13 research outputs found

    Pervasive carbonation of peridotite to listvenite (Semail Ophiolite, Sultanate of Oman): clues from iron partitioning and chemical zoning

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    Earth's long-term cycling of carbon is regulated from mid-ocean ridges to convergent plate boundaries by mass transfers involving mantle rocks. Here we examine the conversion of peridotite to listvenite (magnesite + quartz rock) during CO2 metasomatism along the basal thrust of the Semail Ophiolite (Fanja, Sultanate of Oman). At the outcrop scale, this transformation defines reaction zones, from serpentinized peridotites to carbonated serpentinites and listvenites. Based on a detailed petrological and chemical study, we show that carbonation progressed through three main stages involving the development of replacive textures ascribed to early stages, whilst carbonate (± quartz) veining becomes predominant in the last stage. The pervasive replacement of serpentine by magnesite is characterized by the formation of spheroids, among which two types are identified based on the composition of their core regions: Fe-core and Mg-core spheroids. Fe zoning is a type feature of matrix and vein magnesite formed during the onset carbonation (Stage 1). While Fe-rich magnesite is predicted to form at low fluid XCO2 from a poorly to moderately oxidized protolith, our study evidences that the local non-redox destabilization of Fe oxides into Fe-rich magnesite is essential to the development of Fe-core spheroids. The formation of Fe-core spheroids is followed by the pervasive (over-)growth of Mg-rich spheroids and aggregates (Stage 2) at near-equilibrium conditions in response to increasing fluid XCO2. Furthermore, the compositions of carbonates indicate that most siderophile transition elements released by the dissolution of primary minerals are locally trapped in carbonate and oxides during matrix carbonation, while elements with a chalcophile affinity are the most likely to be leached out of reaction zones.</p

    Immunotherapeutic strategies for bladder cancer

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    Pervasive carbonation of peridotite to listvenite (Semail Ophiolite, Sultanate of Oman): clues from iron partitioning and chemical zoning

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    Earth’s long-term cycling of carbon is regulated from mid-ocean ridges to convergent margins by mass transfers involving mantle rocks. Here we examine the conversion of peridotite into listvenite (magnesite+quartz) occurring along the basal thrust of the Semail Ophiolite (Fanja, Sultanate of Oman). At the outcrop scale, this transformation defines reaction fronts, from serpentinized peridotites, to carbonated serpentinites and listvenites. Carbonation of peridotites progressed through distinctive stages, involving the generation of carbonate and/or quartz veins concurrently to the pervasive replacement of serpentinized peridotites by carbonates and quartz. The onset of pervasive carbonation reactions is characterized by the formation of Fe-rich magnesite spheroids and aggregates preserved in listvenites, in the vicinity of antitaxial Fe-rich magnesite veins.We document the changes in reaction textures and carbonate compositions from carbonated serpentinites to listvenites, indicating destabilization of Fe-oxides. We propose that Fe-rich cores of magnesite spheroids result from the breakdown of magnetite into Fe-rich magnesite and hematite, and represent the end product of the early carbonation sequence. Pervasive carbonation induces a change to oxidizing conditions as the reaction progresses. We discuss the linkages between the composition of magnesite replacing the serpentine matrix and variations of the reactive fluid composition and redox conditions, and their possible effects on the speciation of volatiles and mobility of economically-valuable metals

    Geochemical Profiles Across the Listvenite‐Metamorphic Transition in the Basal Megathrust of the Semail Ophiolite: Results From Drilling at OmanDP Hole BT1B

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    International audienceThe transition from the Semail ophiolite mantle to the underlying metamorphic sole was drilled at ICDP OmanDP Hole BT1B. We analyzed the bulk major, volatile and trace element compositions of the mantle-derived listvenite series and metamorphic rocks, with the aim to constrain chemical transfers associated with peridotite carbonation along the ophiolite basal thrust. The listvenite series comprise variously carbonated serpentinites and (fuchsite-bearing) listvenites. They have high CO2 (up to 43 wt.%) and variable H2O (0–12 wt.%). Yet, they have compositions close to that of the basal banded peridotites for most major and lithophile trace elements, with fuchsite-bearing listvenites overlapping in composition with amphibole-bearing basal lherzolites (e.g., Al2O3 = 0.1–2.2 wt.%; Yb = 0.05–1 x CI-chondrite). The protolith of the listvenite series was likely similar in structure and composition to serpentinized banded peridotites which immediately overlie the metamorphic sole elsewhere in Oman. The listvenite series are enriched in fluid mobile elements (FME) compared to Semail peridotites (up to ∌103–104 x Primitive Mantle), with concentrations similar to the underthrusted metabasalts and/or metasediments for Cs, Sr and Ca and sometimes even higher for Pb, Li, As, and Sb (e.g., Li up to 130 ÎŒg/g; As up to 170 ÎŒg/g). We also observe a decoupling between Sr-Ca enrichments and other FME, indicating interactions with several batches of deep CO2-rich fluids transported along the basal thrust. These results suggest that peridotite carbonation could represent one of the major trap-and-release mechanisms for carbon, water and FME along convergent margins

    Evaluation of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry compared to magnetic resonance imaging for collecting measurements of the human bony pelvis.

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    Funder: Parkes Foundation; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100009691OBJECTIVES: Imaging methods to measure the human pelvis in vivo provide opportunities to better understand pelvic variation and adaptation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides high-resolution images, but is more expensive than dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). We sought to compare pelvic breadth measurements collected from the same individuals using both methods, to investigate if there are systematic differences in pelvic measurement between these imaging methods. METHODS: Three pelvic breadth dimensions (bi-iliac breadth, bi-acetabular breadth, medio-lateral inlet breadth) were collected from MRI and DXA scans of a cross-sectional sample of healthy, nulliparous adult women of South Asian ancestry (n = 63). Measurements of MRI and DXA pelvic dimensions were collected four times in total, with one baseline data collection session and three replications. Data collected from these sessions were averaged, used to calculate technical error of measurement and entered into a Bland-Altman analysis. Linear regression models were fitted with a given MRI pelvic measurement regressed on the same measurement collected from DXA scans, as well as MRI mean bias regressed on DXA mean bias. RESULTS: Technical error of measurement was higher in DXA measurements of bi-iliac breadth and medio-lateral pelvic inlet breadth and higher for MRI measurements of bi-acetabular breadth. Bland Altman analyses showed no statistically significant relationship between the mean bias of MRI and DXA, and the differences between MRI and DXA pelvic measurements. CONCLUSIONS: DXA measurements of pelvic breadth are comparable to MRI measurements of pelvic breadth. DXA is a less costly imaging technique than MRI and can be used to collect measurements of skeletal elements in living people