29 research outputs found

    Duality Theorems in Ergodic Transport

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    We analyze several problems of Optimal Transport Theory in the setting of Ergodic Theory. In a certain class of problems we consider questions in Ergodic Transport which are generalizations of the ones in Ergodic Optimization. Another class of problems is the following: suppose σ\sigma is the shift acting on Bernoulli space X={0,1}NX=\{0,1\}^\mathbb{N}, and, consider a fixed continuous cost function c:X×X→Rc:X \times X\to \mathbb{R}. Denote by Π\Pi the set of all Borel probabilities π\pi on X×XX\times X, such that, both its xx and yy marginal are σ\sigma-invariant probabilities. We are interested in the optimal plan π\pi which minimizes ∫cdπ\int c d \pi among the probabilities on Π\Pi. We show, among other things, the analogous Kantorovich Duality Theorem. We also analyze uniqueness of the optimal plan under generic assumptions on cc. We investigate the existence of a dual pair of Lipschitz functions which realizes the present dual Kantorovich problem under the assumption that the cost is Lipschitz continuous. For continuous costs cc the corresponding results in the Classical Transport Theory and in Ergodic Transport Theory can be, eventually, different. We also consider the problem of approximating the optimal plan π\pi by convex combinations of plans such that the support projects in periodic orbits

    On the "Mandelbrot set" for a pair of linear maps and complex Bernoulli convolutions

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    We consider the "Mandelbrot set" MM for pairs of complex linear maps, introduced by Barnsley and Harrington in 1985 and studied by Bousch, Bandt and others. It is defined as the set of parameters λ\lambda in the unit disk such that the attractor AλA_\lambda of the IFS {λz−1,λz+1}\{\lambda z-1, \lambda z+1\} is connected. We show that a non-trivial portion of MM near the imaginary axis is contained in the closure of its interior (it is conjectured that all non-real points of MM are in the closure of the set of interior points of MM). Next we turn to the attractors AλA_\lambda themselves and to natural measures νλ\nu_\lambda supported on them. These measures are the complex analogs of much-studied infinite Bernoulli convolutions. Extending the results of Erd\"os and Garsia, we demonstrate how certain classes of complex algebraic integers give rise to singular and absolutely continuous measures νλ\nu_\lambda. Next we investigate the Hausdorff dimension and measure of AλA_\lambda, for λ\lambda in the set MM, for Lebesgue-a.e. λ\lambda. We also obtain partial results on the absolute continuity of νλ\nu_\lambda for a.e. λ\lambda of modulus greater than 1/2\sqrt{1/2}.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Wavelets techniques for pointwise anti-Holderian irregularity

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    In this paper, we introduce a notion of weak pointwise Holder regularity, starting from the de nition of the pointwise anti-Holder irregularity. Using this concept, a weak spectrum of singularities can be de ned as for the usual pointwise Holder regularity. We build a class of wavelet series satisfying the multifractal formalism and thus show the optimality of the upper bound. We also show that the weak spectrum of singularities is disconnected from the casual one (denoted here strong spectrum of singularities) by exhibiting a multifractal function made of Davenport series whose weak spectrum di ers from the strong one

    Flatness is a Criterion for Selection of Maximizing Measures

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    For a full shift with Np+1 symbols and for a non-positive potential, locally proportional to the distance to one of N disjoint full shifts with p symbols, we prove that the equilibrium state converges as the temperature goes to 0. The main result is that the limit is a convex combination of the two ergodic measures with maximal entropy among maximizing measures and whose supports are the two shifts where the potential is the flattest. In particular, this is a hint to solve the open problem of selection, and this indicates that flatness is probably a/the criterion for selection as it was conjectured by A.O. Lopes. As a by product we get convergence of the eigenfunction at the log-scale to a unique calibrated subaction