9,139 research outputs found

    Global Dynamics of a Water-Borne Disease Model with Multiple Transmission Pathways

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    We propose and analyze a water born disease model introducing water-to-person and person-toperson transmission and saturated incidence. The disease-free equilibrium and the existence criterion of endemic equilibrium are investigated. Trans critical bifurcation at the disease-free equilibrium is obtained when the basic reproductive number is one. The local stability of both the equilibria is shown and a Lyapunov functional approach is also applied to explore the global stability of the system around the equilibria. We display the effects of pathogen contaminated water and infection through contact on the system dynamics in the absence of person-to-person contact as well as in the presence of water-to-person contact. It is shown that in the presence of water-to-person transmission, the model system globally stable around both the disease-free and endemic equilibria. Lastly, some numerical simulations are provided to verify our analytical results

    A Mathematical Study on the Dynamics of an Eco-Epidemiological Model in the Presence of Delay

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    In the present work a mathematical model of the prey-predator system with disease in the prey is proposed. The basic model is then modified by the introduction of time delay. The stability of the boundary and endemic equilibria are discussed. The stability and bifurcation analysis of the resulting delay differential equation model is studied and ranges of the delay inducing stability as well as the instability for the system are found. Using the normal form theory and center manifold argument, we derive the methodical formulae for determining the bifurcation direction and the stability of the bifurcating periodic solution. Some numerical simulations are carried out to explain our theoretical analysis

    A Resource Based Stage-Structured Fishery Model With Selective Harvesting of Mature Species

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    In this paper we have considered a model in which revenue is generated from fishing and the growth of the fish depends upon the plankton which in turn follows a logistic law of growth. Here the fish population has two stages, a juvenile stage and a mature stage and we consider the harvesting of the mature fish species. Stability and permanence of the system are discussed. Maximum sustainable yield, maximum economic yield and optimal sustainable yield are obtained and different tax policies are discussed to achieve the reference points

    Controllability of an eco-epidemiological system with disease transmission delay: A theoretical study

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    This paper deals with the qualitative analysis of a disease transmission delay induced prey preda-tor system in which disease spreads among the predator species only. The growth of the preda-tors’ susceptible and infected subpopulations is assumed as modified Leslie–Gower type. Suffi-cient conditions for the persistence, permanence, existence and stability of equilibrium points are obtained. Global asymptotic stability of the system is investigated around the coexisting equilib-rium using a geometric approach. The existence of Hopf bifurcation phenomenon is also exam-ined with respect to some important parameters of the system. The criterion for disease a trans-mission delay the induced Hopf bifurcation phenomenon is obtained and subsequently, we use a normal form method and the center manifold theorem to examine the nature of the Hopf bifurca-tion. It is clearly observed that competition among predators can drive the system to a stable from an unstable state. Also the infection and competition among predator population enhance the availability of prey for harvesting when their values are high. Finally, some numerical simu-lations are carried out to illustrate the analytical results

    Cosmology with decaying tachyon matter

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    We investigate the case of a homogeneous tachyon field coupled to gravity in a spatially flat Friedman-Robertson-Walker spacetime. Assuming the field evolution to be exponentially decaying with time we solve the field equations and show that, under certain conditions, the scale factor represents an accelerating universe, following a phase of decelerated expansion. We make use of a model of dark energy (with p=-\rho) and dark matter (p=0) where a single scalar field (tachyon) governs the dynamics of both the dark components. We show that this model fits the current supernova data as well as the canonical \LambdaCDM model. We give the bounds on the parameters allowed by the current data.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, v2, Discussions and references addede