132 research outputs found

    A multi-epoch VLBI survey of the kinematics of CFJ sources

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    Context. This is the second in a series of papers presenting VLBI observations of the 293 Caltech-Jodrell Bank Flat-spectrum (hereafter CJF) sources and their analysis. Aims. We obtain a consistent motion dataset large enough to allow the systematic properties of the population to be studied. Methods. We present detailed kinematic analysis of the complete flux-density limited CJF survey. We computed 2D kinematic models based on the optimal model-fitting parameters of multi-epoch VLBA observations. This allows us to calculate not only radial, but also orthogonal motions, and thus to study curvature and acceleration. Statistical tests of the motions measured and their reliability were performed. A correlation analysis between the derived apparent motions, luminosities, spectral indices, and core dominance and the resulting consequences is described. Results. With at least one velocity in each of the 237 sources, this sample is much larger than any available before, so it allows a meaningful statistical investigation of apparent motions and any possible correlations with other parameters in AGN jets. The main results to emerge are as follows: - In general motions are not consistent with a single uniform velocity applicable to all components along a jet. - We find a slight trend towards a positive outward acceleration and also adduce some evidence for greater acceleration in the innermost regions. - We find a lack of fast components at physical distances less than a few pc from the reference feature. - Only ~4% of the components from galaxies and <2% of those from quasars undergo large bends i.e. within 15° of ± 90°. - The distribution of radial velocities shows a broad distribution of velocities (apparent velocities up to 30 c). Fifteen percent of the best-sampled jet components exhibit low velocities that may need to be explained in a different manner to the fast motions. - Some negative superluminal motions are seen, and in 15 cases (6%) these are definitely significant. - We find a strong correlation between the 5 GHz luminosity and the apparent velocity. - The CJF galaxies, on average, show slower apparent jet-component velocities than the quasars. - The mean velocity in the VLBA 2 cm survey (Kellermann et al. 2004, ApJ, 609, 539) is substantially higher than in the CJF survey, the ratio could be roughly a factor of 1.5-2. This supports the observed trend toward increasing apparent velocity with increasing observing frequency. Conclusions. This AGN survey provides the basis for any statistical analysis of jet and jet-component properties

    Contrasting Decollement and Prism Properties over the Sumatra 2004-2005 Earthquake Rupture Boundary

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    Styles of subduction zone deformation and earthquake rupture dynamics are strongly linked, jointly influencing hazard potential. Seismic reflection profiles across the trench west of Sumatra, Indonesia, show differences across the boundary between the major 2004 and 2005 plate interface earthquakes, which exhibited contrasting earthquake rupture and tsunami generation. In the southern part of the 2004 rupture, we interpret a negative-polarity sedimentary reflector ~500 meters above the subducting oceanic basement as the seaward extension of the plate interface. This predécollement reflector corresponds to unusual prism structure, morphology, and seismogenic behavior that are absent along the 2005 rupture zone. Although margins like the 2004 rupture zone are globally rare, our results suggest that sediment properties influence earthquake rupture, tsunami hazard, and prism development at subducting plate boundaries

    The role of crustal accretion variations in determining slab hydration at an Atlantic subduction zone

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    We present a 2D P-wave velocity model from the outer rise region of the Lesser Antilles island arc, the first wide-angle seismic study of outer rise processes at an Atlantic subduction zone. The survey consists of 46 OBS receivers over a 174 km profile with velocities resolved to 15 km below top basement. The final velocity model, produced through tomographic inversion, shows a clear decrease in the velocity of the lower crust and upper mantle of the incoming plate as it approaches the trench. We attribute this drop to outer rise bend-related hydration, similar to Pacific cases, but superimposed on spatial variations in hydration generated at the slow-spreading ridge axis. In thin, tectonically controlled crust formed under magma-poor spreading conditions the superposition of these sources of hydration results in compressional velocities as low as 6.5 km s-1 beneath the PmP reflector. In contrast, segments of crust interpreted as having formed under magma-rich conditions show velocity reductions and inferred hydrous alteration more like that observed in the Pacific. Hence, variations in the style of crustal accretion, which is observed on 50-100 km length scales both along and across isochrons, is a primary control over the distribution of water within the slab at Atlantic subduction systems. This heterogeneous pattern of water storage within the slab is likely further complicated by along strike variations in outer rise bending, subducting fracture zones and deformation at segment ends and may have important implications for our understanding of long-term patterns of hazard at Atlantic subduction systems

    A Solution to the Problem of Phaseless Mapping for a High-Orbit Space-Ground Radio Interferometer

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    We consider the problem of mapping with ultra-high angular resolution using a space-ground radio interferometer with a space antenna in a high orbit,whose apogee height exceeds the radius of the Earth by a factor of ten. In this case, a multielement interferometer essentially degenerates into a two-element interferometer. The degeneracy of the close-phase relations prevents the use of standard methods for hybrid mapping and self-calibration for the correct reconstruction of images. We propose a new phaseless mapping method based on methods for the reconstruction of images in the complete absence of phase information, using only the amplitudes of the spatial-coherence function of the source. In connection with this problem, we propose a new method for the reliable solution of the phase problem, based on optimizing information-carrying nonlinear functionals, in particular, the Shannon entropy. Results of simulations of mapping radio sources with various structures with ultra-high angular resolution in the framework of the RADIOASTRON mission are presented.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Caltech-Jodrell Bank (CJ) VLBI Snapshot Surveys

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    Two large VLBI surveys are currently underway which utilise the snapshot technique pioneered on the VLA. With a 12–16 telescope array three ~ 20 min snapshots are sufficient to make excellent hybrid maps. Recent advances in data analysis techniques enable surveys of several hundred sources to be undertaken and reduced in under two years

    A Multi-Epoch VLBI Survey of the Kinematics of CJF Sources; Part I: Model-Fit Parameters and Maps

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    Context: This is the first of a series of papers presenting VLBI observations of the 293 Caltech-Jodrell Bank Flat-Spectrum (hereafter CJF) sources and their analysis. Aims: One of the major goals of the CJF is to make a statistical study of the apparent velocities of the sources. Methods: We have conducted global VLBI and VLBA observations at 5 GHz since 1990, accumulating thirteen separate observing campaigns. Results: We present here an overview of the observations, give details of the data reduction and present the source parameters resulting from a model-fitting procedure. For every source at every observing epoch, an image is shown, built up by restoring the model-fitted components, convolved with the clean beam, into the residual image, which was made by Fourier transforming the visibility data after first subtracting the model-fitted components in the uv-plane. Overplotted we show symbols to represent the model components. Conclusions: We have produced VLBI images of all but 5 of the 293 sources in the complete CJF sample at several epochs and investigated the kinematics of 266 AGN.Comment: Figure 1 and Table 2 are only available in electronic form at the CDS and soon at http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/sbritzen/cjf.htm

    Wide-Angle Seismic Imaging of Two Modes of Crustal Accretion in Mature Atlantic Ocean Crust

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    We present a high‐resolution 2‐D P‐wave velocity model from a 225‐km‐long active seismic profile, collected over ~60–75 Ma central Atlantic crust. The profile crosses five ridge segments separated by a transform and three nontransform offsets. All ridge discontinuities share similar primary characteristics, independent of the offset. We identify two types of crustal segment. The first displays a classic two‐layer velocity structure with a high gradient Layer 2 (~0.9 s−1^{−1}) above a lower gradient Layer 3 (0.2 s−1^{−1}). Here, PmP coincides with the 7.5 km s−1^{−1} contour, and velocity increases to >7.8 km s−1^{−1} within 1 km below. We interpret these segments as magmatically robust, with PmP representing a petrological boundary between crust and mantle. The second has a reduced contrast in velocity gradient between the upper and lower crust and PmP shallower than the 7.5 km s−1^{−1} contour. We interpret these segments as tectonically dominated, with PmP representing a serpentinized (alteration) front. While velocity‐depth profiles fit within previous envelopes for slow‐spreading crust, our results suggest that such generalizations give a misleading impression of uniformity. We estimate that the two crustal styles are present in equal proportions on the floor of the Atlantic. Within two tectonically dominated segments, we make the first wide‐angle seismic identifications of buried oceanic core complexes in mature (>20 Ma) Atlantic Ocean crust. They have a ~20‐km‐wide “domal” morphology with shallow basement and increased upper crustal velocities. We interpret their midcrustal seismic velocity inversions as alteration and rock‐type assemblage contrasts across crustal‐scale detachment faults

    Caltech-Jodrell Bank VLBI Surveys

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    The Caltech-Jodrell Bank VLBI surveys of bright extragalactic radio sources north of declination 35° were carried out between 1990 and 1995 using the Mark-II system, achieving images with a resolution of about 1 mas at 5 GHz. The CJl survey (together with the older “PR” survey) includes 200 objects with 5 GHz flux density greater than 0.7 Jy; the CJ2 survey includes 193 flat-spectrum sources with 5 GHz flux density greater than 0.35 Jy; and we have defined a complete flux-density limited sample, CJF, of 293 flat-spectrum sources stronger than 0.35 Jy. We summarize the definition of the samples and the VLBI, VLA, MERLIN, and optical observations, and present some highlights of the astrophysical results. These include: (1) superluminal motion and cosmology; (2) morphology and evolution of the “compact symmetric objects” (CSOs); (3) two-sided motion in some CSOs; (4) the angular-size-redshift diagram; (5) misalignment of parsec-scale and kiloparsec-scale jets
