4,762 research outputs found

    First-order transitions and triple point on a random p-spin interaction model

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    The effects of competing quadrupolar- and spin-glass orderings are investigated on a spin-1 Ising model with infinite-range random pp-spin interactions. The model is studied through the replica approach and a phase diagram is obtained in the limit pp\to\infty. The phase diagram, obtained within replica-symmetry breaking, exhibits a very unusual feature in magnetic models: three first-order transition lines meeting at a commom triple point, where all phases of the model coexist.Comment: 9 pages, 2 ps figures include

    Improve the performance of transfer learning without fine-tuning using dissimilarity-based multi-view learning for breast cancer histology images

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    Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and leading cancer-related death causes for women. In the context of ICIAR 2018 Grand Challenge on Breast Cancer Histology Images, we compare one handcrafted feature extractor and five transfer learning feature extractors based on deep learning. We find out that the deep learning networks pretrained on ImageNet have better performance than the popular handcrafted features used for breast cancer histology images. The best feature extractor achieves an average accuracy of 79.30%. To improve the classification performance, a random forest dissimilarity based integration method is used to combine different feature groups together. When the five deep learning feature groups are combined, the average accuracy is improved to 82.90% (best accuracy 85.00%). When handcrafted features are combined with the five deep learning feature groups, the average accuracy is improved to 87.10% (best accuracy 93.00%)

    Produção de morango no Distrito Federal.

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    O morangueiro no Distrito Federal; Perfil dos produtores; Práticas culturais; Controle fitossanitário; Comercialização; Dificuldades e desafios.bitstream/item/109187/1/CNPH-PROD.-DE-MORAN.-DO-DF.-09.pd

    Finding a Spherically Symmetric Cosmology from Observations in Observational Coordinates -- Advantages and Challenges

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    One of the continuing challenges in cosmology has been to determine the large-scale space-time metric from observations with a minimum of assumptions -- without, for instance, assuming that the universe is almost Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW). If we are lucky enough this would be a way of demonstrating that our universe is FLRW, instead of presupposing it or simply showing that the observations are consistent with FLRW. Showing how to do this within the more general spherically symmetric, inhomogeneous space-time framework takes us a long way towards fulfilling this goal. In recent work researchers have shown how this can be done both in the traditional Lema\^{i}tre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) 3 + 1 coordinate framework, and in the observational coordinate (OC) framework. In this paper we investigate the stability of solutions, and the use of data in the OC field equations including their time evolution and compare both approaches with respect to the singularity problem at the maximum of the angular-diameter distance, the stability of solutions, and the use of data in the field equations. This allows a more detailed account and assessment of the OC integration procedure, and enables a comparison of the relative advantages of the two equivalent solution frameworks. Both formulations and integration procedures should, in principle, lead to the same results. However, as we show in this paper, the OC procedure manifests certain advantages, particularly in the avoidance of coordinate singularities at the maximum of the angular-diameter distance, and in the stability of the solutions obtained. This particular feature is what allows us to do the best fitting of the data to smooth data functions and the possibility of constructing analytic solutions to the field equations.Comment: 31 page

    Seed abortion in the sexual counterpart of Brachiaria brizantha apomicts (Poaceae).

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    Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-06T01:03:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ID280391.pdf: 888111 bytes, checksum: 44bbad24f631c2ffe8523c3790c058cf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-10bitstream/item/178138/1/ID-28039-1.pd

    Escolas rurais produzem hortaliças e frutas utilizando água de chuva armazenada em cisterna: estudo de caso.

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    O sucesso do programa de cisterna armazenando água de chuva para atender ao consumo das famílias no semiárido brasileiro permitiu que essa tecnologia fosse também utilizada para produzir alimentos, visando à melhoria da dieta das famílias rurais, denominado por P1+2 ou ?cisterna de produção?. Essa experiência foi implementada em 43 escolas rurais de treze municípios do Estado da Bahia. Assim, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar as práticas agrícolas executadas nas áreas das hortas e ou pomar, como subsídios à instalação de novas cisternas em escolas de outros municípios. Também, verificar como a produção está sendo inserida na alimentação oferecida aos alunos. O diagnóstico feito a partir de visitas às escolas aponta para a necessidade de ajustes no sistema cisterna-horta, visando sua maior eficiência e permitindo a melhoria da disponibilidade e qualidade dos alimentos servidos.nas escola