1,089 research outputs found

    Energy dependent wavelength of the ion induced nanoscale ripple

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    Wavelength variation of ion beam induced nanoscale ripple structure has received much attention recently due to its possible application in nanotechnology. We present here results of Ar+^+ bombarded Si in the energy range 50 to 140 keV to demonstrate that with beam scanning the ripple wavelength increases with ion energy and decreases with energy for irradiation without ion beam scanning. An expression for the energy dependence of ripple wavelength is proposed taking into simultaneous effect of thermally activated surface diffusion and ion induced effective surface diffusion.Comment: REVTeX (4 pages), 3 EPS figure

    Abundance of Plodia interpunctella (Hubner) and Cadra cautella (Walker) infesting maize stored on South Carolina farms: seasonal and non-seasonal variation

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    Seasonal trends and short-term fluctuations in abundance of Plodia interpunctella (Hubner) and Cadra cautella (Walker) infesting maize stored on two South Carolina farms were studied during three storage seasons (September 1990–June 1993). Coils of corrugated paper placed on the grain surface were used to trap mature larvae seeking pupation sites. Temperatures in the grain (18-cm-deep) and in the bin headspace were recorded hourly, and grain moisture content was measured weekly. Weekly mean numbers of moth larvae, and adults of two natural enemies, trapped in the coils were used for tracking changes in their abundance over time. The most significant findings were: (1) a seasonal pattern of abundance in both moth species that persisted from farm to farm and year to year, and (2) the coincidence of the highest population levels with the lowest temperatures. With few exceptions, the moth populations increased in the fall, reached their highest levels in winter, and then declined to low levels by early spring. The persistence of this pattern suggests a seasonal regulatory mechanism, with onset of low temperature as the primary initiator of population decline and adversely high temperature as a contributor to its protraction through spring into early summer. This view is supported by our observations of temperature and moth abundance, in conjunction with published information on the biological limitations of the two species. However, other factors, such as predators, parasitoids, and viral infection, may have contributed to the final population collapse. Superimposed upon the seasonal trends were short-term, non-seasonal cycles of abundance with variable periods. Population theory suggests that predation, parasitism, disease, and competition may have produced these cycles

    The Extraordinary Infrared Spectrum of NGC 1222 (Mkn 603)

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    The infrared spectra of starburst galaxies are dominated by the low-excitation lines of [NeII] and [SIII], and the stellar populations deduced from these spectra appear to lack stars larger than about 35 Msun. The only exceptions to this result until now were low metallicity dwarf galaxies. We report our analysis of the mid-infrared spectra obtained with IRS on Spitzer of the starburst galaxy NGC 1222 (Mkn 603). NGC 1222 is a large spheroidal galaxy with a starburst nucleus that is a compact radio and infrared source, and its infrared emission is dominated by the [NeIII] line. This is the first starburst of solar or near-solar metallicity, known to us, which is dominated by the high-excitation lines and which is a likely host of high mass stars. We model the emission with several different assumptions as to the spatial distibution of the high- and low-excitation lines and find that the upper mass cutoff in this galaxy is 40-100 Msun.Comment: accepted, Astronomical Journal. 29 pp, 4 figures. In replacement version an acknowledgment to NRAO is adde

    HD 152246 - a new high-mass triple system and its basic properties

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    Analyses of multi-epoch, high-resolution (R ~ 50.000) optical spectra of the O-type star HD 152246 (O9 IV according to the most recent classification), complemented by a limited number of earlier published radial velocities, led to the finding that the object is a hierarchical triple system, where a close inner pair (Ba-Bb) with a slightly eccentric orbit (e = 0.11) and a period of 6.0049 days revolves in a 470-day highly eccentric orbit (e = 0.865) with another massive and brighter component A. The mass ratio of the inner system must be low since we were unable to find any traces of the secondary spectrum. The mass ratio A/(Ba+Bb) is 0.89. The outer system has recently been resolved using long-baseline interferometry on three occasions. The interferometry confirms the spectroscopic results and specifies elements of the system. Our orbital solutions, including the combined radial-velocity and interferometric solution indicate an orbital inclination of the outer orbit of 112{\deg} and stellar masses of 20.4 and 22.8 solar masses. We also disentangled the spectra of components A and Ba and compare them to synthetic spectra from two independent programmes, TLUSTY and FASTWIND. In either case, the fit was not satisfactory and we postpone a better determination of the system properties for a future study, after obtaining observations during the periastron passage of the outer orbit (the nearest chance being March 2015). For the moment, we can only conclude that component A is an O9 IV star with v*sin(i) = 210 +\- 10 km/s and effective temperature of 33000 +\- 500 K, while component Ba is an O9 V object with v*sin(i) = 65 +/- 3 km/s and T_eff = 33600 +\- 600 K.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A multiwavelength study of young massive star forming regions: II. The dust environment

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    We present observations of 1.2-mm dust continuum emission, made with the Swedish ESO Submillimeter Telescope, towards eighteen luminous IRAS point sources, all with colors typical of compact HII regions and associated with CS(2-1) emission, thought to be representative of young massive star forming regions. Emission was detected toward all the IRAS objects. We find that the 1.2-mm sources associated with them have distinct physical parameters, namely sizes of 0.4 pc, dust temperatures of 30 K, masses of 2x10^3 Msun, column densities of 3x10^23 cm^-2, and densities of 4x10^5 cm^-3. We refer to these dust structures as massive and dense cores. Most of the 1.2-mm sources show single-peaked structures, several of which exhibit a bright compact peak surrounded by a weaker extended envelope. The observed radial intensity profiles of sources with this type of morphology are well fitted with power-law intensity profiles with power-law indices in the range 1.0-1.7. This result indicates that massive and dense cores are centrally condensed, having radial density profiles with power-law indices in the range 1.5-2.2. We also find that the UC HII regions detected with ATCA towards the IRAS sources investigated here (Paper I) are usually projected at the peak position of the 1.2-mm dust continuum emission, suggesting that massive stars are formed at the center of the centrally condensed massive and dense cores.Comment: 6 figures, accepted by Ap