159 research outputs found

    The impact of weather conditions in different years on the biochemical composition of linseed oil

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    Background. Linseed oil is a versatile product with varying biochemical composition. Linseed breeding is aimed at producing cultivars with different chemical properties in their oil. The crop is widespread but the environment has a great effect on its fatty acid  biosynthesis.Materials and methods. The impact of weather conditions on the variations in fatty acids composition was studied. Twenty linseed cultivars and accessions of diverse origin and with varying oil composition from the VIR collection were grown in Tomsk Province in 2016–2018. The content of 15 fatty acids (lauric, myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, margaric, stearic, oleic, cis-vaccenic, linoleic, linolenic, arachidic, eicosenic, arachido nic, behenic, and lignoceric) was assessed in linseed oil using gas–liquid chromatography.Results. The tested material presented a wide diversity of genes controlling different steps of fatty acids biosynthesis and genetic mechanisms involved in the responses to the changing environment. The analysis of variance proved that the content of oleic, linoleic, linolenic and lignoceric acids was controlled solely by the genotype. The content of palmitic and stearic acids was influenced by both the genotype and environment. The synthesis of lauric and cis-vaccenic acids was significantly affected by the weather. Practically all acids, except linoleic and linolenic ones, showed a very high random variation, which in our experiment included genotype × environment interaction. The accessions differed in the range of variation in their characters under diffe rent conditions. There was no definite regularity in the hanges of fatty acid content in the tested genotypes during 3 years.Conclusion. The assessed genotypes probably possess different regulatory mechanisms for fatty acid biosynthesis. Thus, they present a diverse stock for further investigations into fatty acid biosynthesis and for the development of new linseed cultivars widely adaptable to environmental conditions


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    Introduction. Cervical cancer is the 4th most common cancer among women. The main screening method for cervical cancer is cytological examination of the cervical epithelium. This method allows to evaluate the level of cervical dysplasia (malignant potential) but it has several limitations and flaws. Development and implementation of new methods of molecular and genetic analysis in clinical practice can increase informational value of the traditional cytological examination and therefore objectivity in choosing treatment options.Objective is to develop and verify a new method of differential diagnosis of severe intraepithelial dysplasia and invasive cervical cancer.Materials and methods. The method is based on analysis of small non-coding RNA molecules (miRNAs) extracted from the material of traditional Pap smears. Based on literature search, 18 “marker” microRNA molecules were chosen and their expression levels were estimated in 166 samples of Pap smears from cervical canals with different cytological diagnoses. The analysis was performed using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.Results. Estimation of ratios between expression levels of miRNA pairs: 126/375; 20а/375; 126/145 allows to differentiate with high confidence borderline states of severe intraepithelial dysplasia and invasive cervical carcinoma (coefficients of quantitative interpretation of the error curve were 0.8, 0.75, 0.72, respectively).Conclusions. Analysis of miRNAs in Pap smear samples is a promising additional method of cervical cancer diagnosis. The method is objective and can be proposed as a supporting technique in cases when cytological examination doesn’t allow to differentiate between borderline pathological states of the cervical epithelium. Implementation of the method in clinical practice requires methodological optimization and additional validation using more clinical material

    Assessment of the Potential Epidemic Hazard as Regards International Public Events in Terms of the Currently Important Infectious Diseases

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    International public events (IPE) present some actual epidemiological problems requiring proper methodological elaboration. In this respect for the first time developed has been the scheme of assessment of their potential epidemic hazard (PEH), based on integrated evaluation of epidemiological risk as regards infectious diseases listed in the IHR (2005). On the cholera model demonstrated is the fact that high priority hazard of public events emerges when those are combined with such elements of epidemiological risk as territory and time of a threat, as well as risk factors and risk contingents. Thus the integral effect of all elements realization is manifested through high probability of infectious disease importation, which is associated with emergency situation, into the public event location and the disturbance of mass gathering progress. Reliability and functionality of the developed scheme is verified on other infections too. PEH assessment procedure allows for timely identification of priority goals, for rating means and capacities, organizational resources, methodological and technological arrays for the provision of sanitary-epidemiological welfare and biological safety when managing public event

    Role of Mosquitoes, <I>Culex</I> <I>pipiens</I> Complex, in West Nile Fever Virus Persistence in Urbanized Biocoenoses of Saratov

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    . In wiggler samples as well as in imago ones detected are WNF virus markers, which indicate the possibility of transovarial and trans-phase transmission of virus into mosquito populations, habitant in urbanized biocoenoses. It is substantiated that Culex pipiens female mosquitoes, which reproduce autogenically, provide for the persistence of the virus within the inter-epidemic period. Therewith there is a possibility of sustained, epidemically-active WNF micro-foci to be formed in the residential area landscapes, and this issue should be given proper consideration when performing assessment of the risks associated with urban population exposure to the infection

    Impact of the Present-Day Climate Changes on the Natural Plague Foci Condition, Situated in the Territory of the Russian Federation and Other CIS Countries

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    Climate changes determine dynamics of epizootic activity of natural plague foci in the XX and XXI centuries. Obvious shift to continentality in the Northern hemisphere can put an end to inter-epizootic period in lowland steppe and semi-desert natural foci of the Pre-Caucasian region, North and North-West Caspian Sea regions. Presently observed conjoined development of inter-epizootic periods in natural plague foci with different biocoenotic structure in the territory of Pre-Caspian Lowland gives the grounds for assuming the presence of a common cause preconditioning parasitic system depression in the region. One of the key elements of this phenomenon is a change of status of little souslik – formerly the main plague carrier in the region. Subsequent to the climate change the key role of plague carrier is more often played by non-hibernating rodent species nowadays. Thus a significant increase in epizootic potential of steppe natural plague foci in the territory of Kazakhstan and Central Asia is prognosticated. With the further temperature fall during wintertime, snow cover height increase and glacial area extension epizootic activity of the mountain and high mountain foci must drop off significantly. Alongside with this updated data on plague agent ecology, predetermining possibility of its existence in the soil biota, confirm the key role of climactic factors in the plague enzootic outbreak

    Studies of West Nile Virus Circulation in the Territory of the Saratov Region in 2010

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    Presented are the results of ecological and epizootiological surveillance of the territory of the Saratov region, which was carried out in autumn of 2010. The surveillance was aimed at detection of West Nile (WN) virus circulation and premises for WN Fever natural focus formation. It is demonstrated that in 2010 WN virus circulation took place in damp biotopes of the Saratov region territory, and that common species of small mammals were involved in it. Presented are the results of analysis of the WN virus role in the infectious pathology in the territory of the Saratov region

    Studies of Biofilm Formation in Non-Pigmented and Plasmid-Deprived Mutants of <I>Yersinia pestis</I> on Biotic Surfaces, <I>in vivo</I> and <I>in vitro</I> Conditions

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    In non-pigmented and plasmid-deprived mutants – isogenic variants of highly virulent Yersinia pestis 231 strain – studied is the mechanism of biofilm formation on biotic surfaces, both in vitro (on the laboratory model of nematode Caenorhabdiitis elegans) and in vivo (inside the alimentary tract of Nosopsyllus laeviceps flea). It is determined that spontaneous loss of ability to form biofilms and generate pigmented colonies in the mutants is probably caused not only by the deletion of the whole chromosome pigmentation fragment, but also by a point(single base) mutation in structural hms operon. It is demonstrated that the absence of pCad, pFra or pPst plasmids does not have an impact on the ability of plasmid-deprived mutants to form biofilm on the cuticle of nematode C. elegans

    Парвовирусная инфекция у детей

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    The article presents current information about the etiology, epidemiology, clinical manifestations of parvovirus infection in children. The problems of the use of laboratory tests, treatment and prevention ofinfection.В обзорной статье представлены современные сведения по этиологии, эпидемиологии, клинических проявлениях парвовирус-ной инфекции у детей. Рассмотрены вопросы использования лабораторных методов исследования, лечения и профилактики инфекции