12,071 research outputs found

    Room Temperature Coherent and Voltage Tunable Terahertz Emission from Nanometer-Sized Field Effect Transistors

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    We report on reflective electro-optic sampling measurements of TeraHertz emission from nanometer-gate-length InGaAs-based high electron mobility transistors. The room temperature coherent gate-voltage tunable emission is demonstrated. We establish that the physical mechanism of the coherent TeraHertz emission is related to the plasma waves driven by simultaneous current and optical excitation. A significant shift of the plasma frequency and the narrowing of the emission with increasing channel's current are observed and explained as due to the increase of the carriers density and drift velocity.Comment: 3 figure

    Matter-wave diffraction in time with a linear potential

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    Diffraction in time of matter waves incident on a shutter which is removed at time t=0t=0 is studied in the presence of a linear potential. The solution is also discussed in phase space in terms of the Wigner function. An alternative configuration relevant to current experiments where particles are released from a hard wall trap is also analyzed for single-particle states and for a Tonks-Girardeau gas.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    PHARAO Laser Source Flight Model: Design and Performances

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    In this paper, we describe the design and the main performances of the PHARAO laser source flight model. PHARAO is a laser cooled cesium clock specially designed for operation in space and the laser source is one of the main sub-systems. The flight model presented in this work is the first remote-controlled laser system designed for spaceborne cold atom manipulation. The main challenges arise from mechanical compatibility with space constraints, which impose a high level of compactness, a low electric power consumption, a wide range of operating temperature and a vacuum environment. We describe the main functions of the laser source and give an overview of the main technologies developed for this instrument. We present some results of the qualification process. The characteristics of the laser source flight model, and their impact on the clock performances, have been verified in operational conditions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Review of Scientific Instrument

    Discrete Space-Time Volume for 3-Dimensional BF Theory and Quantum Gravity

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    The Turaev-Viro state sum invariant is known to give the transition amplitude for the three dimensional BF theory with cosmological term, and its deformation parameter hbar is related with the cosmological constant via hbar=sqrt{Lambda}. This suggests a way to find the expectation value of the spacetime volume by differentiating the Turaev-Viro amplitude with respect to the cosmological constant. Using this idea, we find an explicit expression for the spacetime volume in BF theory. According to our results, each labelled triangulation carries a volume that depends on the labelling spins. This volume is explicitly discrete. We also show how the Turaev-Viro model can be used to obtain the spacetime volume for (2+1) dimensional quantum gravity.Comment: 13 pages, Revtex, figure

    COLA II - Radio and Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Nuclear Activity in Galaxies

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    We present optical spectroscopic observations of 93 galaxies taken from the infra-red selected COLA (Compact Objects in Low Power AGN) sample. The sample spans the range of far-IR luminosities from normal galaxies to LIRGs. Of the galaxies observed, 78 (84%) exhibit emission lines. Using a theoretically-based optical emission-line scheme we classify 15% of the emission-line galaxies as Seyferts, 77% as starbursts, and the rest are either borderline AGN/starburst or show ambiguous characteristics. We find little evidence for an increase in the fraction of AGN in the sample as a function of far-IR luminosity but our sample covers only a small range in infrared luminosity and thus a weak trend may be masked. As a whole the Seyfert galaxies exhibit a small, but significant, radio excess on the radio-FIR correlation compared to the galaxies classified as starbursts. Compact (<0.05'') radio cores are detected in 55% of the Seyfert galaxies, and these galaxies exhibit a significantly larger radio excess than the Seyfert galaxies in which cores were not detected. Our results indicate that there may be two distinct populations of Seyferts, ``radio-excess'' Seyferts, which exhibit extended radio structures and compact radio cores, and ``radio-quiet'' Seyferts, in which the majority of the radio emission can be attributed to star-formation in the host galaxy. No significant difference is seen between the IR and optical spectroscopic properties of Seyferts with and without radio cores. (Abridged)Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ, February 200

    Cold atom Clocks and Applications

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    This paper describes advances in microwave frequency standards using laser-cooled atoms at BNM-SYRTE. First, recent improvements of the 133^{133}Cs and 87^{87}Rb atomic fountains are described. Thanks to the routine use of a cryogenic sapphire oscillator as an ultra-stable local frequency reference, a fountain frequency instability of 1.6×1014τ1/21.6\times 10^{-14}\tau^{-1/2} where τ\tau is the measurement time in seconds is measured. The second advance is a powerful method to control the frequency shift due to cold collisions. These two advances lead to a frequency stability of 2×10162\times 10^{-16} at 50,000sforthefirsttimeforprimarystandards.Inaddition,theseclocksrealizetheSIsecondwithanaccuracyof50,000s for the first time for primary standards. In addition, these clocks realize the SI second with an accuracy of 7\times 10^{-16},oneorderofmagnitudebelowthatofuncooleddevices.Inasecondpart,wedescribetestsofpossiblevariationsoffundamentalconstantsusing, one order of magnitude below that of uncooled devices. In a second part, we describe tests of possible variations of fundamental constants using ^{87}RbandRb and ^{133}$Cs fountains. Finally we give an update on the cold atom space clock PHARAO developed in collaboration with CNES. This clock is one of the main instruments of the ACES/ESA mission which is scheduled to fly on board the International Space Station in 2008, enabling a new generation of relativity tests.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figure

    Cohomology of skew-holomorphic Lie algebroids

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    We introduce the notion of skew-holomorphic Lie algebroid on a complex manifold, and explore some cohomologies theories that one can associate to it. Examples are given in terms of holomorphic Poisson structures of various sorts.Comment: 16 pages. v2: Final version to be published in Theor. Math. Phys. (incorporates only very minor changes

    New model for surface fracture induced by dynamical stress

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    We introduce a model where an isotropic, dynamically-imposed stress induces fracture in a thin film. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we study how the integrated fragment distribution function depends on the rate of change and magnitude of the imposed stress, as well as on temperature. A mean-field argument shows that the system becomes unstable for a critical value of the stress. We find a striking invariance of the distribution of fragments for fixed ratio of temperature and rate of change of the stress; the interval over which this invariance holds is determined by the force fluctuations at the critical value of the stress.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 4 figures available upon reques

    A Search for Variations of Fundamental Constants using Atomic Fountain Clocks

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    Over five years we have compared the hyperfine frequencies of 133Cs and 87Rb atoms in their electronic ground state using several laser cooled 133Cs and 87Rb atomic fountains with an accuracy of ~10^{-15}. These measurements set a stringent upper bound to a possible fractional time variation of the ratio between the two frequencies : (d/dt)ln(nu_Rb/nu_Cs)=(0.2 +/- 7.0)*10^{-16} yr^{-1} (1 sigma uncertainty). The same limit applies to a possible variation of the quantity (mu_Rb/mu_Cs)*alpha^{-0.44}, which involves the ratio of nuclear magnetic moments and the fine structure constant.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Extended HI Rotation Curve and Mass Distribution of M31

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    New HI observations of Messier 31 (M31) obtained with the Effelsberg and Green Bank 100-m telescopes make it possible to measure the rotation curve of that galaxy out to ~35 kpc. Between 20 and 35 kpc, the rotation curve is nearly flat at a velocity of ~226 km/s. A model of the mass distribution shows that at the last observed velocity point, the minimum dark-to-luminous mass ratio is \~0.5 for a total mass of 3.4 10^11 Msol at R < 35 kpc. This can be compared to the estimated MW mass of 4.9 10^11 Msol for R < 50 kpc.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter