33 research outputs found

    Formation Regularities of Silicon-Polysaccaride-Containing Polyolate Hydrogels

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    This work was carried out in the framework of the state assignment of FASO of Russia (theme № AAAAA18-118020290116-5)

    Mechanism of structural networking in bioactive silicon–zinc–boron-glycerol hydrogel

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    The aim of this work was the investigation of the gelation mechanism and structural features of Si-Zn-B–gel that provides the high antimicrobial activity.This work was carried out in the framework of the Russian State Assignment (theme № АААА-А19-119011790134-1)

    Structural Features and Antimicrobial Activity of Silicon-Zinc-Boron-Containing Glycerohydrogel

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    This work was carried out within the framework of the project of UB RAS Integrated Program (theme № АААА-А18-118020290163-9)


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    We have synthesized by sol‒gel method fairly extensive series of bioactive elementcontaining hydrogels based on polyolates of biogenic elements (silicon, zinc, boron, iron) and their modified derivatives1-5. Element-containing polyolates which are biocompatible and bioactive precursors in sol-gel synthesis have no negative effect on the biomacromolecules unlike commonly used alkoxy precursors, such as tetraethoxysilane Si(OEt)4. Moreover, the sol‒gel processing proceeds under mild conditions without using additional homogenizing solvent or catalyst. General regularities and features of gelation process were established for various element-containing precursors and also in comparison with alkoxy precursors.This work was carried out in the framework of State Assignment of the Russian Federation, Project No. АААА-А19-119011790134-1

    Biomimetic sol-gel mineralization of polysaccharides by silicon and titanium polyolates

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    In this work, we have demonstrated that in addition to silicon tetraglycerolate, a new water-soluble biocompatible polyolate precursors – silicon tetrapolyethylene glycolate Si[O(CH2CH2O)nH]4 [5, 6] and titanium tetrapolyethylene glycolate Ti[O(CH2CH2O)nH]4 [5] – can be successfully utilized in biomimetical mineralization of polysaccharides of various nature. By the example of chitosan (cationic), xanthan gum (anionic), and hydroxyethyl cellulose (uncharged) polysaccharides, an accelerating effect has been demonstrated on the gelation process and a stabilizing effect has been revealed on the hydrogels formed as transparent monoliths showing resistance to syneresis. Thus formed silicon- and titanium-containing 3D-network of gels is found to be polymeric and appears to have ordered amorphous morphostructure, which can be explained as caused by the influence from the polysaccharides serving as templates. The presence of polyolate bridges between silicon or titanium atoms in the polymeric network is characteristic of polyolate precursors only and is determined mainly by the nature of the precursor and by the contents of polyol and water in the system. The formation of polyolate bridges is facilitated by the low reactivity of the precursor, by low water content, and also by polyol excess in the system. The sol-gel process utilized to obtain the silicon- and titanium-polysaccharide-containing hydrogels proceeds under the mild conditions at room temperature, with no catalyst or any organic solved to be used, and thus can be regarded as belonging to the green chemistry methods that show promise for biomedical materials applications.This work was carried out in the framework of the Russian State Assignment (theme № АААА-А19-119011790134-1)

    Clinical evaluation of antivirals for the topical treatment of herpes simplex patients

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    Currently, a regional WHO office for Europe includes herpes infection in a group of diseases that are shaping the future of infectious disease. The purpose of research - improving the efficiency of complex treatment of patients with herpes simplex by topical application of a new pharmaceutical composition. Materials and methods. New pharmaceutical composition based on silicone glycerohydrogel (Silativit) with the addition of an antiviral and immunomodulatory Triazavirin ingredient. The clinical study was performed on 167 patients with a diagnosis of 'Herpes simplex mouth' (B00.11) of ICD-10. All patients underwent a comprehensive survey in conjunction with dermatological department Methods of examination of patients included clinical, sociological, radiological, functional, laboratory methods (smear epithelium by immunofluorescence, study the properties of the oral fluid, hematology research). Then all patients were assigned an identical complex treatment. As a local antiviral drug in the scheme of complex treatment in the study group №1 used new pharmacological composition; in the study group №2 - Dental Gel 'Gerpenoks'; in the comparison group - 5% acyclovir ointment. Results. Clinical studies have shown the best results of treatment of patients with the use of a new pharmaceutical composition (reduction of periods of exacerbation of 1.4 times).В настоящее время Европейское регионарное бюро ВОЗ относит герпетическую инфекцию в группу болезней, которые определяют будущее инфекционной патологии. Цель исследования - повышение эффективности комплексного лечения больных простым герпесом губ путем обоснованного местного применения новой фармакологической композиции. Материалы и методы. Для проведения исследования была синтезирована новая фармакологическая композиция на основе кремнийорганического глицерогидрогеля (Силативит) с добавлением противовирусного и иммуномодулирующего ингредиента Триазавирина. Клиническое исследование проведено на 167 пациентах с диагнозом «Простой герпес губ» (В00.11) по МКБ-10. Всем пациентам было проведено комплексное обследование совместно с дерматовенерологом. Методы обследования пациентов включали клинические, социологические, рентгенологические, функциональные, лабораторные методы (исследование мазка эпителия методом реакции иммунофлуоресценции, исследование свойств ротовой жидкости, гематологическое исследование). Затем всем пациентам было назначено идентичное комплексное лечение. В качестве местного противовирусного препарата в схеме комплексного лечения в исследуемой группе №1 использовались новая фармакологическая композиция, в исследуемой группе №2 - стоматологический гель «Герпенокс», в группе сравнения - мазь Ацикловир 5%. Результаты. Клиническое исследование показало наилучшие результаты комплексного лечения пациентов при местном применении новой фармакологической композиции (сокращение продолжительности периодов обострения до 1,4 раза по сравнению с традиционной схемой комплексного лечения)

    Pharmacologically active nitrogen-containing silicon glycerolate

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    The new modified nitrogen-containing silicon glycerolate was synthesized. The experimental results showed, that obtained product is nontoxic, displayed high wound healing activity and could be recommended for further preclinical and clinical testings.Целью работы являлась модификация диметилглицеролатов кремния путем введения в их структуру фармакофорной азотсодержащей группировки, в частности, диметнлэтаноламинной. В результате этой модификации будет достигнут оптимальный гидрофильно-липофильный баланс, повышена пенетрирующая активность в ткани и расширен спектр фармакологической активности диметилглицеролатов кремния

    Silicone-zinc-containing glycerohydrogel as new immunotropic drug for topical application

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    In foreign literature, there are the data about immunotropic properties of zinc compounds. The aim of the research is the assessment of immunotropic effect of silicone-zinc-containing glycerohydrogel. In this article, the influence of silicone-zinc-containing glycerohydrogel on reparation of damaged parts of rats’ skin during immunosuppression and on the process of healing of pathological elements in patients with simple herpes of the lips is described. The rats of «Wistar» population weighing 230 - 430 g at the age of 4-6 months were used for the experiment. Complicated wound process was modeled by applying mechanical injury to the lower part of back during immunosuppression caused by the injection of hydrocortisone. After that, the clinical research of effectiveness of silicone-zinc-containing glycerohydrogel among patients-volunteers with simple herpes of the lips was conducted. The results of the experiment on animals showed that the epithelialization of damaged parts of rats’ skin with local use of silicone-zinc-containing glycerohydrogel during immunosuppression occurs by 28.6% faster, than without treatment. The data of clinical research shows the increase of healing speed of pathological elements in patients with simple herpes of lips by 34.5% compared to no local treatment. The obtained results shows that silicone-zinc-containing glycerohydrogel can be considered as potential immunotropic drug of local use with antibacterial, antiviral and wound-healing activity.В иностранной литературе имеются данные об иммунотропных свойствах соединений цинка. Цель исследования - оценка иммунотропного действия кремнийцинксодержащего глицерогидрогеля. В данной статье описано влияние кремнийцинксодержащего глицерогидрогеля на репарацию поврежденных участков кожи крыс на фоне иммуносупрессии, а также на процесс заживления патологических элементов у пациентов с простым герпесом губ. Для эксперимента были использованы крысы популяции «Wistar» массой‘230 - 430 г в возрасте 4-6 месяцев. Осложненный раневой процесс был смоделирован путем нанесения механической травмы нижней части спины на фоне иммуносупрессии, вызванной введением гидрокортизона. После этого было проведено клиническое исследование эффективности применения кремнийцинксодержащего глицерогидрогеля среди пациентов-добровольцев с простым герпесом губ. Результаты эксперимента на животных показали, что эпителизация поврежденных участков кожи крыс при местном применении кремнийцинксодержащего глицерогидрогеля на фоне иммуносупрессии происходит на 28,6% быстрее, чем при отсутствии лечения. Данные клинического исследования свидетельствуют об увеличении быстроты заживления патологических элементов у пациентов с простым герпесом губ на 34,5% по сравнению с отсутствием местного лечения. Полученные результаты показывают, что кремнийцинксодержащий глицерогидрогель можно рассматривать в качестве потенциального иммунотропного препарата местного применения с антибактериальной, противовирусной и ранозаживляющей активностью

    Magnetic Nanocomposite Materials Based on Fe3O4 Nanoparticles with Iron and Silica Glycerolates Shell: Synthesis and Characterization

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    Novel magnetic nanocomposite materials based on Fe3O4 nanoparticles coated with iron and silica glycerolates (MNP@Fe(III)Glyc and MNP@Fe(III)/SiGlyc) were obtained. The synthesized nanocomposites were characterized using TEM, XRD, TGA, VMS, Mössbauer and IR spectroscopy. The amount of iron and silica glycerolates in the nanocomposites was calculated from the Mössbauer spectroscopy, ICP AES and C,H-elemental analysis. Thus, it has been shown that the distribution of Fe in the shell and core for MNP@Fe(III)Glyc and MNP@Fe(III)/SiGlyc is 27:73 and 32:68, respectively. The synthesized nanocomposites had high specific magnetization values and a high magnetic response to the alternating magnetic field. The hydrolysis of shells based on Fe(III)Glyc and Fe(III)/SiGlyc in aqueous media has been studied. It has been demonstrated that, while the iron glycerolates shell of MNP@Fe(III)Glyc is resistant to hydrolysis, the silica glycerolates shell of MNP@Fe(III)/SiGlyc is rather labile and hydrolyzed by 76.4% in 24 h at 25 °C. The synthesized materials did not show cytotoxicity in in vitro experiments (MTT-assay). The data obtained can be used in the design of materials for controlled-release drug delivery. © 2023 by the authors.22-23-20032; Russian Science Foundation, RSFThe work was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation and the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region (project no. 22-23-20032)

    Ultrafast laser micro-nano structuring of transparent materials with high aspect ratio

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    Ultrafast lasers are ideal tools to process transparent materials because they spatially confine the deposition of laser energy within the material's bulk via nonlinear photoionization processes. Nonlinear propagation and filamentation were initially regarded as deleterious effects. But in the last decade, they turned out to be benefits to control energy deposition over long distances. These effects create very high aspect ratio structures which have found a number of important applications, particularly for glass separation with non-ablative techniques. This chapter reviews the developments of in-volume ultrafast laser processing of transparent materials. We discuss the basic physics of the processes, characterization means, filamentation of Gaussian and Bessel beams and provide an overview of present applications