848 research outputs found

    Distribution of Radionuclide Concentration with Proximity to the Lagoon in Lagos State, Southwestern Nigeria

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    The radioactivity of Lagos State in the Southwestern Nigeria was determined using an HpGe based, low level passive gamma-counting system. The main radinouclides analyzed in the samples were the progenies of 238U and 232Th. The other two isotopes were the naturally occurring 40K and the anthropogenic 137Cs. The results of the study showed that the average specific activity concentration of 238U, 232Th and 40K have consistent values with published data for many other countries in the world. The presence of the fission product 137Cs could be traced to the fallout of the nuclear tests in the Sahara desert and probably, some effects of the more recent nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl in 1986. Keyword: radionuclide, concentration, radioactivity, contamination, soi

    Performance Evaluation of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) in Nigerian Banking Institution: A Case Study of First Bank of Nigeria Plc. Ibadan

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    This paper evaluates the performance of ATM machine in Nigeria banking sector using queue theory model. A few simple queues-models were analysed in terms of steady-state derivation. Theoretical formulations and results (with real-life dataset) were established for queue models with Poisson arrivals and exponential service durations. Derivation and calculation of some performance measure including the average queue length, average waiting time in the queue and in the system, and the probability of encountering the system in certain states such as empty, full having an available server or having to wait a certain time to be served were explored under single and multi-server. FIFO (first in, first out) queue discipline was adopted. Keywords: Steady state, waiting-time, queue-discipline, multi-severs, FIFO (first in, first out)

    Assessment of Groundwater Quality by Heavy Metal Pollution Index in Ijare Rural Community and Alagbaka Urban Area in Ondo State, Nigeria

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    Groundwater is becoming an essential source of water supply in many locations, and assessment of groundwater quality is essential to trace out the major groundwater contaminants.  In this study, Ijare represents a rural land use and Alagbaka representing the urban land use. The objective of this paper is to assess the groundwater quality by heavy metal pollution index (HMPI) in Ijare rural community and Alagbaka urban area in Ondo State, Nigeria using a 210VGP atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Data obtained reveals that, the concentration of iron in wells ranged between 0.1335 and 0.2715mg/L, Chromium in the study areas had levels ranging from 0.056 to 0.1615mg/L, while the levels of manganese ranged between 0.0775 and 0.1725mg/L and that of Lead had levels was between 0.01 to 0.11mg/L. This study thus reveals that the concentration of iron was within the WHO drinking water standard limit of 0.3mg/L, chromium in the study areas had levels above the WHO drinking water standard limit of 0.05mg/L, manganese levels within the WHO drinking water standard limit of 0.4mg/L and Lead had levels above the recommended limit


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    The concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Cr and As) in the myonematic, hepatic and renal tissues of the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) from Ogba river, Benin City, Nigeria, were determined using a Unicam 929 series atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The concentrations of the aforementioned metals were also determined in water. The mean concentration of Pb ranged from 0.19mg/kg (muscle) to 0.39mg/kg (liver) while the mean concentration of Cd ranged from 0.03mg/kg (muscle) to 0.09mg/kg (liver). The mean concentration of Zn ranged from 0.09mg/kg( muscle) to 0.33mg/kg (liver) while the mean concentration of Cu ranged from 0.23mg/kg (muscle) to 0.76mg/kg(liver). The mean concentration of Cr ranged from 0.19mg/kg (muscle) to 0.41mg/kg (liver) while the mean concentration of As ranged from 0.36mg/kg (kidney) to 0.54mg/kg (muscle). The mean concentrations of the heavy metals in water were Pb(0.09mg/l), Cd(0.04mg/l), Zn(0.01mg/l), Cu(0.53mg/l), Cr(0.38mg/l) and As(0.59mg/l). With the exception of Cu, the mean concentrations of the heavy metals in water were generally above the World Health Organization (WHO) maximum allowable limit for the respective metals in drinking water implying that water from the river is unfit for human consumption owing to heavy metal contamination. The mean concentrations of Cr and As exceeded the WHO maximum allowable limits for fish food. The direct implication of this finding is that people who consume fish from the river are liable to potential health hazards resulting from Cr and As contamination.Â

    The effect of farmyard manure and urea on grain yield and agronomic characteristics of maize (Zea mays)

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    Combining organic and inorganic fertilizer has been proved to be an effective and sustainable soil management strategy for increased crop yield and safe environment. Field experiments were conducted in two locations in Nigeria namely Malete and Shao during 2018 and 2019 seasons. This was to find out the efficacy of organic and inorganic fertilizer (including prilled and granular urea) and their various combinations on grain yield and agronomic characteristics of maize. The use of full dose of P and K + 75% N through Granular Urea + 25 % N through farmyard manure improved most of the soil chemical properties with high economic returns. It was concluded from the experiment that a combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers is an environmentally friendly practice and could lead to high yields and improve farmers’ income and their livelihoods

    Assessment of Agroforestry Practices in Ago-Owu Forest Reserve, Ayedaade Local Government area, Osun State, South-western Nigeria

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    Agroforestry is a collective name for land use systems and practices in which woody perennials are integrated with food crop and forestry, either in a spatial mixture or in a temporal sequence and there are normally both ecological and economic interactions between woody and non woody components. This study investigated types of agroforestry practiced, the impact of agroforestry on the lives of people, assessed the impact of agroforestry on the environment, and identified possible problems associated with agroforestry system in Ago-owu Forest Reserve, Ayedaade Local Government area of Osun State, Nigeria by collecting samples from Mokore, Ajegunle and Alabameta villages using verified methods. Sampling intensity of 10% for population below 500, 5% sampling intensity for population between 500 and 1000 and 2.5% sampling intensity for the population above 1000. A total of eighty (80) questionnaires were administered, thirty copies of questionnaires were distributed both in Mokore and Ajegunle and twenty in Alabameta. The result was analysed using Descriptive Statistics such as frequency tables, percentages, bar chart and Chi square. The result showed that 47.5 % of the respondents are involved in Agri-silviculture. The benefits derived from agroforestry was also unfolded, they are medicinal (11.25%), Income generation (52.5%), production of food crop (33.75%) and non-timber forest products generation (2.5%). The impact of agroforestry to the environment includes Soil erosion control (48.75%), Soil stabilization (31.25%), and (Stable environment 20%)


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    Assessment of groundwater potential and aquifer protective capacity in part of Oye-Ekiti, Southwestern Nigeria using the electrical resistivity method of geophysical prospecting was carried out. The study involved Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) technique using the Schlumberger array with current electrode spacing (AB/2) of 100 m. Thirty-one (31) VES locations were obtained with the aid of ABEM SAS 300 Resistivity Meter and plotted on the double log graph as VES curves. The VES curves were interpreted quantitatively by partialcurve matching and assisted by 1-D forward modeling using the WinResist software. The VES interpretation results (layer and thickness) were used to generate maps of the study area. A, K, H, KH, HA, QH, AA, HKH, KQH and AKH-type curves were identified in the area. The overburden thickness ranged from thick (20 to 28 m), moderate (10 to 19.9 m) to low overburden (0 to 9.9 m). The bedrock relief shows areas of moderate/high (530.1 to 558 m) and low reliefs (514 to 530m).&nbsp
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