8 research outputs found

    Application of commercial enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for the detection of antibodies for foot-and-mouth disease virus in wild boar and red deer

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    For detecting antibodies towards foot and mouth (FMD) virus in sera collected from red deer hinds (Cervus elaphus) and wild boars (Sus scrofa), three commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) were used. Two ELISA kits (PrioCHECK FMDV NS and CHEKIT FMD-3ABC) were used for the detection of antibodies towards non-structural proteins of FMD virus and one assay was based on the detection of antibodies for serotype O (PrioCHECK FMDV type O). All of the sera tested in our study were negative for antibodies against FMD virus. The aim of this study was to investigate the usefulness of commercially available ELISA kits given for marketing authorization in Croatia in testing the prevalence of FMD antibodies in wild boar and red deer populations. Since the producers of ELISA kits used in our study did not declare wild animals as a target species, we hypothesised that the same kits could be used for serological diagnosis of FMD in red deer and wild boars. Our study confirmed that the kits used are acceptable for detecting antibodies in both species tested, however, the investigation highlighted the problem of validating the kits due to the absence of available positive sera originating from red deer, as well as other susceptible species, especially artiodactyls


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    The objective of the investigation was to determine influence of weather conditions on activity of honey bees during blooming time of six sunflower hybrids. The investigation was carried out in 2002 growing season at Kneževi Vinogradi located in Baranja county, north-eastern edge of Croatia. Honey bees communities were moved to the field trial site inside Langstroth-Rooth\u27s bee-hives. Honey bees visiting sunflower head inflorescence was measured at 100, 200, and 300 meters by counting honey bees four times a day (9.00 am, 11.00 am, 1.00 pm, and 5.00 pm). The influence of weather conditions was analysed by Spearman correlation coefficient. Results of the investigation show significant differences regarding honey-bee visit to the head inflorescences in six hybrids, as well as significant influence of air temperature, humidity, precipitation, minimum and maximum air temperature, as well as wind strength


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    Dnevni obrok velikoga vranca (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) čini (uz broj ptica i sastav riba u obroku) iznimno važnu komponentu u ukupnom izračunu visine Å”teta na ribljem fondu. Masa ribe u dnevnom obroku smatra se globalnim pokazateljem u procjeni Å”teta, bilo da su one nastale na ribnjacima bilo na nekim drugim staniÅ”tima. Za utvrđivanje dovoljno precizne procjene količine ribe koju veliki vranci pojedu tijekom jednog dana procjenjuju se različite metode, koje imaju svoje dobre i loÅ”e strane, pa su i rezultati varijabilni. U radu su izneseni rezultati procjene iz 24 studije. Tako je dnevni obrok velikoga vranca (sinensisa) utvrđen metodom pregleda želudaca ptica iznosio prosječno 359,5 g po jednoj ptici (n=3 studije), gvalica 347 g (n=10 studija), regurgitacija 384 g (n=2 studije), ulovljenih ptica i hranjenih u zarobljeniÅ”tvu 371 g (n=4 studije), temperature želuca 336Ā±98 g (n=1 studija), energijske potrebe ptica 596 g (n=1 studija, koja obrađuje empirijska mjerenja bazalnog metabolizma) i 751 g (n=3 studije o dnevnim energijskim potrebama velikoga vranca).Daily meal of the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis), joined with the number of birds and composition of fish in the meal, has high importance in total calculation of damage-costs on fish stock. The weight of fish in daily meal is regarding as the world-wide indicator for the estimation of damages. Various methods are being developed for the reliable estimation of daily fish quantity that Cormorant consummate. Diversity of the applied methods lead to variability of the results. This paper presents the estimation results from 24 studies. Daily meal of the Great Cormorant determined by the stomach content analysis is 359.5 g in average per bird (n=3 study reports); by the pellets analysis 347 g (n=10) is determined, and mean weight values of regurgitated fish was 384 g (n=2). Analyses of the nourished, captured birds (n=4) show 371 g mean value of daily meal while the stomach temperature method show 336 g (n=1 study). The energy requirement methods determined daily meal of 596 g (n=1, a study dealing on the empirical basal metabolism measurements), and 751 g (n=3, studies dealing on daily energetic requirements of the Great Cormorant)


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    In the Republic of Croatia, game meat is consumed far less than meat of domestic animals. Yearly game meat consumption amounts to only 0.55 kg per household member. Consumers prefer meat of domestic animals, because it is cheaper, not paying attention to specific nutritive advantages of game meat. A research on the game meat market and consumersā€™ preferences was carried out on 101 examinees, chosen among inhabitants of Slavonia and Baranja. The majority of questioned inhabitants did consume game meat (92%), of whom 66% consider game meat to be of better quality than meat of domestic animals. Significant number of examinees considers game meat as healthy food, being also convinced that game was healthier to consume if hunted in their natural environment, than if reared on specialized farms (90%). Irrespective of quality, only 22% of examinees buy game meat, and 51% think such meat is too expensive. This is the main reason why consumers have game meat only once a month (51%). Taking into consideration monthly income of their respective household, 58% of examinees can afford game meat only once a month, and, if having an opportunity, they would opt for meat of roe deer (55%) and rabbit (25%). When asked what would stimulate the game meat market in Croatia, 56% of examinees believe this could be achieved by lowering of prices, 27% think the issue could be addressed by opening of specialty stores, and only 17% opted for more aggressive marketing activities.Meso divljači se u Republici Hrvatskoj konzumira u znatno manjim količinama od mesa domaćih životinja. PotroÅ”nja mesa divljači iznosi svega 0,55 kg po članu domaćinstva godiÅ”nje. PotroÅ”ači preferiraju cijenom povoljnije meso domaćih životinja, bez obzira na pojedine nutricionističke prednosti mesa divljači. Istraživanje tržiÅ”ta mesa divljači i preferencije potroÅ”ača provedeni su na 101 ispitaniku među stanovniÅ”tvom Slavonije i Baranje. Većina anketiranih stanovnika konzumirala je meso divljači (92%) i misli da je ono kvalitetnije od mesa domaćih životinja (66%). Značajan broj anketiranih smatra da je meso divljači ekoloÅ”ki zdrava hrana i da je zdravije ukoliko se divljač odstrijeli u prirodi, nego da je podrijetlom sa specijaliziranih farmi (90%). Bez obzira na kvalitetu, tek 22% ispitanika kupuje meso divljači, a 51% anketiranih smatra da je ono preskupo. To je i glavni razlog Å”to je meso divljači na stolu potroÅ”ača tek jednom mjesečno (51%). S obzirom na mjesečna primanja članova, 58% anketiranih u mogućnosti je konzumirati meso divljači samo jednom mjesečno, a najradije bi izabrali meso srneće divljači (55%) i zeca (25%). Na temelju provedene ankete, tržiÅ”te mesa divljači moguće je poboljÅ”ati sniženjem cijena, Å”to smatra 56% ispitanika, dok 27% misli da bi se ono poboljÅ”alo otvaranjem specijaliziranih prodavaonica, a tek 17% ispitanika izjasnilo se za jaču marketinÅ”ku aktivnost


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    In the Republic of Croatia, game meat is consumed far less than meat of domestic animals. Yearly game meat consumption amounts to only 0.55 kg per household member. Consumers prefer meat of domestic animals, because it is cheaper, not paying attention to specific nutritive advantages of game meat. A research on the game meat market and consumersā€™ preferences was carried out on 101 examinees, chosen among inhabitants of Slavonia and Baranja. The majority of questioned inhabitants did consume game meat (92%), of whom 66% consider game meat to be of better quality than meat of domestic animals. Significant number of examinees considers game meat as healthy food, being also convinced that game was healthier to consume if hunted in their natural environment, than if reared on specialized farms (90%). Irrespective of quality, only 22% of examinees buy game meat, and 51% think such meat is too expensive. This is the main reason why consumers have game meat only once a month (51%). Taking into consideration monthly income of their respective household, 58% of examinees can afford game meat only once a month, and, if having an opportunity, they would opt for meat of roe deer (55%) and rabbit (25%). When asked what would stimulate the game meat market in Croatia, 56% of examinees believe this could be achieved by lowering of prices, 27% think the issue could be addressed by opening of specialty stores, and only 17% opted for more aggressive marketing activities

    Steroid hormones profile during an ovarian synchronization procedure in different age categories of red deer hinds (Cervus elaphus L.)

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    The objective of the present study was to compare estradiol/progesterone ratios of different age categories of red deer hinds and use it as a predictor of estrus synchronization success and consequently conception rate. To accomplish this we used 38 red deer hinds to establish serum progesterone and estradiol levels in young (21 animals), mature (10 animals) and old (7 animals) hinds during the estrus synchronization procedure (transvaginal/cervical AI). The following estrus synchronization was used: at the start of the experiment each hind received a controlled intravaginal drug-releasing device (CIDR, Pharmacia&Upjohn, New Zealand) containing 0.3 g of progesterone. The device was removed on day 11, simultaneously with an application of 250 IU of Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG, FolligonĀ® Intervet International, Boxmeer, Holland). Transvaginal/ cervical AI (artificial insemination) was performed 48 hours after CIDR withdrawal (day 13). Blood samples were obtained from the jugular vein using a VenojectĀ® vacutainer without an anticoagulant for hormonal tests on the same experimental day (0, 11th and 13th day). A statistically (p<0.01) higher progesterone level was found in young hinds on the 11th day after controlled intravaginal drug-releasing device insertion. A significantly higher (p<0.01) estrogen level was observed in the young in regard to mature and old hinds on the expected day of estrus (13th day). Estradiol/progesterone ratios showed a statistically significant difference (p<0.01) on insemination day (13th day) between old and young hinds (98.67 : 46.59) and between old and mature hinds (98.67 : 51.79). Out of a total of 38 hinds only 9 had their offspring, 6 of the young and 3 of the mature hinds

    A synoptic overview of golden jackal parasites reveals high diversity of species

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