145 research outputs found

    Moduli Stabilization with the String Higgs Effect

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    We review the notion of the Higgs effect in the context of string theory. We find that by including this effect in time dependent backgrounds, one is led to a natural mechanism for stabilizing moduli at points of enhanced gauge symmetry. We consider this mechanism for the case of the radion (size of the extra dimensions) and find that as decompactification of the large spatial dimensions takes place the radion will remain stabilized at the self dual radius. We discuss how this mechanism can be incorporated into models of string cosmology and brane inflation to resolve some outstanding problems. We also address some issues regarding which string states should be included when constructing low energy actions in string cosmology.Comment: 20 pages, references added, typos correcte

    Perturbations in a regular bouncing Universe

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    We consider a simple toy model of a regular bouncing universe. The bounce is caused by an extra time-like dimension, which leads to a sign flip of the ρ2\rho^2 term in the effective four dimensional Randall Sundrum-like description. We find a wide class of possible bounces: big bang avoiding ones for regular matter content, and big rip avoiding ones for phantom matter. Focusing on radiation as the matter content, we discuss the evolution of scalar, vector and tensor perturbations. We compute a spectral index of ns=1n_s=-1 for scalar perturbations and a deep blue index for tensor perturbations after invoking vacuum initial conditions, ruling out such a model as a realistic one. We also find that the spectrum (evaluated at Hubble crossing) is sensitive to the bounce. We conclude that it is challenging, but not impossible, for cyclic/ekpyrotic models to succeed, if one can find a regularized version.Comment: v3: 10 pages, 1 figure, section III revised, conclusions changed, references added, typos corrected; v4: numerics added, identical with version accepted in PR

    Vector Perturbations in a Contracting Universe

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    In this note we show that vector perturbations exhibit growing mode solutions in a contracting Universe, such as the contracting phase of the Pre Big Bang or the Cyclic/Ekpyrotic models of the Universe. This is not a gauge artifact and will in general lead to the breakdown of perturbation theory -- a severe problem that has to be addressed in any bouncing model. We also comment on the possibility of explaining, by means of primordial vector perturbations, the existence of the observed large scale magnetic fields. This is possible since they can be seeded by vorticity.Comment: v3. Two reference added; Identical with version accepted for publication at PR

    Perturbations in a Bouncing Brane Model

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    The question of how perturbations evolve through a bounce in the Cyclic and Ekpyrotic models of the Universe is still a matter of ongoing debate. In this report we show that the collision between boundary branes is in most cases singular even in the full 5-D formalism, and that first order perturbation theory breaks down for at least one perturbation variable. Only in the case that the boundary branes approach each other with constant velocity shortly before the bounce, can a consistent, non singular solution be found. It is then possible to follow the perturbations explicitly until the actual collision. In this case, we find that if a scale invariant spectrum developed on the hidden brane, it will get transferred to the visible brane during the bounce.Comment: 15 pages, minor modifications, a few typos correcte

    On the Transfer of Metric Fluctuations when Extra Dimensions Bounce or Stabilize

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    In this report, we study within the context of general relativity with one extra dimension compactified either on a circle or an orbifold, how radion fluctuations interact with metric fluctuations in the three non-compact directions. The background is non-singular and can either describe an extra dimension on its way to stabilization, or immediately before and after a series of non-singular bounces. We find that the metric fluctuations transfer undisturbed through the bounces or through the transients of the pre-stabilization epoch. Our background is obtained by considering the effects of a gas of massless string modes in the context of a consistent 'massless background' (or low energy effective theory) limit of string theory. We discuss applications to various approaches to early universe cosmology, including the ekpyrotic/cyclic universe scenario and string gas cosmology.Comment: V2. Minor Clarifications V3. appendix and 2 figures added, typos corrected, conclusions unchanged 12 pages, 6 figure

    Rotational inhomogeneities from pre-big bang?

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    The evolution of the rotational inhomogeneities is investigated in the specific framework of four-dimensional pre-big bang models. While minimal (dilaton-driven) scenarios do not lead to rotational fluctuations, in the case of non-minimal (string-driven) models, fluid sources are present in the pre-big bang phase. The rotational modes of the geometry, coupled to the divergenceless part of the velocity field, can then be amplified depending upon the value of the barotropic index of the perfect fluids. In the light of a possible production of rotational inhomogeneities, solutions describing the coupled evolution of the dilaton field and of the fluid sources are scrutinized in both the string and Einstein frames. In semi-realistic scenarios, where the curvature divergences are regularized by means of a non-local dilaton potential, the rotational inhomogeneities are amplified during the pre-big bang phase but they decay later on. Similar analyses can also be performed when a contraction occurs directly in the string frame metric.Comment: 21 pages, corrected typos, references added; to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Late time evolution of brane gas cosmology and compact internal dimensions

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    We study the late-time behavior of a universe in the framework of brane gas cosmology. We investigate the evolution of a universe with a gas of supergravity particles and a gas of branes. Considering the case when different dimensions are anisotropically wrapped by various branes, we have derived Friedman-like equations governing the dynamics of wrapped and unwrapped subvolumes. We point out that the compact internal dimensions are wrapped by three or higher dimensional branes.Comment: 16 pages, typos, references, comment on the possibility of stabilizing the internal dimensions with fluxe

    Moduli Stabilization with Long Winding Strings

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    Stabilizing all of the modulus fields coming from compactifications of string theory on internal manifolds is one of the outstanding challenges for string cosmology. Here, in a simple example of toroidal compactification, we study the dynamics of the moduli fields corresponding to the size and shape of the torus along with the ambient flux and long strings winding both internal directions. It is known that a string gas containing states with non-vanishing winding and momentum number in one internal direction can stabilize the radius of this internal circle to be at self-dual radius. We show that a gas of long strings winding all internal directions can stabilize all moduli, except the dilaton which is stabilized by hand, in this simple example.Comment: title changed, improved presentation; reference added. 18 pages, JHEP styl

    A Terminal Velocity on the Landscape: Particle Production near Extra Species Loci in Higher Dimensions

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    We investigate particle production near extra species loci (ESL) in a higher dimensional field space and derive a speed limit in moduli space at weak coupling. This terminal velocity is set by the characteristic ESL-separation and the coupling of the extra degrees of freedom to the moduli, but it is independent of the moduli's potential if the dimensionality of the field space is considerably larger than the dimensionality of the loci, D >> d. Once the terminal velocity is approached, particles are produced at a plethora of nearby ESLs, preventing a further increase in speed via their backreaction. It is possible to drive inflation at the terminal velocity, providing a generalization of trapped inflation with attractive features: we find that more than sixty e-folds of inflation for sub-Planckian excursions in field space are possible if ESLs are ubiquitous, without fine tuning of initial conditions and less tuned potentials. We construct a simple, observationally viable model with a slightly red scalar power-spectrum and suppressed gravitational waves; we comment on the presence of additional observational signatures originating from IR-cascading and individual massive particles. We also show that moduli-trapping at an ESL is suppressed for D >> d, hindering dynamical selection of high-symmetry vacua on the landscape based on this mechanism.Comment: 46 pages, 6 figures. V3: typos corrected compared to JHEP version, conclusions unchange

    Interaction Rates in String Gas Cosmology

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    We study string interaction rates in the Brandenberger-Vafa scenario, the very early universe cosmology of a gas of strings. This cosmology starts with the assumption that all spatial dimensions are compact and initially have string scale radii; some dimensions grow due to some thermal or quantum fluctuation which acts as an initial expansion velocity. Based on simple arguments from the low energy equations of motion and string thermodynamics, we demonstrate that the interaction rates of strings are negligible, so the common assumption of thermal equilibrium cannot apply. We also present a new analysis of the cosmological evolution of strings on compact manifolds of large radius. Then we discuss modifications that should be considered to the usual Brandenberger-Vafa scenario. To confirm our simple arguments, we give a numerical calculation of the annihilation rate of winding strings. In calculating the rate, we also show that the quantum mechanics of strings in small spaces is important.Comment: 28pp, 3 figures, RevTeX