-Accelerated Hot Hydrogen Burning

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    We examine the effects of significant electron anti-neutrino fluxes on hydrogen burning. Specifically, we find that the bottleneck weak nuclear reactions in the traditional pp-chain and the hot CNO cycle can be accelerated by anti-neutrino capture, increasing the energy generation rate. We also discuss how anti-neutrino capture reactions can alter the conditions for break out into the rp-process. We speculate on the impact of these considerations for the evolution and dynamics of collapsing very- and super- massive compact objects.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ApJ; minor content chang

    Enhanced Heavy-Element Formation in Baryon-Inhomogeneous Big-Bang Models

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    We show that primordial nucleosynthesis in baryon inhomogeneous big-bang models can lead to significant heavy-element production while still satisfying all the light-element abundance constraints including the low lithium abundance observed in population II stars. The parameters which admit this solution arise naturally from the process of neutrino induced inflation of baryon inhomogeneities prior to the epoch of nucleosynthesis. These solutions entail a small fraction of baryons (\le 2\%) in very high density regions with local baryon-to-photon ratio ηh≈10−4\eta^h\approx 10^{-4}, while most baryons are at a baryon-to-photon ratio which optimizes the agreement with light-element abundances. The model would imply a unique signature of baryon inhomogeneities in the early universe, evidenced by the existence of primordial material containing heavy-element products of proton and alpha- burning reactions with an abundance of [Z]∼−6to−4[Z]\sim -6 to -4.Comment: 19 pages in plain Tex, 5 figures (not included) available by fax or mail upon request, ApJ in press, L

    Neutrino energy transport in weak decoupling and big bang nucleosynthesis

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    We calculate the evolution of the early universe through the epochs of weak decoupling, weak freeze-out and big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) by simultaneously coupling a full strong, electromagnetic, and weak nuclear reaction network with a multi-energy group Boltzmann neutrino energy transport scheme. The modular structure of our code provides the ability to dissect the relative contributions of each process responsible for evolving the dynamics of the early universe in the absence of neutrino flavor oscillations. Such an approach allows a detailed accounting of the evolution of the νe\nu_e, νˉe\bar\nu_e, νμ\nu_\mu, νˉμ\bar\nu_\mu, ντ\nu_\tau, νˉτ\bar\nu_\tau energy distribution functions alongside and self-consistently with the nuclear reactions and entropy/heat generation and flow between the neutrino and photon/electron/positron/baryon plasma components. This calculation reveals nonlinear feedback in the time evolution of neutrino distribution functions and plasma thermodynamic conditions (e.g., electron-positron pair densities), with implications for: the phasing between scale factor and plasma temperature; the neutron-to-proton ratio; light-element abundance histories; and the cosmological parameter \neff. We find that our approach of following the time development of neutrino spectral distortions and concomitant entropy production and extraction from the plasma results in changes in the computed value of the BBN deuterium yield. For example, for particular implementations of quantum corrections in plasma thermodynamics, our calculations show a 0.4%0.4\% increase in deuterium. These changes are potentially significant in the context of anticipated improvements in observational and nuclear physics uncertainties.Comment: 37 pages, 12 Figures, 6 Table

    Presupernova collapse models with improved weak-interaction rates

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    Improved values for stellar weak interaction rates have been recently calculated based upon a large shell model diagonalization. Using these new rates (for both beta decay and electron capture), we have examined the presupernova evolution of massive stars in the range 15-40 Msun. Comparing our new models with a standard set of presupernova models by Woosley and Weaver, we find significantly larger values for the electron-to-baryon ratio Ye at the onset of collapse and iron core masses reduced by approximately 0.1 Msun. The inclusion of beta-decay accounts for roughly half of the revisions, while the other half is a consequence of the improved nuclear physics. These changes will have important consequences for nucleosynthesis and the supernova explosion mechanism.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Using Big Bang Nucleosynthesis to Extend CMB Probes of Neutrino Physics

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    We present calculations showing that upcoming Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments will have the power to improve on current constraints on neutrino masses and provide new limits on neutrino degeneracy parameters. The latter could surpass those derived from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) and the observationally-inferred primordial helium abundance. These conclusions derive from our Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) simulations which incorporate a full BBN nuclear reaction network. This provides a self-consistent treatment of the helium abundance, the baryon number, the three individual neutrino degeneracy parameters and other cosmological parameters. Our analysis focuses on the effects of gravitational lensing on CMB constraints on neutrino rest mass and degeneracy parameter. We find for the PLANCK experiment that total (summed) neutrino mass Mν>0.29M_{\nu} > 0.29 eV could be ruled out at 2σ2\sigma or better. Likewise neutrino degeneracy parameters ξνe>0.11\xi_{\nu_{e}} > 0.11 and ∣ξνμ/τ∣>0.49| \xi_{\nu_{\mu/\tau}} | > 0.49 could be detected or ruled out at 2σ2\sigma confidence, or better. For POLARBEAR we find that the corresponding detectable values are Mν>0.75eVM_\nu > 0.75 {\rm eV}, ξνe>0.62\xi_{\nu_{e}} > 0.62, and ∣ξνμ/τ∣>1.1| \xi_{\nu_{\mu/\tau}}| > 1.1, while for EPIC we obtain Mν>0.20eVM_\nu > 0.20 {\rm eV}, ξνe>0.045\xi_{\nu_{e}} > 0.045, and ∣ξνμ/τ∣>0.29|\xi_{\nu_{\mu/\tau}}| > 0.29. Our forcast for EPIC demonstrates that CMB observations have the potential to set constraints on neutrino degeneracy parameters which are better than BBN-derived limits and an order of magnitude better than current WMAP-derived limits.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, matches published version in JCA
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