6,207 research outputs found

    Antarctic Meteorites: A Statistical Look at a Uniquely Valuable Resource

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    As of the end of the 2018-19 field season, the U.S. Antarctic meteorite program has surpassed 23,000 meteorites collected. The U.S. collection is valuable in that it is classified in its entirety. The systematic methods employed to collect the meteorites have provided meteorites of more than 40 types, many of which are the first of their type ever recognized. One of the early drivers for consistent and methodical characterization of the entire U.S. Antarctic collection was to allow statistical comparisons. Early statistical assessments of the U.S. Antarctic collection examined mass distributions and the relative frequency of meteorite types as well as comparisons to a defined set of modern falls. Using these statistics argued that the flux of H chondrites changed over time used model size distributions to deconstruct the contribution of wind movement, meteorite supply and search losses to the Antarctic collection. Mass-based statistics and size distribution comparisons were examined by investigated various aspects of the statistics, including comparison with modern falls/Saharan finds. Also discuss geospatial statistics provides a comprehensive overview of the statistics of the Antarctic collections for the first 35 seasons of U.S. collection by ANSMET. Here we build upon that assessment and that from

    Scaling and universality in the 2D Ising model with a magnetic field

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    The scaling function of the 2D Ising model in a magnetic field on the square and triangular lattices is obtained numerically via Baxter's variational corner transfer matrix approach. The use of the Aharony-Fisher non-linear scaling variables allowed us to perform calculations sufficiently away from the critical point to obtain very high precision data, which convincingly confirm all predictions of the scaling and universality hypotheses. The results are in excellent agreement with the field theory calculations of Fonseca and Zamolodchikov as well as with many previously known exact and numerical results for the 2D Ising model. This includes excellent agreement with the classic analytic results for the magnetic susceptibility by Barouch, McCoy, Tracy and Wu, recently enhanced by Orrick, Nickel, Guttmann and Perk.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Expected Geochemical and Mineralogical Properties of Meteorites from Mercury: Inferences from Messenger Data

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    Meteorites from the Moon, Mars, and many types of asteroid bodies have been identified among our global inventory of meteorites, however samples of Mercury and Venus have not been identified. The absence of mercurian and venusian meteorites could be attributed to an inability to recognize them in our collections due to a paucity of geochemical information for Venus and Mercury. In the case of mercurian meteorites, this possibility is further supported by dynamical calculations that suggest mercurian meteorites should be present on Earth at a factor of 2-3 less than meteorites from Mars [1]. In the present study, we focus on the putative mineralogy of mercurian meteorites using data obtained from the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft, which has provided us with our first quantitative constraints on the geochemistry of planet Mercury. We have used the MESSENGER data to compile a list of mineralogical and geochemical characteristics that a meteorite from Mercury is likely to exhibit

    Information flow in a kinetic ising model peaks in the disordered phase

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    There is growing evidence that for a range of dynamical systems featuring complex interactions between large ensembles of interacting elements, mutual information peaks at order-disorder phase transitions. We conjecture that, by contrast, information flow in such systems will generally peak strictly on the disordered side of a phase transition. This conjecture is verified for a ferromagnetic 2D lattice Ising model with Glauber dynamics and a transfer entropy-based measure of systemwide information flow. Implications of the conjecture are considered, in particular, that for a complex dynamical system in the process of transitioning from disordered to ordered dynamics (a mechanism implicated, for example, in financial market crashes and the onset of some types of epileptic seizures); information dynamics may be able to predict an imminent transition

    Zero--Temperature Quantum Phase Transition of a Two--Dimensional Ising Spin--Glass

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    We study the quantum transition at T=0T=0 in the spin-12\frac12 Ising spin--glass in a transverse field in two dimensions. The world line path integral representation of this model corresponds to an effective classical system in (2+1) dimensions, which we study by Monte Carlo simulations. Values of the critical exponents are estimated by a finite-size scaling analysis. We find that the dynamical exponent, zz, and the correlation length exponent, ν\nu, are given by z=1.5±0.05z = 1.5 \pm 0.05 and ν=1.0±0.1\nu = 1.0 \pm 0.1. Both the linear and non-linear susceptibility are found to diverge at the critical point.Comment: RevTeX 10 pages + 4 figures (appended as uuencoded, compressed tar-file), THP21-9

    Genome-wide association study of sleep in Drosophila melanogaster

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    BACKGROUND: Sleep is a highly conserved behavior, yet its duration and pattern vary extensively among species and between individuals within species. The genetic basis of natural variation in sleep remains unknown. RESULTS: We used the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP) to perform a genome-wide association (GWA) study of sleep in D. melanogaster. We identified candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with differences in the mean as well as the environmental sensitivity of sleep traits; these SNPs typically had sex-specific or sex-biased effects, and were generally located in non-coding regions. The majority of SNPs (80.3%) affecting sleep were at low frequency and had moderately large effects. Additive models incorporating multiple SNPs explained as much as 55% of the genetic variance for sleep in males and females. Many of these loci are known to interact physically and/or genetically, enabling us to place them in candidate genetic networks. We confirmed the role of seven novel loci on sleep using insertional mutagenesis and RNA interference. CONCLUSIONS: We identified many SNPs in novel loci that are potentially associated with natural variation in sleep, as well as SNPs within genes previously known to affect Drosophila sleep. Several of the candidate genes have human homologues that were identified in studies of human sleep, suggesting that genes affecting variation in sleep are conserved across species. Our discovery of genetic variants that influence environmental sensitivity to sleep may have a wider application to all GWA studies, because individuals with highly plastic genotypes will not have consistent phenotypes

    A cryogenic liquid-mirror telescope on the moon to study the early universe

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    We have studied the feasibility and scientific potential of zenith observing liquid mirror telescopes having 20 to 100 m diameters located on the moon. They would carry out deep infrared surveys to study the distant universe and follow up discoveries made with the 6 m James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), with more detailed images and spectroscopic studies. They could detect objects 100 times fainter than JWST, observing the first, high-red shift stars in the early universe and their assembly into galaxies. We explored the scientific opportunities, key technologies and optimum location of such telescopes. We have demonstrated critical technologies. For example, the primary mirror would necessitate a high-reflectivity liquid that does not evaporate in the lunar vacuum and remains liquid at less than 100K: We have made a crucial demonstration by successfully coating an ionic liquid that has negligible vapor pressure. We also successfully experimented with a liquid mirror spinning on a superconducting bearing, as will be needed for the cryogenic, vacuum environment of the telescope. We have investigated issues related to lunar locations, concluding that locations within a few km of a pole are ideal for deep sky cover and long integration times. We have located ridges and crater rims within 0.5 degrees of the North Pole that are illuminated for at least some sun angles during lunar winter, providing power and temperature control. We also have identified potential problems, like lunar dust. Issues raised by our preliminary study demand additional in-depth analyses. These issues must be fully examined as part of a scientific debate we hope to start with the present article.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures. To appear in Astrophysical Journal June 20 200

    Structure analysis of the Ga-stabilized GaAs(001)-c(8x2) surface at high temperatures

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    Structure of the Ga-stabilized GaAs(001)-c(8x2) surface has been studied using rocking-curve analysis of reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED). The c(8x2) structure emerges at temperatures higher than 600C, but is unstable with respect to the change to the (2x6)/(3x6) structure at lower temperatures. Our RHEED rocking-curve analysis at high temperatures revealed that the c(8x2) surface has the structure which is basically the same as that recently proposed by Kumpf et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 3586 (2001)]. We found that the surface atomic configurations are locally fluctuated at high temperatures without disturbing the c(8x2) periodicity.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Analyticity and Integrabiity in the Chiral Potts Model

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    We study the perturbation theory for the general non-integrable chiral Potts model depending on two chiral angles and a strength parameter and show how the analyticity of the ground state energy and correlation functions dramatically increases when the angles and the strength parameter satisfy the integrability condition. We further specialize to the superintegrable case and verify that a sum rule is obeyed.Comment: 31 pages in harvmac including 9 tables, several misprints eliminate