5,397 research outputs found

    Droplet shapes on structured substrates and conformal invariance

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    We consider the finite-size scaling of equilibrium droplet shapes for fluid adsorption (at bulk two-phase co-existence) on heterogeneous substrates and also in wedge geometries in which only a finite domain ΛA\Lambda_{A} of the substrate is completely wet. For three-dimensional systems with short-ranged forces we use renormalization group ideas to establish that both the shape of the droplet height and the height-height correlations can be understood from the conformal invariance of an appropriate operator. This allows us to predict the explicit scaling form of the droplet height for a number of different domain shapes. For systems with long-ranged forces, conformal invariance is not obeyed but the droplet shape is still shown to exhibit strong scaling behaviour. We argue that droplet formation in heterogeneous wedge geometries also shows a number of different scaling regimes depending on the range of the forces. The conformal invariance of the wedge droplet shape for short-ranged forces is shown explicitly.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures. (Submitted to J.Phys.:Cond.Mat.

    Coupled Fluctuations near Critical Wetting

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    Recent work on the complete wetting transition has emphasized the role played by the coupling of fluctuations of the order parameter at the wall and at the depinning fluid interface. Extending this approach to the wetting transition itself we predict a novel crossover effect associated with the decoupling of fluctuations as the temperature is lowered towards the transition temperature T_W. Using this we are able to reanalyse recent Monte-Carlo simulation studies and extract a value \omega(T_W)=0.8 at T_W=0.9T_C in very good agreement with long standing theoretical predictions.Comment: 4 pages, LaTex, 1 postscript figur

    Local functional models of critical correlations in thin-films

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    Recent work on local functional theories of critical inhomogeneous fluids and Ising-like magnets has shown them to be a potentially exact, or near exact, description of universal finite-size effects associated with the excess free-energy and scaling of one-point functions in critical thin films. This approach is extended to predict the two-point correlation function G in critical thin-films with symmetric surface fields in arbitrary dimension d. In d=2 we show there is exact agreement with the predictions of conformal invariance for the complete spectrum of correlation lengths as well as the detailed position dependence of the asymptotic decay of G. In d=3 and d>=4 we present new numerical predictions for the universal finite-size correlation length and scaling functions determining the structure of G across the thin-film. Highly accurate analytical closed form expressions for these universal properties are derived in arbitrary dimension.Comment: 4 pages, 1 postscript figure. Submitted to Phys Rev Let

    Poor Quality of Instruction Leads to Poor Motor Performance Regardless of Internal or External Focus of Attention

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 9(2): 214-222, 2016. The view that external focus of attention provides beneficial performance outcomes when compared to an internal focus of attention has been consistently supported in the movement performance literature. While type of focus has been well investigated, the current study examined the influence of quality of instruction as a variation of the type of focus. Specifically, the purpose of the study investigated how performance-enhancing instructions would differ from performance-neutral instructions on an agility performance. An agility L-run was used to measure performance in the four counterbalanced conditions: Internal-Performance Neutral (INT-PN), Internal-Performance Enhancing (INT-PE), External-Performance Neutral (EXT-PN) and External-Performance Enhancing (EXT-PE). These conditions were designed to provide insight into the influence of quality of instruction on performance. The mean times for both EXT-PN (6.76 s) and INT-PN (6.86 s) conditions were significantly slower than the EXT-PE (6.59 s) and INT-PE (6.65 s) conditions, respectively. Additionally, no differences were observed between the EXT-PE and INT-PE conditions. These results demonstrate the negative impact that poor quality of instruction can have on performance

    Growth studies on Si0.8Ge0.2 channel two-dimensional hole gases

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    We report a study of the influences of MBE conditions on the low-temperature mobilities of Si/Si0.8Ge0.2 2DHG structures. A significant dependence of 2DHG mobility on growth temperature is observed with the maximum mobility of 3640 cm2 V−1 s−1 at 5.4 K being achieved at the relatively high-growth temperature of 640 °C. This dependence is associated with a reduction in interface charge density. Studies on lower mobility samples show that Cu contamination can be reduced both by growth interruptions and by modifications to the Ge source; this reduction produces improvements in the low-temperature mobilities. We suggest that interface charge deriving from residual metal contamination is currently limiting the 4-K mobility

    Elemental boron doping behavior in silicon molecular beam epitaxy

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    Boron-doped Si epilayers were grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using an elemental boron source, at levels up to 2×1020 cm−3, to elucidate profile control and electrical activation over the growth temperature range 450–900 °C. Precipitation and surface segregation effects were observed at doping levels of 2×1020 cm−3 for growth temperatures above 600 °C. At growth temperatures below 600 °C, excellent profile control was achieved with complete electrical activation at concentrations of 2×1020 cm−3, corresponding to the optimal MBE growth conditions for a range of Si/SixGe1−x heterostructures

    Effect of Gravity and Confinement on Phase Equilibria: A Density Matrix Renormalization Approach

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    The phase diagram of the 2D Ising model confined between two infinite walls and subject to opposing surface fields and to a bulk "gravitational" field is calculated by means of density matrix renormalization methods. In absence of gravity two phase coexistence is restricted to temperatures below the wetting temperature. We find that gravity restores the two phase coexistence up to the bulk critical temperature, in agreement with previous mean-field predictions. We calculate the exponents governing the finite size scaling in the temperature and in the gravitational field directions. The former is the exponent which describes the shift of the critical temperature in capillary condensation. The latter agrees, for large surface fields, with a scaling assumption of Van Leeuwen and Sengers. Magnetization profiles in the two phase and in the single phase region are calculated. The profiles in the single phase region, where an interface is present, agree well with magnetization profiles calculated from a simple solid-on-solid interface hamiltonian.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX and 4 PostScript figures included. Final version as published. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    From meadows to milk to mucosa – adaptation of Streptococcus and Lactococcus species to their nutritional environments

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    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are indigenous to food-related habitats as well as associated with the mucosal surfaces of animals. The LAB family Streptococcaceae consists of the genera Lactococcus and Streptococcus. Members of the family include the industrially important species Lactococcus lactis, which has a long history safe use in the fermentative food industry, and the disease-causing streptococci Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus pyogenes. The central metabolic pathways of the Streptococcaceae family have been extensively studied because of their relevance in the industrial use of some species, as well as their influence on virulence of others. Recent developments in high-throughput proteomic and DNA-microarray techniques, in in vivo NMR studies, and importantly in whole-genome sequencing have resulted in new insights into the metabolism of the Streptococcaceae family. The development of cost-effective high-throughput sequencing has resulted in the publication of numerous whole-genome sequences of lactococcal and streptococcal species. Comparative genomic analysis of these closely related but environmentally diverse species provides insight into the evolution of this family of LAB and shows that the relatively small genomes of members of the Streptococcaceae family have been largely shaped by the nutritionally rich environments they inhabit.

    From red to green: achieving an environmental pact at the municipal level in Paragominas (Pará, Brazilian Amazon).

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    A Red List of Deforestation was published by Brazil?s federal government in 2008, listing 36 municipalities with the highest rates of deforestation in the Amazon as a policy measure to prioritize efforts to combat deforestation. Here, we examine the reaction of a municipality to the decentralization policy represented by the Red List. We analyze the case of Paragominas, a municipality in the state of Pará, in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. Since being removed from the Red List in April 2010 Paragominas has swapped infamy for fame, and has become widely renowned in Brazilian policy discourse and the public media as a successful example of controlling deforestation. In this study, we analyze the development of the Green Municipality or Município Verde (MV) project, a novel governance arrangement that brought together municipal, state, and federal government as well as local farmers Unions and Associations, and regionally active nongovernmental organizations. We identify key actors and institutions involved in the process, and try to better understand the preexisting conditions that set the groundwork for the MV initiative. Finally, we evaluate the effectiveness of this policy in controlling deforestation and achieving environmental compliance within different social groups.ISEE

    Size Dependence in Non-sperm Ejaculate Production is Reflected in Daily Energy Expenditure and Resting Metabolic Rate

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    The non-sperm components of an ejaculate, such as copulatory plugs, can be essential to male reproductive success. But the costs of these ejaculate components are often considered trivial. In polyandrous species, males are predicted to increase energy allocation to the production of non-sperm components, but this allocation is often condition dependent and the energetic costs of their production have never been quantified. Red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) are an excellent model with which to quantify the energetic costs of non-sperm components of the ejaculate as they exhibit a dissociated reproductive pattern in which sperm production is temporally disjunct from copulatory plug production, mating and plug deposition. We estimated the daily energy expenditure and resting metabolic rate of males after courtship and mating, and used bomb calorimetry to estimate the energy content of copulatory plugs. We found that both daily energy expenditure and resting metabolic rate were significantly higher in small mating males than in courting males, and a single copulatory plug without sperm constitutes 5–18% of daily energy expenditure. To our knowledge, this is the first study to quantify the energetic expense of size-dependent ejaculate strategies in any species