16,107 research outputs found

    Magnetic Structure and Spin Waves in the Kagom\'{e} Jarosite compound KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6{\bf KFe_3(SO_4)_2(OH)_6}

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    We present a detailed study of the magnetic structure and spin waves in the Fe jarosite compound KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6{\rm KFe_3(SO_4)_2(OH)_6} for the most general Hamiltonian involving one- and two-spin interactions which are allowed by symmetry. We compare the calculated spin-wave spectrum with the recent neutron scattering data of Matan {\it et al.} for various model Hamiltonians which include, in addition to isotropic Heisenberg exchange interactions between nearest (J1J_1) and next-nearest (J2J_2) neighbors, single ion anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions. We concluded that DM interactions are the dominant anisotropic interaction, which not only fits all the splittings in the spin-wave spectrum but also reproduces the small canting of the spins out of the Kagom\'e plane. A brief discussion of how representation theory restricts the allowed magnetic structure is also given.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B (March 2006

    Magnetocaloric Study of Spin Relaxation in `Frozen' Dipolar Spin Ice Dy2Ti2O7

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    The magnetocaloric effect of polycrystalline samples of pure and Y-doped dipolar spin ice Dy2Ti2O7 was investigated at temperatures from nominally 0.3 K to 6 K and in magnetic fields of up to 2 T. As well as being of intrinsic interest, it is proposed that the magnetocaloric effect may be used as an appropriate tool for the qualitative study of slow relaxation processes in the spin ice regime. In the high temperature regime the temperature change on adiabatic demagnetization was found to be consistent with previously published entropy versus temperature curves. At low temperatures (T < 0.4 K) cooling by adiabatic demagnetization was followed by an irreversible rise in temperature that persisted after the removal of the applied field. The relaxation time derived from this temperature rise was found to increase rapidly down to 0.3 K. The data near to 0.3 K indicated a transition into a metastable state with much slower relaxation, supporting recent neutron scattering results. In addition, magnetic dilution of 50 % concentration was found to significantly prolong the dynamical response in the milikelvin temperature range, in contrast with results reported for higher temperatures at which the spin correlations are suppressed. These observations are discussed in terms of defects and loop correlations in the spin ice state.Comment: 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The detailed chemical composition of the terrestrial planet host Kepler-10

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    Chemical abundance studies of the Sun and solar twins have demonstrated that the solar composition of refractory elements is depleted when compared to volatile elements, which could be due to the formation of terrestrial planets. In order to further examine this scenario, we conducted a line-by-line differential chemical abundance analysis of the terrestrial planet host Kepler-10 and fourteen of its stellar twins. Stellar parameters and elemental abundances of Kepler-10 and its stellar twins were obtained with very high precision using a strictly differential analysis of high quality CFHT, HET and Magellan spectra. When compared to the majority of thick disc twins, Kepler-10 shows a depletion in the refractory elements relative to the volatile elements, which could be due to the formation of terrestrial planets in the Kepler-10 system. The average abundance pattern corresponds to ~ 13 Earth masses, while the two known planets in Kepler-10 system have a combined ~ 20 Earth masses. For two of the eight thick disc twins, however, no depletion patterns are found. Although our results demonstrate that several factors (e.g., planet signature, stellar age, stellar birth location and Galactic chemical evolution) could lead to or affect abundance trends with condensation temperature, we find that the trends give further support for the planetary signature hypothesis.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Zooming in on local level statistics by supersymmetric extension of free probability

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    We consider unitary ensembles of Hermitian NxN matrices H with a confining potential NV where V is analytic and uniformly convex. From work by Zinn-Justin, Collins, and Guionnet and Maida it is known that the large-N limit of the characteristic function for a finite-rank Fourier variable K is determined by the Voiculescu R-transform, a key object in free probability theory. Going beyond these results, we argue that the same holds true when the finite-rank operator K has the form that is required by the Wegner-Efetov supersymmetry method of integration over commuting and anti-commuting variables. This insight leads to a potent new technique for the study of local statistics, e.g., level correlations. We illustrate the new technique by demonstrating universality in a random matrix model of stochastic scattering.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures, published version, minor changes in Section

    Surface phase transitions in one-dimensional channels arranged in a triangular cross-sectional structure: Theory and Monte Carlo simulations

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    Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling analysis have been carried out to study the critical behavior in a submonolayer lattice-gas of interacting monomers adsorbed on one-dimensional channels arranged in a triangular cross-sectional structure. The model mimics a nanoporous environment, where each nanotube or unit cell is represented by a one-dimensional array. Two kinds of lateral interaction energies have been considered: 1)1) wLw_L, interaction energy between nearest-neighbor particles adsorbed along a single channel and 2)2) wTw_T, interaction energy between particles adsorbed across nearest-neighbor channels. For wL/wT=0w_L/w_T=0 and wT>0w_T > 0, successive planes are uncorrelated, the system is equivalent to the triangular lattice and the well-known (3×3)(\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3}) [(3×3)][(\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3})^*] ordered phase is found at low temperatures and a coverage, θ\theta, of 1/3 [2/3][2/3]. In the more general case (wL/wT0w_L/w_T \neq 0 and wT>0w_T > 0), a competition between interactions along a single channel and a transverse coupling between sites in neighboring channels allows to evolve to a three-dimensional adsorbed layer. Consequently, the (3×3)(\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3}) and (3×3)(\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3})^* structures "propagate" along the channels and new ordered phases appear in the adlayer. The Monte Carlo technique was combined with the recently reported Free Energy Minimization Criterion Approach (FEMCA), to predict the critical temperatures of the order-disorder transformation. The excellent qualitative agreement between simulated data and FEMCA results allow us to interpret the physical meaning of the mechanisms underlying the observed transitions.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Properties of a classical spin liquid: the Heisenberg pyrochlore antiferromagnet

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    We study the low-temperature behaviour of the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet with nearest neighbour interactions on the pyrochlore lattice. Because of geometrical frustration, the ground state of this model has an extensive number of degrees of freedom. We show, by analysing the effects of small fluctuations around the ground-state manifold, and from the results of Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations, that the system is disordered at all temperatures, T, and has a finite relaxation time, which varies as 1/T for small T.Comment: 4 pages revtex; 3 figures automatically include

    Magnetic susceptibility of diluted pyrochlore and SCGO antiferromagnets

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    We investigate the magnetic susceptibility of the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet with nearest-neighbour interactions on the geometrically frustrated pyrochlore lattice, for a pure system and in the presence of dilution with nonmagnetic ions. Using the fact that the correlation length in this system for small dilution is always short, we obtain an approximate but accurate expression for the magnetic susceptibility at all temperatures. We extend this theory to the compound SrCr_{9-9x}Ga_{3+9x}O_{19} (SCGO) and provide an explanation of the phenomenological model recently proposed by Schiffer and Daruka [Phys. Rev. B56, 13712 (1997)].Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 4 postscript figures automatically include

    Competition Between Exchange and Anisotropy in a Pyrochlore Ferromagnet

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    The Ising-like spin ice model, with a macroscopically degenerate ground state, has been shown to be approximated by several real materials. Here we investigate a model related to spin ice, in which the Ising spins are replaced by classical Heisenberg spins. These populate a cubic pyrochlore lattice and are coupled to nearest neighbours by a ferromagnetic exchange term J and to the local axes by a single-ion anisotropy term D. The near neighbour spin ice model corresponds to the case D/J infinite. For finite D/J we find that the macroscopic degeneracy of spin ice is broken and the ground state is magnetically ordered into a four-sublattice structure. The transition to this state is first-order for D/J > 5 and second-order for D/J < 5 with the two regions separated by a tricritical point. We investigate the magnetic phase diagram with an applied field along [1,0,0] and show that it can be considered analogous to that of a ferroelectric.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Electron Spin Resonance of defects in the Haldane System Y(2)BaNiO(5)

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    We calculate the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of the antiferromagnetic spin-1 chain compound Y(2)BaNi(1-x)Mg(x)O(5) for different values of x and temperature T much lower than the Haldane gap (~100K). The low-energy spectrum of an anisotropic Heisenberg Hamiltonian, with all parameters determined from experiment, has been solved using DMRG. The observed EPR spectra are quantitatively reproduced by this model. The presence of end-chain S=1/2 states is clearly observed as the main peak in the spectrum and the remaining structure is completely understood.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures include