95 research outputs found

    Foeto-foetal transfusion syndrome in dichorionic diamniotic twins: a clinical case

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    Background. Management of multiple gestation complicated by the foeto-foetal transfusion syndrome is among most intricate modern obstetric issues. The syndrome develops in 10–20% of monochorionic diamniotic twins leading to 80–100% mortality in one or both twins if left uncorrected, especially in early syndrome cases. Although foeto-foetal transfusion usually develops with monochorionic placentae, there are notable exceptions of vascular placental anastomoses reported with dichorionic monozygotic twins. The disease supposedly entails from an imbalanced blood interflow between dichorionic twins due to placental vascular anastomoses.Clinical Case Description. Patient S., 32 yo, visited perinatal diagnostics at the Territorial Perinatal Centre of the Children’s Territorial Clinical Hospital with a preliminary diagnosis: 22 weeks and 5 days’ pregnancy. Dichorionic diamniotic twins. Threat of extremely preterm birth. Two caesarean uterine scars. Gestational diabetes mellitus.Medical files: patient history, pregnancy calendar. Pregnancy was regularly monitored with main ultrasound foetometry, foeto-foetal transfusion dynamics control and Doppler velocimetry.Ultrasonographic signs of abnormal haemodynamics underlying the foeto-foetal transfusion syndrome were detected at the first scan at 11–13 weeks 6 days’ term as collar space thickening in one foetus. Hydramnios in one foetus and oligohydramnios in the other were diagnosed at 28 weeks’ gestation conclusively indicating the foeto-foetal transfusion syndrome. This evidence suggested the formation of placental anastomoses, which was confirmed morphologically in placenta examination.Conclusion. A timely diagnosis and correction of emerging complications allowed prolongation of pregnancy in hospital conditions to 33–34 weeks. Both boys were live-born with Apgar score 7–8

    Hemispheric Asymmetry Gender Differences in Preadolescent Children

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    Background: Investigating various postnatal parameters of cerebral hemispheres is of great practical value.Objective: To study gender differences in hemispheric parameters and interhemispheric interactions in preadolescent children.Materials and methods: The retrospective study assessed archived brain magnetic resonance images of 60 eight-year-old boys and 60 eight-year-old girls. The analyzed parameters were as follows: 1) hemispheric length; 2) hemispheric width; 3) hemispheric height; 4) width-longitudinal index of a hemisphere; 5) altitude-longitudinal index of a hemisphere; 6) length of frontal lobes; 7) length of parietal lobes; 8) length of occipital lobes; 9) length of temporal lobes. Quantitative indicators were assessed for normal distribution using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Source data were accumulated and arranged in Microsoft Excel 2016 spreadsheets. Statistica 10.0 was used for the statistical analysis. The results were considered statistically significant with P < 0.05.Results: The analysis of cephalometric indicators suggests sex-related variation in the cerebral hemispheres. Based on the obtained data we can identify morphometric parameters of interhemispheric variability that may act as one of the morphometric criteria for the brain asymmetry. The study results can be widely used for neuroimaging.Conclusions: We determined cephalometric reference values for various cerebral hemispheres parts in preadolescent children

    Epidemiology of epilepsy among adolescents suffering from mental disorders

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    The article presents current epidemiological data on the prevalence of various forms of childhood epilepsy. anamnestic data, predictors of the development of the disease are presented, the semiology of seizures is described, and a retrospective analysis of the register of patients with epilepsy and convulsive syndromes among children of the Sverdlovsk region is carried out.В статье изложены современные эпидемиологические данные распространенности различных форм детской эпилепсии. Представлены анамнестические данные, предикторы развития заболевания, описаны семиология приступов и проведен ретроспективный анализ регистра пациентов с эпилепсией и судорожными синдромами среди детей Свердловской области


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    Infections caused by the Coxsackie and ECHO enteroviruses is a group of acute diseases with a variety of clinical forms: from virus bearing and light feverish conditions to manifestations in the form of an enteroviral exanthema, serous meningitis, myalgia etc. Manifestations are polymorphic, and are often combined with a lesion of the central nervous system, muscles, myocardium, and skin. Epidemic outbursts and/or increases in morbidity are being registered in different regions of Russia and other countries worldwide. The article highlights the special features of the infection’s pathogenesis, as well as the ways of its transmission and peculiarities of prophylaxis. Taking into account its prevalence, peculiarities of the course and seasonal character, an awareness of specialists is needed in relation to the causative agents.Инфекции, вызываемые энтеровирусами Коксаки и ECHO, — группа острых заболеваний, характеризующихся многообразием клинических форм: от вирусоносительства и легких лихорадочных состояний до манифестных проявлений в виде энтеровирусной экзантемы, серозного менингита, миалгий и т. д. Проявления отличаются полиморфизмом, ≤нередко связаны с поражением центральной нервной системы, мышц, миокарда и кожных покровов. В разных регионах Российской Федерации и странах ближнего и дальнего зарубежья регистрируются эпидемические вспышки и/или подъемы заболеваемости. В статье освещены особенности патогенеза инфекции, рассмотрены пути ее передачи и особенности профилактики. Учитывая распространенность, особенности течения и сезонность, необходима настороженность специалистов в отношении данных возбудителей

    Risperidon side effects in adolescent children

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    The article deals blood biochemistry and body mass index analysis in adolescent children with mental disorders received risperidone.В статье проведён анализ индекса массы тела и биохимических параметров крови у получающих терапию рисперидоном детей подросткового возраста с психическими расстройствами

    Заболеваемость острыми кишечными инфекциями в Санкт-Петербурге на фоне пандемии COVID-19

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    The results of a study of modern epidemiological and characteristics of acute intestinal infections against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic are presented. The article reflects current trends in the frequency of detection of acute intestinal infections of viral and bacterial etiology, in particular, the growing prevalence of norovirus infection is shown. Particular attention is paid to the increase in the incidence of salmonellosis and campylobacteriosis. An increase in the incidence of salmonellosis in 2019 by 25.7% is shown, which is higher than the average long-term incidence rate by 28.1%. Age features of the incidence of viral and bacterial intestinal infections among children have been established. Given the widespread use of antibiotics or other drugs that change the intestinal microbial landscape (cytostatics, chemotherapy drugs), as well as a significant increase in the number of hospitalizations of patients, there is a high risk of developing antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Undoubted attention requires the problem of registration, diagnosis of clostridium infections, which make it difficult to obtain data on the prevalence of infection caused by Clostridium difficile in the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg. The article discusses in detail the possibilities for further improvement of measures to prevent the transmission of acute intestinal infections.Представлены результаты исследования современных эпидемиологических и особенностей острых кишечных инфекций на фоне пандемии COVID-19. В статье отражаются современные тренды изменения частоты выявления острых кишечных инфекций вирусной и бактериальной этиологии, в частности, показана растущая распространенность норовирусной инфекции. Особое внимание уделено росту заболеваемости сальмонеллёзом и кампилобактериозом. Показан рост в 2019 г. заболеваемости сальмонеллезом на 25,7%, что выше среднемноголетнего уровня заболеваемости на 28,1%. Установлены возрастные особенности заболеваемости вирусными и бактериальными кишечными инфекциями среди детей. Учитывая широкое применение антибиотиков или других препаратов, изменяющий микробный пейзаж кишечника (цитостатики, химиотерапевтические препараты), а также значительное возрастание количества госпитализаций пациентов, создается высокий риск развития антибиотик-ассоциированных диарей. Несомненного внимания требует проблема регистрации, диагностики клостридиозов, затрудняющая получение данных о распространённости инфекции, вызванной Clostridium difficile, в РФ и Санкт-Петербурге. В статье подробно обсуждаются возможности дальнейшего совершенствования мер профилактики передачи острых кишечных инфекций

    Regulatory Framework for Biological Safety Provision When Working with Microorganisms of the III–IV Pathogenicity Groups

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    Objective of the study was to review the current normative-methodological documentation on the matters of safe handling of pathogenic biological agents (PBA) of the III–IV pathogenicity groups. Materials and methods. We used analytical method for the study. We carried out comparative analysis of the provisions contained in the current regulations approved at different times for different agencies on the matters of air filtering system equipping, usage of microbiological safety cabinets, ensuring hand washing station provision for laboratories, inspection of disinfectants entering a lab, and waste decontamination procedures. Results and discussion. We have considered the provisions of the current documentation that require further refinement and clarification for the future editions of sanitary regulations. Two aspects draw increasing attention: the problem of regulating the inlet and exhaust ventilation system setup in the laboratories of microbiological specialization for work with PBA and the need to devise a consistent coordinated regulatory framework. Examples provided in the paper demonstrate the necessity of adhering to the integrated unified approach to the requirements for biosafety provision in the documents of various agencies; clear wording; harmonized system of normative and technical specifications for laboratory equipment, stating the basic characteristics of microbiological safety cabinets and ventilation systems. The documents should be in compliance with the requirements of various agencies. The maintenance of technical-engineering systems should be performed by the specialists with an appropriate qualification on a regular basis

    Study of relationships between taste receptor gene (<i>TAS1R2</i>) polymorphism rs4920566 and sugar sensitivity and food preference of sweet products

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    BACKGROUND: Increased consumption  of sweet and high-calorie foods leads to weight gain in humans and the development of metabolic syndrome. Great attention is given to a personalized approach to nutrition correction based on genetic testing. The genetic basis for human taste sensitivity to sweet stimuli remains is understudied. The role of the g.18853330 A&gt;G (rs4920566) polymorphism of the TAS1R2 gene in preference for sweets has not been fully studied.AIM: To investigate the possible relationship between rs4920566 polymorphism  in TAS1R2 gene and sensitivity to natural sugars and food preference of high-calorie sweet foods in humans.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A single-sample experimental study was carried out. The study participants were conditionally healthy students who voluntarily agreed to conduct it. Sugar sensitivity was assessed in two tasting tests. Sucrose sensitivity thresholds (STS) were determined by staircase procedure (solutions: 8.0 to 500 mM/l). To assess food preferences for sweet foods, specially designed questionnaires with a checklist of products were used. Genomic DNA samples from all study participants were obtained from buccal epithelial cells. Genomic DNA was extracted from buccal epithelial cells using the adsorption of DNA with an inorganic sorbent in the presence of a chaotropic agent. Typing of the rs4920566 polymorphism in TAS1R2 gene was performed using asymmetric real-time PCR.RESULTS: The study included  26 young  men and 110 young  women which the average age was 20.8±4.8 (SD) years. Gender  was  a  significant  factor  affecting  the  taste  perception  of  the  sweetness  sugars  (maltose,  glucose,  sucrose and fructose) in students. Young  men more often than young  women  could  not distinguish  the taste of four sugars (β=-2.93(0.99), p=0.003). The rs4920566 polymorphism in TAS1R2 gene did not affect the ability of students to distinguish the taste of four natural sugars. It was found that the variation series of STS values for sucrose in young women with the A allele (16.0[16.0–31.0] versus 16.0[8.0–16.0] mmol/l, pcor=0.002) and A/G genotype  (16.0[16.0–31.0] vs. 16.0[8.0–16.0] mmol/l, pcor=0.010) were significantly  lower compared to young men. Separately, in young women with the G/G genotype the range of STS is shifted towards higher concentrations of sucrose compared with women with the A/G genotype (16.0[16.0–31.0] vs. 16.0[8.0 -16.0] mmol/l, pcor=0.039). Testing the hypothesis about the randomness of the relationship between the rs4920566 genotypes  of the TAS1R2 gene and the liking rating of foods with a sweet taste using Kruskal-Wallis test did not allow us to conclude that the A/A, A/G and G/G genotypes of the TAS1R2 gene influence the choice of sugary high-calorie foods in students.CONCLUSION: Our results are consistent with the literature data and confirm that rs4920566 polymorphism of TAS1R2 gene cannot be an informative marker for the diagnosis of metabolic conditions associated with the consumption of high-calorie sweet foods. Likely, its functions are related to the mechanisms of neurotransduction of the sweet taste signal