15 research outputs found

    Effect of AMF propagule dosage forms on the growth and production of Amaranthus tricolor L.

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    Red spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L) contains vitamins (A, B2, B6, K, and folate), proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, fiber, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and calcium. Red spinach also contain anthocyanins (red pigments) that function as antioxidants to prevent free radical oxidation. The use of biofertilizers can give benefits to the soil and plants. Mycorrhizal fungi can be used as a type of biological fertilizer. The application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in powder dosage forms can help the growth of plants. However, this dosage form has disadvantages, so a study is needed to determine the effectiveness of AMF in various dosage forms. This study applied the Latin Square Design (LSD), with three treatments of AMF propagule dosage forms, namely: tablets, sachets, and powders, without AMF application as a comparison/control. The results showed that the effectiveness of AMF propagule in dosage form sachets provided a reasonable infection rate with fertile plant growth and harvest index value was not significantly different from other dosage forms, due to the attack of plant-disturbing organisms before harvest. So, further research is needed to determine the effect of the AMF propagule dosage form in physiological review without invasion of plant-disturbing organisms

    Extensive morphological and behavioural diversity among fourteen new and seven described species in Phytophthora Clade 10 and its evolutionary implications

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    During extensive surveys of global Phytophthora diversity 14 new species detected in natural ecosystems in Chile, Indonesia, USA (Louisiana), Sweden, Ukraine and Vietnam were assigned to Phytophthora major Clade 10 based on a multigene phylogeny of nine nuclear and three mitochondrial gene regions. Clade 10 now comprises three subclades. Subclades 10a and 10b contain species with nonpapillate sporangia, a range of breeding systems and a mainly soil- and waterborne lifestyle. These include the previously described P. afrocarpa, P. gallica and P. intercalaris and eight of the new species: P. ludoviciana, P. procera, P. pseudogallica, P. scandinavica, P. subarctica, P. tenuimura, P. tonkinensis and P. ukrainensis. In contrast, all species in Subclade 10c have papillate sporangia and are self-fertile (or homothallic) with an aerial lifestyle including the known P. boehmeriae, P. gondwanensis, P. kernoviae and P. morindae and the new species P. celebensis, P. chilensis, P. javanensis, P. multiglobulosa, P. pseudochilensis and P. pseudokernoviae. All new Phytophthora species differed from each other and from related species by their unique combinations of morphological characters, breeding systems, cardinal temperatures and growth rates. The biogeography and evolutionary history of Clade 10 are discussed. We propose that the three subclades originated via the early divergence of pre-Gondwanan ancestors > 175 Mya into water- and soilborne and aerially dispersed lineages and subsequently underwent multiple allopatric and sympatric radiations during their global spread

    Effect of AMF propagule dosage forms on the growth and production of

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    Red spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L) contains vitamins (A, B2, B6, K, and folate), proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, fiber, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and calcium. Red spinach also contain anthocyanins (red pigments) that function as antioxidants to prevent free radical oxidation. The use of biofertilizers can give benefits to the soil and plants. Mycorrhizal fungi can be used as a type of biological fertilizer. The application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in powder dosage forms can help the growth of plants. However, this dosage form has disadvantages, so a study is needed to determine the effectiveness of AMF in various dosage forms. This study applied the Latin Square Design (LSD), with three treatments of AMF propagule dosage forms, namely: tablets, sachets, and powders, without AMF application as a comparison/control. The results showed that the effectiveness of AMF propagule in dosage form sachets provided a reasonable infection rate with fertile plant growth and harvest index value was not significantly different from other dosage forms, due to the attack of plant-disturbing organisms before harvest. So, further research is needed to determine the effect of the AMF propagule dosage form in physiological review without invasion of plant-disturbing organisms