776 research outputs found

    Identification of a Protein in Several Borrelia Species which is Related to OspC of the Lyme Disease Spirochetes.

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    Using oligonucleotide probes which have previously been shown to be specific for the ospC gene found in the Lyme disease spirochete species Borrelia burgdorferi, B. garinii, and group VS461, we detected an ospC homolog in other Borrelia species including B. coriaceae, B. hermsii, B. anserina, B. turicatae, and B. parkeri. In contrast to the Lyme disease spirochetes, which carry the ospC gene on a 26-kb circular plasmid, we mapped the gene in other Borrelia species to linear plasmids which varied in size among the isolates tested. Some isolates carry multiple copies of the gene residing on linear plasmids of different sizes. The analyses conducted here also demonstrate that these Borrelia species contain a linear chromosome. Northern (RNA) blot analyses demonstrated that the gene is transcriptionally expressed in all species examined. High levels of transcriptional expression were observed in some B. hermsii isolates. Transcriptional start site analyses revealed that the length of the untranslated leader sequence was identical to that observed in the Lyme disease spirochete species. By Western blotting (immunoblotting) with antiserum (polyclonal) raised against the OspC protein of B. burgdorferi, we detected an immunoreactive protein of the same molecular weight as the OspC found in Lyme disease spirochete species. The results presented here demonstrate the presence of a protein that is genetically and antigenically related to OspC which is expressed in all species of the genus Borrelia tested

    Brown dwarfs in the Hyades and beyond?

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    We have used both the Low-Resolution Imaging Spectrograph and the HIRES echelle spectrograph on the Keck telescopes to obtain spectra of twelve candidate members of the Hyades cluster identified by Leggett and Hawkins (1988, 1989). All of the objects are chromospherically-active, late-type M-dwarfs, with Hα\alpha equivalent widths varying from 1 to 30\AA. Based on our measured radial velocities, the level of stellar activity and other spectroscopic features, only one of the twelve stars has properties consistent with cluster membership. We consider how this result affects estimates of the luminosity and mass function of the Hyades cluster. Five of the eleven field stars have weak K I 7665/7699\AA and CaH absorption as compared with M-dwarf standards of the same spectral type, suggesting a lower surface gravity. Two of these sources, LH0416+14 and LH0419+15, exhibit significant lithium 6708 \AA absorption. Based partly on parallax measurements by the US Naval Observatory (Harris et al, 1998), we identify all five as likely to be young, pre-main sequence objects in or near the Taurus-Auriga association at distances of between 150 and 250 parsecs. A comparison with theoretical models of pre-main sequence stars indicates masses of less than 0.05 M_\odot.Comment: to appear in AJ, January 1999; 34 pages, (Latex format), including 10 embedded postscript figures and two table

    BCAT1 redox function maintains mitotic fidelity

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    The metabolic enzyme branched-chain amino acid transaminase 1 (BCAT1) drives cell proliferation in aggressive cancers such as glioblastoma. Here, we show that BCAT1 localizes to mitotic structures and has a non-metabolic function as a mitotic regulator. Furthermore, BCAT1 is required for chromosome segregation in cancer and induced pluripotent stem cells and tumor growth in human cerebral organoid and mouse syngraft models. Applying gene knockout and rescue strategies, we show that the BCAT1 CXXC redox motif is crucial for controlling cysteine sulfenylation specifically in mitotic cells, promoting Aurora kinase B localization to centromeres, and securing accurate chromosome segregation. These findings offer an explanation for the well-established role of BCAT1 in promoting cancer cell proliferation. In summary, our data establish BCAT1 as a component of the mitotic apparatus that safeguards mitotic fidelity through a moonlighting redox functionality

    On the determination of oxygen abundances in chromospherically active stars

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    We discuss oxygen abundances derived from [O I] 6300 and the O I triplet in stars spanning a wide range in chromospheric activity level, and show that these two indicators yield increasingly discrepant results with higher chromospheric/coronal activity measures. While the forbidden and permitted lines give fairly consistent results for solar-type disk dwarfs, spuriously high O I triplet abundances are observed in young Hyades and Pleiades stars, as well as in individual components of RS CVn binaries (up to 1.8 dex). The distinct behaviour of the [O I]-based abundances which consistently remain near-solar suggests that this phenomenon mostly results from large departures from LTE affecting the O I triplet at high activity level that are currently unaccounted for, but also possibly from a failure to adequately model the atmospheres of K-type stars. These results suggest that some caution should be exercised when interpreting oxygen abundances in active binaries or young open cluster stars.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    The 10 Meter South Pole Telescope

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    The South Pole Telescope (SPT) is a 10 m diameter, wide-field, offset Gregorian telescope with a 966-pixel, multi-color, millimeter-wave, bolometer camera. It is located at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole station in Antarctica. The design of the SPT emphasizes careful control of spillover and scattering, to minimize noise and false signals due to ground pickup. The key initial project is a large-area survey at wavelengths of 3, 2 and 1.3 mm, to detect clusters of galaxies via the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and to measure the small-scale angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The data will be used to characterize the primordial matter power spectrum and to place constraints on the equation of state of dark energy. A second-generation camera will measure the polarization of the CMB, potentially leading to constraints on the neutrino mass and the energy scale of inflation.Comment: 47 pages, 14 figures, updated to match version to be published in PASP 123 903 (May, 2011

    Electrode Polarization Effects in Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy

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    In the present work, we provide broadband dielectric spectra showing strong electrode polarization effects for various materials, belonging to very different material classes. This includes both ionic and electronic conductors as, e.g., salt solutions, ionic liquids, human blood, and colossal-dielectric-constant materials. These data are intended to provide a broad data base enabling a critical test of the validity of phenomenological and microscopic models for electrode polarization. In the present work, the results are analyzed using a simple phenomenological equivalent-circuit description, involving a distributed parallel RC circuit element for the modeling of the weakly conducting regions close to the electrodes. Excellent fits of the experimental data are achieved in this way, demonstrating the universal applicability of this approach. In the investigated ionically conducting materials, we find the universal appearance of a second dispersion region due to electrode polarization, which is only revealed if measuring down to sufficiently low frequencies. This indicates the presence of a second charge-transport process in ionic conductors with blocking electrodes.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, experimental data are provided in electronic form (see "Data Conservancy"

    Toward a first-principles integrated simulation of tokamak edge plasmas

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    Performance of the ITER is anticipated to be highly sensitive to the edge plasma condition. The edge pedestal in ITER needs to be predicted from an integrated simulation of the necessary first-principles, multi-scale physics codes. The mission of the SciDAC Fusion Simulation Project (FSP) Prototype Center for Plasma Edge Simulation (CPES) is to deliver such a code integration framework by (1) building new kinetic codes XGC0 and XGC1, which can simulate the edge pedestal buildup; (2) using and improving the existing MHD codes ELITE, M3D-OMP, M3D-MPP and NIMROD, for study of large-scale edge instabilities called Edge Localized Modes (ELMs); and (3) integrating the codes into a framework using cutting-edge computer science technology. Collaborative effort among physics, computer science, and applied mathematics within CPES has created the first working version of the End-to-end Framework for Fusion Integrated Simulation (EFFIS), which can be used to study the pedestal-ELM cycles

    The Distance to the Hyades Cluster Based on HST Fine Guidance Sensor Parallaxes

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    Trigonometric parallax observations made with the Hubble Space Telescope's Fine Guidance Sensor #3 (HST FGS) of seven Hyades Cluster members in six fields of view have been analyzed along with their proper motions to determine the distance to the cluster. Knowledge of the Cluster's convergent point and mean proper motion are critical to the derivation of the distance to the center of the cluster. Depending on the choice of the proper-motion system, the derived cluster center distance varies by 9%. Adopting a reference distance of 46.1 pc or m-M=3.32, which is derived from the ground-based parallaxes in the General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes (1995 edition), the FK5/PPM proper-motion system yields a distance 4% larger, while the Hanson (1975) system yields a distance 2% smaller. The HST FGS parallaxes reported here yield either a 14% or 5% larger distance depending on the choice of the proper-motion system. Orbital parallaxes (Torres et al. 1997a, 1997b, 1997c) yield an average distance 4% larger than the reference distance. The variation in the distance derived from the HST data illustrates the importance of the proper-motion system and the individual proper motions to the derivation of the distance to the Hyades Cluster center, therefore a full utilization of the HST FGS parallaxes awaits the establishment of an accurate and consistent proper-motion system.Comment: 7 pages; This study is collaborated with 8 institution