38 research outputs found
Факторы риска развития асептического некроза головки бедренной кости у пациентов с системной красной волчанкой
Objective: to identify risk factors for the development of the femoral head aseptic necrosis (FHAN) and osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip joint (HJ) in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) according to a retrospective analysis.Material and methods.The retrospective study included data from the case histories of 103 patients with SLE who underwent total hip arthroplasty (HA) (unilateral in 82 patients, bilateral in 21). The total follow-up period ranged from 2 years to 21 years. Among the patients included in thestudy, the majority were women (86.4%), the ratio of women and men was 7:1. At the time of surgery, the average age of women was 36.3±13.25 years, men – 36.2±9.57 years, duration of the disease – 168.0±132.5 months. SLE activity was assessed using the SLEDAI-2K scale. All patients were taking glucocorticoids (GC). The average duration of GC treatment was 89.0±87.2 months. 71.8% of patients received immunosuppressive therapy: hydroxychloroquine – 55.3%, azathioprine – 10.7%, methotrexate – 5.8%. The functional status of hip joint was determined using the Harris scale; by the time of surgery, the average score was 45.6±13.1 points. Pain intensity was assessed using a visual analogue scale and reached an average of 70.1±16.0 mm.Results and discussion. In 58.5% of patients with SLE, the indication for HA was FHAN (Group 1) and in 41.6% – OA of HJ (Group 2). At the time of HA, the duration of the disease was longer and the age was higher in group 2 than in group 1 (p<0.05). An analysis of individual clinical manifestations of SLE that preceded the development of HJ pathology revealed that arthritis and the presence of an antinuclear factor, ANF, were associated with the development of FHAN (p=0.022 and p=0.04, respectively). At the onset of the disease, patients of the 1st group, compared with patients of the 2nd group, more often had lesions of the skin, kidneys and serositis (22.9 and 20.5%; 14.5 and 11.7%; 68.7 and 64.7 %, respectively), but they were less likely to have mucous membranes and the central nervous system (CNS) involvement (14.5 and 23.5%; 10.4 and 17.6%, respectively). However, these differences did not reach statistical significance. Almost all of these disease manifestations, with the exception of the mucous membranes and the CNS lesions, were more often observed in patients with the development of FHAN, which indicates a higher activity of the disease at the onset of SLE. At the time of HA, we did not find any relationship between SLE activity and FHAN formation and hip OA. Patients of the 1st and 2nd groups in the same number of cases had mild (56.2 and 58.8%, respectively) and moderate (35.4 and 32.4%, respectively) activity according to SLEDAI-2K. No activity (SLEDAI-2K – 0 points) was also observed in patients of both groups with the same frequency (8.3 and 8.8% of cases, respectively). Associations of cumulative and daily doses of GC with the development of FHAN and OA of HJ were not revealed. In the 1st group, the average daily dose of GC was slightly higher, and the cumulative dose was less than in the 2nd group (8.59±4.75 and 7.79±5.39 mg; 20.0±11.9 and 23.8±19.2 g, respectively), but these differences were not significant (p>0.05).Conclusion. In SLE patients, the incidence of FHAN and HJ OA was comparable. At the time of HA, SLE patients with HJ OA were older and had a longer duration of the disease than patients with FHAN. The risk factors for FHAN were arthritis and ANF positivity at the onset of SLE.Цель исследования – выявить факторы риска развития асептического некроза головки бедренной кости (АНГБК) и остеоартрита (ОА) тазобедренного сустава (ТБС) у пациентов с системной красной волчанкой (СКВ) по данным ретроспективного анализа.Материал и методы. В ретроспективное исследование включены данные историй болезни 103 пациентов с СКВ, которым проводилось тотальное эндопротезирование (ТЭ) ТБС (у 82 пациентов – одностороннее, у 21 – двустороннее). Общий период наблюдения колебался от 2 лет до 21 года. Среди больных, включенных в исследование, преобладали женщины (86,4%), соотношение женщин и мужчин – 7:1. На момент операции возраст женщин составлял в среднем 36,3±13,25 года, мужчин – 36,2±9,57 года, длительность заболевания – 168,0±132,5 мес. Активность СКВ оценивали по шкале SLEDAI-2K. Все пациенты принимали глюкокортикоиды (ГК). Средняя продолжительность лечения ГК – 89,0±87,2 мес. Иммуносупрессивную терапию получали 71,8% больных: гидроксихлорохин – 55,3%, азатиоприн –10,7%, метотрексат – 5,8%. Функциональный статус ТБС определяли по шкале Харриса, к моменту операции средний счет составлял 45,6±13,1 балла. Интенсивность боли оценивалась по визуальной аналоговой шкале и достигала в среднем 70,1±16,0 мм.Результаты и обсуждение. У 58,5% больных СКВ показанием для ТЭ служил АНГБК (1-я группа) и у 41,6% – ОА ТБС (2-я группа). На момент ТЭ длительность болезни и возраст во 2-й группе были больше, чем в 1-й (р<0,05). Анализ отдельных клинических проявлений СКВ, предшествовавших развитию патологии ТБС, выявил, что с развитием АНГБК ассоциировались такие признаки, как артрит и наличие антинуклеарного фактора – АНФ (р=0,022 и р=0,04 соответственно). В дебюте заболевания пациенты 1-й группы по сравнению с пациентами 2-й группы чаще имели поражение кожи, почек и серозит (22,9 и 20,5%; 14,5 и 11,7%; 68,7 и 64,7% соответственно), но у них реже встречалось травмирование слизистых оболочек и центральной нервной системы – ЦНС (14,5 и 23,5%; 10,4 и 17,6% соответственно). Однако эти различия не достигали статистической значимости. Практически все указанные проявления болезни, за исключением поражения слизистых оболочек и ЦНС, чаще наблюдались у пациентов с развитием АНГБК, что свидетельствует о более высокой активности болезни в дебюте СКВ. На момент ТЭ ТБС мы не обнаружили взаимосвязи активности СКВ с формированием АНГБК и ОА ТБС. У пациентов 1-й и 2-й групп в одинаковом числе случаев имелась низкая (56,2 и 58,8% соответственно) и умеренная (35,4 и 32,4% соответственно) степень активности по SLEDAI-2K. Отсутствие активности (SLEDAI-2K – 0 баллов) наблюдалось у пациентов обеих групп также с одинаковой частотой (8,3 и 8,8% случаев соответственно). Ассоциации кумулятивной и суточной дозы ГК с развитием АНГБК и ОА ТБС не выявлено. В 1-й группе средняя суточная доза ГК была несколько больше, а кумулятивная доза – меньше, чем во 2-й (8,59±4,75 и 7,79±5,39 мг; 20,0±11,9 и 23,8±19,2 г соответственно), однако эти различия были незначимы (р>0,05).Заключение. У больных СКВ частота развития АНГБК и ОА ТБС была сопоставимой. На момент ТЭ ТБС больные СКВ с ОА ТБС были старше и имели большую длительность заболевания, чем пациенты с АНГБК. Факторами риска возникновения АНГБК являлись артрит и позитивность по АНФ в дебюте СКВ
Аваскулярный некроз при системной красной волчанке: тотальное эндопротезирование тазобедренного сустава при мутации в гене V (Leiden) фактора свертывания крови (клиническое наблюдение)
The article provides a description of the systemic lupus erythematosus patient with multiple avascular bone necrosis (ABN), homozygous mutation in clotting factor V (Leiden) gene, who successfully underwent the total hip replacement. The role of high doses of glucocorticoids and coagulation disorders, in particular the homozygous mutation in factor V (Leiden) gene, in the development of ABN is discussed.В статье приводится описание пациентки с системной красной волчанкой, множественными аваскулярными некрозами костей (АВН), гомозиготной мутацией в гене V фактора свертывания крови, успешно перенесшей тотальное эндопротезирование тазобедренного сустава. Обсуждается роль в развитии АВН высоких доз глюкокортикоидов и нарушений свертывания крови, в частности гомозиготной мутации Leiden
Contemporary problems of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), being one of hantaviral infection nozoforms and wide-spread on Euro Asiatic continent are considered. Annual increase morbidity with of natural foci expansion, often severe course and a high mortality rate determine the importance of HFRS for health of many countries and in particular the Russia. This article presents of long standing results obtained during the study of epidemiologic, clinical and laboratory diagnostic, immunopathogenesis, treatment trials in Primorsky region of Russian Federation, being the endemic area of co-circulation of several pathogenic hantaviruses.Рассмотрены современные проблемы одной их нозоформ хантавирусной инфекции – геморрагической лихорадки с почечным синдромом (ГЛПС), широко распространенной на Евразийском континенте. Ежегодный прирост заболеваемости с расширением природных очагов инфекции, нередко тяжелое течение и высокий уровень летальности определяют большое значение ГЛПС для здравоохранения многих стран, в том числе и России. Статья представляет результаты многолетнего изучения эпидемиологии, ранней клинической и лабораторной диагностики, иммунопатогенеза и терапии ГЛПС в Приморском крае – эндемичном регионе циркуляции нескольких патогенных хантавирусов
Reduction of Hydrophilic Ubiquinones by the Flavin in Mitochondrial NADH:Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase (Complex I) and Production of Reactive Oxygen Species†
ABSTRACT: NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) from bovine heart mitochondria is a complicated, energy-transducing, membrane-bound enzyme that contains 45 different subunits, a non-covalently bound flavin mononucleotide, and eight iron-sulfur clusters. The mechanisms of NADH oxidation and intramolecular electron transfer by complex I are gradually being defined, but the mechanism linking ubiquinone reduction to proton translocation remains unknown. Studies of ubiquinone reduction by isolated complex I are problematic because the extremely hydrophobic natural substrate, ubiquinone-10, must be substituted with a relatively hydrophilic analogue (such as ubiquinone-1). Hydrophilic ubiquinones are reduced by an additional, non-energy-transducing pathway (which is insensitive to inhibitors such as rotenone and piericidin A). Here, we show that inhibitor-insensitive ubiquinone reduction occurs by a ping-pong type mechanism, catalyzed by the flavin mononucleotide cofactor in the active site for NADH oxidation. Moreover, semiquinones produced at the flavin site initiate redox cycling reactions with molecular oxygen, producing superoxide radicals and hydrogen peroxide. The ubiquinone reactant is regenerated, so the NADH:Q reaction becomes superstoichiometric. Idebenone, an artificial ubiquinone showing promise in the treatment of Friedreich’s Ataxia, reacts at the flavin site. The factors which determine the balance of reactivity between the two sites of ubiquinone reduction (the energy-transducing site and the flavi
Targeted apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells through mitochondrial dysfunction in response to Sambucus nigra agglutinin
Ovarian carcinoma (OC) patients encounter the severe challenge of clinical management owing to lack of screening measures, chemoresistance and finally dearth of non-toxic therapeutics. Cancer cells deploy various defense strategies to sustain the tumor microenvironment, among which deregulated apoptosis remains a versatile promoter of cancer progression. Although recent research has focused on identifying agents capable of inducing apoptosis in cancer cells, yet molecules efficiently breaching their
survival advantage are yet to be classified. Here we identify lectin, Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA) to exhibit selectivity towards identifying OC by virtue of its specific recognition of α-2, 6-linked sialic acids. Superficial binding of SNA to the OC cells confirm
the hyper-sialylated status of the disease. Further, SNA activates the signaling pathways of AKT and ERK1/2, which eventually promotes de-phosphorylation of dynamin-related protein-1 (Drp-1). Upon its translocation to the mitochondrial fission loci Drp-1 mediates the central role of switch in the mitochondrial phenotype to attain fragmented morphology. We confirmed mitochondrial
outer membrane permeabilization resulting in ROS generation and cytochrome-c release into the cytosol. SNA response resulted in an allied shift of the bioenergetics profile from Warburg phenotype to elevated mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, altogether highlighting the involvement of mitochondrial dysfunction in restraining cancer progression. Inability to replenish the SNA-induced energy crunch of the proliferating cancer cells on the event of perturbed respiratory outcome resulted in cell cycle
arrest before G2/M phase. Our findings position SNA at a crucial juncture where it proves to be a promising candidate for impeding progression of OC. Altogether we unveil the novel aspect of identifying natural molecules harboring the inherent capability of targeting mitochondrial structural dynamics, to hold the future for developing non-toxic therapeutics for treating OC
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome on south of far east russia: actual problems of diagnostic and treatment
Contemporary problems of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), being one of hantaviral infection nozoforms and wide-spread on Euro Asiatic continent are considered. Annual increase morbidity with of natural foci expansion, often severe course and a high mortality rate determine the importance of HFRS for health of many countries and in particular the Russia. This article presents of long standing results obtained during the study of epidemiologic, clinical and laboratory diagnostic, immunopathogenesis, treatment trials in Primorsky region of Russian Federation, being the endemic area of co-circulation of several pathogenic hantaviruses