11 research outputs found


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    A prospective randomized controlled clinical study included 80 women aged 54.9 ± 8 years, who underwent radical surgery for breast cancer and had late postmastectomy lymphedema (II–IV degree). No evidence of erysipelas was observed for the last 3 months. Material and methods.The severity of lymphedema and treatment outcomes were assessed using water plethysmography in relative units (in %). Changes in the subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness were measured by ultrasound. To assess the severity of liposuction complications, the Clavien–Dindo classification was used. Three homogeneous groups of patients were treated. In Group 1 (n=30), conservative methods (intermittent pneumatic compression of the arm, electrostimulation of skeletal muscles, magnetic therapy, massage, therapeutic exercises, compression bandaging) were performed in the preoperative period; in group 2 (n=30) – in the late postoperative period of liposuction; in group 3 (n=20) liposuction was followed by compression bandaging. Results. The average volume excess in the edematous upper extremity significantly decreased, being 84.2 ± 10.0 % in group1 patients, 87.8 ± 9.3 % in group 2 and 72.2 ± 9.6 % in group 3 (p<0.001). The regression rate of grade 2 lymphedema was 94.8 ± 1.2 % in group 1 patients, 96.1 ± 0.7 % in group 2 patients and 82.1 ± 2.5 % in group 3 patients. The regression rate of grades 3 lymphedema  was 81.7 ± 2.2 % in group 1, 86.9 ± 2.2% in group 2 and 65.2 ± 0.8 % in group 3. The regression rate of grades 4 lymphedema was 71.0 ± 2.8% in group 1, 73.4 ± 2.2% in group 2 and 62.6 ± 4.2% in group 3 (p<0.001). Early complications of grade 1 liposuction occurred in 5% patients. Favorable immediate treatment outcome (reduction in lymphedema by 50100 % and reduction in the thickness of subcutaneous fat by 50 %) was noted in 100% of patients of groups 1 and 2 and in 90 % patients of group 3. A good long-term result (after 12–18 months) was observed in 93.3 % of group 1 patients, in 100 % of group 2 patients and in 55 % of group 3 patients. Conclusions. The results obtained show that the elimination of excess adipose component without improving the drainage function of the lymphatic system does not lead to good long-term treatment outcomes for late lymphedema.Представлено проспективное рандомизированное контролируемое клиническое исследование, объектом которого являлись 80 женщин (возраст 54,9 ± 8 лет), перенесших радикальное лечение рака молочной железы и имеющих позднюю постмастэктомическую лимфедему II–IV степени при отсутствии в течение последних 3 мес рожистого воспаления. Материал и методы. Оценка степени лимфедемы и результатов ее лечения проводилась по данным водной плетизмографии в относительных единицах (в %), изменение толщины подкожной жировой клетчатки конечности – по данным ультразвукового исследования. Для оценки степени тяжести осложнений липосакции использовалась классификация Clavien – Dindo. Было проведено лечение трех однородных групп больных: в 1-й группе (n=30) консервативные методы (перемежающая пневмокомпрессия конечности, электростимуляция мышц плечевого пояса, магнитотерапия, массаж, лечебная гимнастика, компрессионное бандажирование) проводились в предоперационном периоде, во 2-й группе (n=30) – в позднем послеоперационном периоде липосакции, в 3-й группе (n=20) проведена липосакция с последующим компрессионным бандажированием.Результаты. Значимое уменьшение избыточного объема отечной верхней конечности в среднем для всех степеней лимфедемы у больных 1-й группы составило 84,2 ± 10,0 %, 2-й группы – 87,8 ± 9,3 %, 3-й группы – 72,2 ± 9,6 % (p<0,001). Регрессия лимфедемы II ст. в 1-й группе составила 94,8 ± 1,2 %, во 2-й группе – 96,1±0,7 %, в 3-й группе – 82,1 ± 2,5 %; регрессия лимфедемы III ст. в 1-й группе составила 81,7 ± 2,2 %, во 2-й группе – 86,9 ± 2,2 %, в 3-й группе – 65,2 ± 0,8 %; регрессия лимфедемы IV ст. в 1-й группе составила 71,0 ± 2,8 %, во 2-й группе – 73,4 ± 2,2 %, в 3-й группе – 62,6 ± 4,2 % (p<0,001). Ранние осложнения липосакции I ст. возникли у 5 % больных. Хороший непосредственный результат лечения (уменьшение отека на 50–100 %, снижение толщины подкожно-жировой клетчатки на 50 %) был отмечен у 100 % больных 1-й и 2-й групп и у 90 % больных 3-й группы. Хороший отдаленный результат (через 12–18 мес) отмечен у 93,3 % больных 1-й группы, у 100 % больных 2-й группы и у 55 % больных 3-й группы. Заключение. Показано, что только устранение избыточного адипозного компонента без улучшения дренажной функции лимфатической системы, достигаемое за счет физических факторов, не позволяет получить хорошие отдаленные результаты лечения поздней лимфедемы

    Фармакотерапия радиационно-индуцированных повреждений легких у онкологических больных

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    Pharmacotherapy of radiation-induced pulmonary lesions in oncologic patients.Фармакотерапия радиационно-индуцированных повреждений легких у онкологических больных

    Медикаментозные средства предотвращения и минимизации лучевых повреждений легких

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    Drug therapy to prevent and diminish radiation injury of the lungs.Медикаментозные средства предотвращения и минимизации лучевых повреждений легки


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    Objective: to provide various methods for sentinel lymph node detection considering their advantages and disadvantages.Material and Methods. The search of the relevant articles published in Pubmed, MedLine, RINTs, etc. database was conducted. 49 publications from 1970 to 2018 were analyzed.Results. Currently, sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLN biopsy) has become a worthy alternative to traditional lymphatic surgery for early breast cancer. SLN biopsy significantly decreases the number of postoperative complications caused by lymphadenectomy and improves the quality of life of cancer patients. So far, a large number of SLN detection techniques have accumulated. Each of these techniques has its own advantages and disadvantages.Conclusion. Despite a large number of SLN detection methods, the question of the optimal technique is currently debatable. Цель исследования – представить различные методы диагностики сторожевых лимфатических узлов, рассмотрев их достоинства и недостатки.Материал и методы. Проведен поиск статей, опубликованных в базах Pubmed, MedLine, РИНЦ, РГБ за 1970–2018 гг. Из 150 проанализированных публикаций в обзор вошли 50.Результаты. В настоящее время биопсия сторожевого лимфатического узла (СЛУ) стала достойной альтернативой традиционной хирургии на лимфатических путях при раннем раке молочной железы (РМЖ). Благодаря данной методике снизилось количество послеоперационных осложнений, вызванных лимфодиссекцией, а качество жизни больных значительно возросло. С момента появления и до настоящего времени накопилось большое количество техник определения СЛУ, каждая из которых имеет свои плюсы и минусы.Заключение. Несмотря на большое количество методов детекции СЛУ, вопрос об оптимальной технике в настоящее время остается дискуссионным.

    Tasks and means of therapeutic exercises in patients with breast cancer in pre- and postoperative periods

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    The mainstay of radical treatment for patients with breast cancer (BC) is a surgical intervention: radical mastectomy (RME) of different modifications or organ-sparing operations. In the preoperative period, the tasks of therapeutic exercises (TEs) are psychological preparation of a patient for active participation in his / her treatment, as well as complete breath training. Classes are done in a group of convalescents, by applying dynamic and static breathing exercises. In the early postoperative period, the tasks of TEs are to prevent hypostatic pneumonia, surgical-site shoulder joint stiffness and to improve systemic and regional blood and lymph circulation. Analysis of 1235 patients who had undergone RME and 212 patients who had radical resection showed that restricted shoulder joint motion due to hand immobilization in an adducted position and late initiation of TEs occurred in 44.6 and 33.5 % of the patients, respectively. Individual TEs classes include breathing exercises, position treatment, and special exercises to restore shoulder joint function and to control posture. Lymphadenectomy and failure to ligate intersected lymphatic vessels lead to inevitable lymphorrhea and seroma. Analysis of 1447 patents indicated that early initiation of TEs failed to affect seroma duration and extent and wound dehiscence. In the latter (that, according to the author»s data, occurs in 3.7 % of cases after RME and in 9.2 % after preoperative radiotherapy), TEs are limited by position treatment until the wound heals or secondary sutures are applied. The tasks of the late postoperative period are recovery of the full range of shoulder joint motion, normal posture, cardiovascular and respiratory adjustments to increased physical exercises, and general tonic exposure. The paper gives TEs sets developed for each period

    Psychological distress in patients with breast cancer after different antitumor treatments

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    To investigate the psychoemotional status of patients with breast cancer after different antitumor treatments, the authors used the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Psychopathological Symptom Inventory to examine 172 patients in different follow-up periods. The investigation showed that after 5–7 days, anxiety levels were elevated in all patients after radical mastectomy (RME), in all patients after radical resection (RR) and in 53 % after primary reconstructive surgery (RS). In the same periods, the signs of depression were absent in 20.7 % and a depressive state was detected in 79.3 % of the patients in all the groups. One year later, the mean anxiety values that had been at the critical level declined in the patients after RME and after RS, but increased in those after RR. The signs of depression were absent in 32.7 % of the patients; in all the groups subclinical and clinical depression was found in 44 and 23.3 %, respectively. The degree of psychological distress depended on surgical treatment volume, RR and RS failing to protect the patients from its progression. Three-four years after treatment, the total distress index was twice higher in patients after combined treatment than in those after multimodality one. Psychological testing can reveal distress signs that may negatively affect patients» compliance


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    Objective: to provide various methods for sentinel lymph node detection considering their advantages and disadvantages.Material and Methods. The search of the relevant articles published in Pubmed, MedLine, RINTs, etc. database was conducted. 49 publications from 1970 to 2018 were analyzed.Results. Currently, sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLN biopsy) has become a worthy alternative to traditional lymphatic surgery for early breast cancer. SLN biopsy significantly decreases the number of postoperative complications caused by lymphadenectomy and improves the quality of life of cancer patients. So far, a large number of SLN detection techniques have accumulated. Each of these techniques has its own advantages and disadvantages.Conclusion. Despite a large number of SLN detection methods, the question of the optimal technique is currently debatable