1,653 research outputs found

    Non-geometric branes are DFT monopoles

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    The double field theory monopole solution by Berman and Rudolph is shown to reproduce non-geometric backgrounds with non-vanishing Q- and R-flux upon an appropriate choice of physical and dual coordinates. The obtained backgrounds depend non-trivially on dual coordinates and have only trivial monodromies. Upon smearing the solutions along the dual coordinates one reproduces the known 5225^2_2 solution for the Q-brane and co-dimension 1 solution for the R-brane. The T-duality invariant magnetic charge is explicitly calculated for all these backgrounds and is found to be equal to the magnetic charge of (unsmeared) NS5-brane.Comment: 26 pages and appendi

    Sugawara-type constraints in hyperbolic coset models

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    In the conjectured correspondence between supergravity and geodesic models on infinite-dimensional hyperbolic coset spaces, and E10/K(E10) in particular, the constraints play a central role. We present a Sugawara-type construction in terms of the E10 Noether charges that extends these constraints infinitely into the hyperbolic algebra, in contrast to the truncated expressions obtained in arXiv:0709.2691 that involved only finitely many generators. Our extended constraints are associated to an infinite set of roots which are all imaginary, and in fact fill the closed past light-cone of the Lorentzian root lattice. The construction makes crucial use of the E10 Weyl group and of the fact that the E10 model contains both D=11 supergravity and D=10 IIB supergravity. Our extended constraints appear to unite in a remarkable manner the different canonical constraints of these two theories. This construction may also shed new light on the issue of `open constraint algebras' in traditional canonical approaches to gravity.Comment: 49 page

    The different faces of branes in Double Field Theory

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    We show how the Wess-Zumino terms of the different branes in string theory can be embedded within double field theory. Crucial ingredients in our construction are the identification of the correct brane charge tensors and the use of the double field theory potentials that arise from dualizing the standard double field theory fields. This leads to a picture where under T-duality the brane does not change its worldvolume directions but where, instead, it shows different faces depending on whether some of the worldvolume and/or transverse directions invade the winding space. As a non-trivial by-product we show how the different Wess-Zumino terms are modified when the brane propagates in a background with a non-zero Romans mass parameter. Furthermore, we show that for non-zero mass parameter the brane creation process, when one brane passes through another brane, gets generalized to brane configurations that involve exotic branes as well.Comment: 23 pages + Appendi

    Curvature corrections and Kac-Moody compatibility conditions

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    We study possible restrictions on the structure of curvature corrections to gravitational theories in the context of their corresponding Kac--Moody algebras, following the initial work on E10 in Class. Quant. Grav. 22 (2005) 2849. We first emphasize that the leading quantum corrections of M-theory can be naturally interpreted in terms of (non-gravity) fundamental weights of E10. We then heuristically explore the extent to which this remark can be generalized to all over-extended algebras by determining which curvature corrections are compatible with their weight structure, and by comparing these curvature terms with known results on the quantum corrections for the corresponding gravitational theories.Comment: 27 page

    E10 and SO(9,9) invariant supergravity

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    We show that (massive) D=10 type IIA supergravity possesses a hidden rigid SO(9,9) symmetry and a hidden local SO(9) x SO(9) symmetry upon dimensional reduction to one (time-like) dimension. We explicitly construct the associated locally supersymmetric Lagrangian in one dimension, and show that its bosonic sector, including the mass term, can be equivalently described by a truncation of an E10/K(E10) non-linear sigma-model to the level \ell<=2 sector in a decomposition of E10 under its so(9,9) subalgebra. This decomposition is presented up to level 10, and the even and odd level sectors are identified tentatively with the Neveu--Schwarz and Ramond sectors, respectively. Further truncation to the level \ell=0 sector yields a model related to the reduction of D=10 type I supergravity. The hyperbolic Kac--Moody algebra DE10, associated to the latter, is shown to be a proper subalgebra of E10, in accord with the embedding of type I into type IIA supergravity. The corresponding decomposition of DE10 under so(9,9) is presented up to level 5.Comment: 1+39 pages LaTeX2e, 2 figures, 2 tables, extended tables obtainable by downloading sourc

    Pure type I supergravity and DE(10)

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    We establish a dynamical equivalence between the bosonic part of pure type I supergravity in D=10 and a D=1 non-linear sigma-model on the Kac-Moody coset space DE(10)/K(DE(10)) if both theories are suitably truncated. To this end we make use of a decomposition of DE(10) under its regular SO(9,9) subgroup. Our analysis also deals partly with the fermionic fields of the supergravity theory and we define corresponding representations of the generalized spatial Lorentz group K(DE(10)).Comment: 28 page

    An E9 multiplet of BPS states

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    We construct an infinite E9 multiplet of BPS states for 11D supergravity. For each positive real root of E9 we obtain a BPS solution of 11D supergravity, or of its exotic counterparts, depending on two non-compact transverse space variables. All these solutions are related by U-dualities realised via E9 Weyl transformations in the regular embedding of E9 in E10, E10 in E11. In this way we recover the basic BPS solutions, namely the KK-wave, the M2 brane, the M5 brane and the KK6-monopole, as well as other solutions admitting eight longitudinal space dimensions. A novel technique of combining Weyl reflexions with compensating transformations allows the construction of many new BPS solutions, each of which can be mapped to a solution of a dual effective action of gravity coupled to a certain higher rank tensor field. For real roots of E10 which are not roots of E9, we obtain additional BPS solutions transcending 11D supergravity (as exemplified by the lowest level solution corresponding to the M9 brane). The relation between the dual formulation and the one in terms of the original 11D supergravity fields has significance beyond the realm of BPS solutions. We establish the link with the Geroch group of general relativity, and explain how the E9 duality transformations generalize the standard Hodge dualities to an infinite set of `non-closing dualities'.Comment: 76 pages, 6 figure

    Representations of G+++ and the role of space-time

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    We consider the decomposition of the adjoint and fundamental representations of very extended Kac-Moody algebras G+++ with respect to their regular A type subalgebra which, in the corresponding non-linear realisation, is associated with gravity. We find that for many very extended algebras almost all the A type representations that occur in the decomposition of the fundamental representations also occur in the adjoint representation of G+++. In particular, for E8+++, this applies to all its fundamental representations. However, there are some important examples, such as An+++, where this is not true and indeed the adjoint representation contains no generator that can be identified with a space-time translation. We comment on the significance of these results for how space-time can occur in the non-linear realisation based on G+++. Finally we show that there is a correspondence between the A representations that occur in the fundamental representation associated with the very extended node and the adjoint representation of G+++ which is consistent with the interpretation of the former as charges associated with brane solutions.Comment: 45 pages, 9 figures, 9 tables, te

    Gradient Representations and Affine Structures in AE(n)

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    We study the indefinite Kac-Moody algebras AE(n), arising in the reduction of Einstein's theory from (n+1) space-time dimensions to one (time) dimension, and their distinguished maximal regular subalgebras sl(n) and affine A_{n-2}^{(1)}. The interplay between these two subalgebras is used, for n=3, to determine the commutation relations of the `gradient generators' within AE(3). The low level truncation of the geodesic sigma-model over the coset space AE(n)/K(AE(n)) is shown to map to a suitably truncated version of the SL(n)/SO(n) non-linear sigma-model resulting from the reduction Einstein's equations in (n+1) dimensions to (1+1) dimensions. A further truncation to diagonal solutions can be exploited to define a one-to-one correspondence between such solutions, and null geodesic trajectories on the infinite-dimensional coset space H/K(H), where H is the (extended) Heisenberg group, and K(H) its maximal compact subgroup. We clarify the relation between H and the corresponding subgroup of the Geroch group.Comment: 43 page
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